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Author Topic: The KGB Impersonated Oswald in Mexico to Connect Castro to the Assassination  (Read 25608 times)

Offline Anthony Frank

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Re: the "199 pounds" subject....

That's merely a typo. It should say 119. Here's the proof of that (near the bottom of this page):

DVP, nice to see you again. I have not seen you since the CIA contacted you and brought you to see me in Marysville, CA. I'm sure you remember signing a secret agreement with the CIA. You seemed really afraid of the information in my book.

As for Oswald in Mexico, I will simply repeat that the documented evidence in my first post speaks for itself. If Oswald had visited the Soviet and Cuban embassies six times, the CIA would have known about it.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2021, 03:11:14 AM by Anthony Frank »

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Online David Von Pein

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2021, 06:34:08 AM »
DVP, nice to see you again. I have not seen you since the CIA contacted you and brought you to see me in Marysville, CA. I'm sure you remember signing a secret agreement with the CIA. You seemed really afraid of the information in my book.

I see your fanciful delusions are still going strong. (If, that is, you're the same person named Anthony Frank that I remember from Debra Conway's Lancer Forum in the early 2000s.)

Unfortunately, I didn't archive a whole lot of the discussions during my Lancer days, so the following delusional comment is the only one written by Anthony Frank that I've been able to find on my own website/archive ----- "Anything linking LHO to the Tippit shooting was manufactured." -- Anthony Frank; June 26, 2005

As for Oswald in Mexico, I will simply repeat that the documented evidence in my first post speaks for itself. If Oswald had visited the Soviet and Cuban embassies six times, the CIA would have known about it.

Isn't it nice that there are so many people (like Tony Frank) who are willing to just toss all this evidence out the nearest window in order to endorse their inept theories?:

Given all of the above evidence, it would have been virtually impossible for Lee Oswald to have NOT been in Mexico City in September & October of 1963.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2021, 06:38:18 AM by David Von Pein »

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2021, 04:45:16 PM »
Oleg Nechiporenko was one of the three KGB agents/Soviet Embassy officers who talked with Oswald when he, Oswald, went to the Embassy in Mexico City in search of a visa. Nechiporenko (and the others) said Oswald was hysterical, emotional and erratic. He described the meeting in his book "Passport to Assassination"

This is part of it (pgs. 77=78): "[During the discussion] Oswald suddenly became hysterical, began to sob, and through his tears cried, "I am afraid...they'll kill me!" Repeating over and over that he was being persecuted and that he was being followed even here in Mexico, he stuck his right hand into the left pocket of his jacket and pulled out a revolver, saying, "See? This is what I need to defend myself!"

"I was dumbfounded and looked at Pavel [Yatsov, his fellow KGB agent], who had turned slightly pale but then quickly said to me, "Here, give me that piece." I took the revolver from the table and handed it to Pavel. Oswald, sobbing wiped away his tears. He did not respond to my movements. Pavel, who had grabbed the revolver, opened the chamber and emptied the bullets..."

After the assassination, Nechiporenko discussed Oswald with his fellow agents. He read the files on Oswald compiled by the KGB. The KGB had concluded that Oswald's traits included:

1. Strongly individualistic, conflicts with society
2. Psychological [problems], nervous instability
3.Inertia when he has no interest in the matter
4.Lack of organizing skills
5. Lack of any professional skills

The Cubans who met Oswald at the Cuban consulate in Mexico City said he was hysterical and aggressive and had to be physically escorted out the building. Oswald was told that "the Revolution doesn't need people like you" and was told to leave.

It's difficult to imagine why an impostor - trying to persuade the Cubans or Soviets that he was an ally - would behave this way. It makes no sense on any level. This is the behavior of someone - who if he's acting - that is trying to get rejected by the Cubans and Soviets. And if you're impersonating Oswald why go back again and again and again? And leave a photograph for an application? That's risking exposure.

In any case, the three KGB senior officials - these were very serious and well trained people; not a office secretary - said the man they met was indeed Lee Oswald. Is that proof? No but if you look at the totality of evidence it shows that Oswald did go to Mexico City.

The lack of a photograph of him entering the facilities (and the CIA had no coverage on weekends) doesn't eliminate all of this other evidence.

The three KGB agents were interviewed in 1993. They are shown below.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2021, 04:45:16 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2021, 04:55:07 PM »
Some claims are so outlandish that there is no basis for reasonable discussion as the poster would not have reached this conclusion had they not been impervious to facts or reason.  Oswald's presence in Mexico is well documented.  There would be no real reason for conspirators to fake such a trip.  And think of the complexity and risk of pulling that off including convincing employees of the embassies of a hostile power to lie for them.  It's ridiculous.  Oswald was already a known Marxist defector.  There would be no apparent purpose to faking his presence in Mexico City.  If the conspirators wanted to make it look as though Cuba played a role in the assassination as a pretext for an invasion via this trip to the embassy, then why would they do exactly the opposite and put all the blame on Oswald and absolve Cuba of any involvement after the assassination?  Narrative consistency has never stood in the way of a good CTer yarn, though.

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2021, 05:15:50 PM »
Some claims are so outlandish that there is no basis for reasonable discussion as the poster would not have reached this conclusion had they not been impervious to facts or reason.  Oswald's presence in Mexico is well documented.  There would be no real reason for conspirators to fake such a trip.  And think of the complexity and risk of pulling that off including convincing employees of the embassies of a hostile power to lie for them.  It's ridiculous.  Oswald was already a known Marxist defector.  There would be no apparent purpose to faking his presence in Mexico City.  If the conspirators wanted to make it look as though Cuba played a role in the assassination as a pretext for an invasion via this trip to the embassy, then why would they do exactly the opposite and put all the blame on Oswald and absolve Cuba of any involvement after the assassination?  Narrative consistency has never stood in the way of a good CTer yarn, though.
If this was an impostor then his behavior makes no sense on any level. Why act like an erratic, unstable person? And why go back several times? Isn't once enough?

If the idea was for the CIA to connect Oswald to the Cubans and/or Soviets (for whatever reason) then why send an agent to act this way? And look at the timing. This was about two months before the assassination. How does connecting Oswald to the Cubans/Soviets on September 27, 1963 get you to the assassination on November 23 22, 1963?

Furthermore, as you point out, the Warren Commission exonerated Cuban and the Soviets from any role. They said Oswald alone - with no foreign help - assassinated JFK. So what's the purpose of falsifying a visit?

Finally, this claim is especially illogical. Supposedly this person photographed below was impersonating Oswald.

The KGB officers in the MC Soviet Embassy were shown this man and they all said the man was not the Lee Oswald they met. One of them, Oleg Nechiporenko, said it was an American who had visited the Embassy before and that he did not say he was Lee Oswald.

But the Cubans got this photo below from the above alleged impersonator for his transit visa application.

So the above balding older man gave the photo immediately above for his application? And Duran didn't notice it was two completely different men?

It's like "Groundhog Conspiracy Day". Day after day the same conspiracy silliness.

« Last Edit: May 26, 2021, 08:57:48 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2021, 05:15:50 PM »

Offline Michael Walton

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2021, 08:53:39 PM »
CIA Headquarters sent a cable to the Mexico City station on November 23 instructing them to send a CIA officer “with all photos” of Oswald at the Soviet and Cuban Embassies “to HQ on next available flight.”

You are correct. He was never there. And Oswald himself denied he was there.

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2021, 09:17:18 PM »
If they're framing Oswald for going to Mexico City why did they, e.g., the FBI, say he denied going there when asked? He's dead, he can't refute the allegation.

If the FBI et al. framed him they would say, as part of this plan, that he admitted to going there. They're not going to say that he denied it. Why would they do that? If the purpose was to frame him then frame him: have him say he admitted to it. Again, he's dead, he can't deny it.

Offline Anthony Frank

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Furthermore, as you point out, the Warren Commission exonerated Cuban and the Soviets from any role. They said Oswald alone - with no foreign help - assassinated JFK. So what's the purpose of falsifying a visit?

My book makes it clear that KGB officers inside the CIA assassinated JFK and that a KGB officer impersonated Oswald at the Soviet and Cuban embassies. They needed to connect the Soviet Union and Cuba to President Kennedy’s assassination so that LBJ would fear the possibility of a nuclear war.

My book clearly lays out the need to establish a Soviet/Cuban connection.

“Chief Justice Earl Warren admitted that Johnson established the Warren Commission seven days after the assassination because Johnson came to have a profound fear that Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev and Cuban Premier Fidel Castro were behind the assassination. President Johnson feared that their involvement could get the United States into, in Earl Warren’s words, ‘a nuclear war.’

“The retired Chief Justice was interviewed in December 1972 and stated that when he went to the White House on November 29, 1963, President Johnson ‘told me he felt conditions around the world were so bad at the moment that he thought it might even get us into a war; a nuclear war.’”

“When President Johnson called Senator Richard Russell on November 29 to enlist him for the Warren Commission, he pointedly told Russell, ‘We’ve got to take this out of the arena where they’re testifying that Khrushchev and Castro did this and did that and chuck us into a war that can kill 40 million Americans in an hour.’”

“Warren met with the Commission staff on January 20, 1964, and a staff memorandum from the meeting states that Warren ‘discussed the circumstances under which he had accepted the chairmanship of the Commission.’ Warren told the staff that ‘rumors’ that were ‘circulating in this country and overseas’ had to be ‘quenched, or the rumors ‘could conceivably lead the country into a war which could cost 40 million lives. No one could refuse to do something which might help to prevent such a possibility.’”

The Warren Commission was obviously given a “no conspiracy” mandate based on the claim that Oswald went to Mexico an visited the Soviet and Cuban Embassies.

I am not surprised that KGB officers would maintain that it was actually Oswald in Mexico. They certainly would not be admitting that their KGB colleagues assassinated President Kennedy and that a KGB officer impersonated Oswald in Mexico as part of the plan.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2021, 03:20:35 AM by Anthony Frank »

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