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Author Topic: JFK Was Shot From The Front  (Read 20331 times)

Offline Mike Orr

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Re: JFK Was Shot From The Front
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2021, 09:38:27 PM »
So everyone at Parkland was wrong about the locations of the wounds on JFK . I can't blame those who go by the autopsy and the Warren report . After all there was nothing to hide about the placements of the wounds , was there ? Surely the Parkland Dr's. and nurses would not lie about where they saw the wounds on JFK that day ! You can always trust people who say that these files can not be seen for 75 years which of course would leave most of us to be dead by that time . Whether most people trust the govt. or not makes no difference as to the reliability of their claims . For me to take the word of someone on this forum and turn it into a fact of what happened on Nov. 22nd 1963 , is at best , just hearsay as it would not make a very strong case in a court of law . I'm 72 yrs. old and the Assassinations of JFK , MLK, RFK and Malcolm X had a big impact on my life as well as the lives of so many . One group is lying and the other group is telling the truth . Why can't politics work for the masses instead of just the chosen few ?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK Was Shot From The Front
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2021, 09:38:27 PM »

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: JFK Was Shot From The Front
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2021, 10:53:36 PM »
So everyone at Parkland was wrong about the locations of the wounds on JFK . I can't blame those who go by the autopsy and the Warren report . After all there was nothing to hide about the placements of the wounds , was there ? Surely the Parkland Dr's. and nurses would not lie about where they saw the wounds on JFK that day ! You can always trust people who say that these files can not be seen for 75 years which of course would leave most of us to be dead by that time .

At the time, sealing the files was a rule of the National Archives. 99%-+ are now available.

Whether most people trust the govt. or not makes no difference as to the reliability of their claims . For me to take the word of someone on this forum and turn it into a fact of what happened on Nov. 22nd 1963 , is at best , just hearsay as it would not make a very strong case in a court of law . I'm 72 yrs. old and the Assassinations of JFK , MLK, RFK and Malcolm X had a big impact on my life as well as the lives of so many . One group is lying and the other group is telling the truth . Why can't politics work for the masses instead of just the chosen few ?


Parkland ER Nurse Doris Nelson

They gave an honest opinion. But the general consensus was that the gaping wound was on the right side near or above the ear. Some thought it more occipital maybe because of the head being supine with blood and gore running into the scalp and onto the table. Weisberg and Lifton and the like were down at Parkland in the 1970s trying to persuade the doctors the wound location was occipital.

A critic also showed the Parkland doctors this drawing, recording them saying that's not how they remember it. Of course, they didn't see that angle, as the back of Kennedy's head was on the table.

This is like the Republicans gaslighting over what happened on Jan. 6 and the world being saved by "Trump's vaccine". So the "chosen few" who seldom get taken to task are more likely to be the WC critics.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2021, 01:16:32 AM by Jerry Organ »

Offline Anthony Frank

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Re: JFK Was Shot From The Front
« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2021, 01:56:46 AM »
Those at Parkland who reported seeing a large hole in the back of the head were mistaken. The autopsy photos and X-rays do not lie.

The pathologists’ autopsy report says absolutely nothing about the front of the head.

Yet, there are autopsy photos and X-rays that show a “large wound of exit on the front top of the President’s head” where the bullet “exited on the front of the head, just above the forehead.”

In 1972, Dr. John K. Lattimer examined the photographs and X-rays purportedly from President Kennedy’s autopsy that are on file at the National Archives, and he testified to the Rockefeller Commission in 1975 that they show a “wound of entrance into the back of his skull” and a “large wound of exit on the front top of the President’s head” where the bullet “exited on the front of the head, just above the forehead.”

In February 1968, four years before Dr. Lattimer examined the autopsy material, Attorney General Ramsey Clark assembled a panel of four physicians to examine the autopsy photographs and X-rays, after which the “Clark Panel” issued a report stating that a bullet entered President Kennedy’s skull in the “occipital region,” producing a small wound measuring .23 inches by .59 inches. The bullet then “passed forward” to “explosively fracture the right frontal and parietal bones as it emerged from the head.”

In March 1979, the House Select Committee on Assassinations had their “Medical Panel” examine the autopsy photographs and listen to the testimony of President Kennedy’s three pathologists, after which the Medical Panel concluded, “The bullet exited in the top front area of the skull.”

Moving the massive exit wound to the front of the head was, however, a two-stage process.

In 1967, autopsy photos were used to support the pathologists’ autopsy report, which, again, [b}says absolutely nothing about the front of the head[/b]. It states that the bullet exited on the “right” side of the head, as opposed to the “front” of the head.

In January 1967, the Justice Department had President Kennedy’s three pathologists “examine the X-rays and photographs for the purpose of determining whether they are consistent with the autopsy report.” The Justice Department also prepared a document for the pathologists to sign stating that the autopsy X-rays and photographs show “a small wound” in the “back of the head” and a “massive” wound located on the “right side of the head,” which “corroborates” the pathologists’ autopsy report.

The three pathologists, all of whom were military officers, dutifully signed the Justice Department document.

The following year, 1968, autopsy photographs were fabricated to move the massive exit wound to the front of the head. The “Clark Panel” then examined them and confirmed that they show a small entrance wound at the back of the head and a massive exit wound at the front of the head, thus firming up the “official” position that President Kennedy was shot from behind.

The objective of the cover up was to maintain the official government position that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin who shot President Kennedy from behind, thus relieving the CIA of any culpability in the assassination.

A 1967 Secret Service document states that the autopsy photographs and X-rays “were in the custody and the possession of the United States Secret Service” from November 22, 1963, until April 26, 1965, during which time the CIA easily substituted bogus autopsy photographs.

If the autopsy photographs and X-rays are authentic, then the doctors and nurses at Parkland Hospital could not see a massive exit wound at the front of President Kennedy’s head, and the pathologists who performed the autopsy could not see a massive exit wound at the front of President Kennedy’s head.

And what ever happened to those autopsy photographs and X-rays that show a “massive” wound located on the “right side of the head,” as opposed to the “front” of the head?

It’s all in my book. Click the link.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK Was Shot From The Front
« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2021, 01:56:46 AM »

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: JFK Was Shot From The Front
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2021, 02:14:39 AM »
The pathologists’ autopsy report says absolutely nothing about the front of the head.

Yet, there are autopsy photos and X-rays that show a “large wound of exit on the front top of the President’s head” where the bullet “exited on the front of the head, just above the forehead.”

In 1972, Dr. John K. Lattimer examined the photographs and X-rays purportedly from President Kennedy’s autopsy that are on file at the National Archives, and he testified to the Rockefeller Commission in 1975 that they show a “wound of entrance into the back of his skull” and a “large wound of exit on the front top of the President’s head” where the bullet “exited on the front of the head, just above the forehead.”

In February 1968, four years before Dr. Lattimer examined the autopsy material, Attorney General Ramsey Clark assembled a panel of four physicians to examine the autopsy photographs and X-rays, after which the “Clark Panel” issued a report stating that a bullet entered President Kennedy’s skull in the “occipital region,” producing a small wound measuring .23 inches by .59 inches. The bullet then “passed forward” to “explosively fracture the right frontal and parietal bones as it emerged from the head.”

In March 1979, the House Select Committee on Assassinations had their “Medical Panel” examine the autopsy photographs and listen to the testimony of President Kennedy’s three pathologists, after which the Medical Panel concluded, “The bullet exited in the top front area of the skull.”

Moving the massive exit wound to the front of the head was, however, a two-stage process.

In 1967, autopsy photos were used to support the pathologists’ autopsy report, which, again, [b}says absolutely nothing about the front of the head[/b]. It states that the bullet exited on the “right” side of the head, as opposed to the “front” of the head.

In January 1967, the Justice Department had President Kennedy’s three pathologists “examine the X-rays and photographs for the purpose of determining whether they are consistent with the autopsy report.” The Justice Department also prepared a document for the pathologists to sign stating that the autopsy X-rays and photographs show “a small wound” in the “back of the head” and a “massive” wound located on the “right side of the head,” which “corroborates” the pathologists’ autopsy report.

The three pathologists, all of whom were military officers, dutifully signed the Justice Department document.

The following year, 1968, autopsy photographs were fabricated to move the massive exit wound to the front of the head. The “Clark Panel” then examined them and confirmed that they show a small entrance wound at the back of the head and a massive exit wound at the front of the head, thus firming up the “official” position that President Kennedy was shot from behind.

The objective of the cover up was to maintain the official government position that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin who shot President Kennedy from behind, thus relieving the CIA of any culpability in the assassination.

A 1967 Secret Service document states that the autopsy photographs and X-rays “were in the custody and the possession of the United States Secret Service” from November 22, 1963, until April 26, 1965, during which time the CIA easily substituted bogus autopsy photographs.

If the autopsy photographs and X-rays are authentic, then the doctors and nurses at Parkland Hospital could not see a massive exit wound at the front of President Kennedy’s head, and the pathologists who performed the autopsy could not see a massive exit wound at the front of President Kennedy’s head.

And what ever happened to those autopsy photographs and X-rays that show a “massive” wound located on the “right side of the head,” as opposed to the “front” of the head?

It’s all in my book. Click the link.

The bullet did exit the front of his head, high in the forehead above the right eye. The large wound extends back from that, in the temporal/parietal region. The exit wound was never moved to the front. It was always there. The autopsy photos and X-rays do not lie. They were confirmed as being authentic and unaltered by two separate panels of experts working for the HSCA and well as by the photographer who took the photos and the Radiologist responsible for the X-rays.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2021, 02:15:54 AM by Tim Nickerson »

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: JFK Was Shot From The Front
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2021, 02:21:35 AM »

And what ever happened to those autopsy photographs and X-rays that show a “massive” wound located on the “right side of the head,” as opposed to the “front” of the head?

The autopsy photos and X-Rays do show a massive wound on the right side of the head. The X-rays are a bit hard to interpret though because the portable X-machine that they were using was somewhat primitive and was only used to locate any bullets or fragments that might have remained in the body. CT Pat Speer does a very good job of explaining the machine and the X-Rays on his site.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK Was Shot From The Front
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2021, 02:21:35 AM »

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: JFK Was Shot From The Front
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2021, 02:39:25 AM »
« Last Edit: June 16, 2021, 01:19:23 AM by Jerry Organ »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: JFK Was Shot From The Front
« Reply #22 on: June 05, 2021, 03:38:22 AM »

If the autopsy photographs and X-rays are authentic,......

The autopsy photographs were authenticated by the HSCA and eventually computer power which only became available much later, indisputably proved their authenticity.

A lot of the autopsy photos were taken slightly apart in stereoscopic pairs and these images can be combined into one rotating image and if even one of the corresponding pixels shares a different depth map then we will no longer have a smooth rotation, which is impossible to recreate by hand and therefore what you see in the following images is PRECISELY what was photographed at the autopsy.

The earliest eyewitnesses all describe the EXACT same injury as we see in the Zapruder film.

Mary Moorman's photo captured a fraction of a second after the headshot graphically shows the same torn scalp shape as seen in the autopsy photos. Another example of independent events with a 100% corroboration.

Sorry Anthony, but it's all over red rover and you didn't even have to buy a book to learn the truth.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2021, 03:48:16 AM by John Mytton »

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: JFK Was Shot From The Front
« Reply #23 on: June 05, 2021, 06:21:02 AM »
The autopsy photographs were authenticated by the HSCA and eventually computer power which only became available much later, indisputably proved their authenticity.

A lot of the autopsy photos were taken slightly apart in stereoscopic pairs and these images can be combined into one rotating image and if even one of the corresponding pixels shares a different depth map then we will no longer have a smooth rotation, which is impossible to recreate by hand and therefore what you see in the following images is PRECISELY what was photographed at the autopsy.

The earliest eyewitnesses all describe the EXACT same injury as we see in the Zapruder film.

Mary Moorman's photo captured a fraction of a second after the headshot graphically shows the same torn scalp shape as seen in the autopsy photos. Another example of independent events with a 100% corroboration.

Sorry Anthony, but it's all over red rover and you didn't even have to buy a book to learn the truth.


You really are working for the CIA, aren't you?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK Was Shot From The Front
« Reply #23 on: June 05, 2021, 06:21:02 AM »