This doesn't seem to make sense. You are saying the KGB assassinated JFK and made no effort to conceal this but in fact they actively planted evidence so LBJ would know it was them who assassinated JFK?
On the contrary, the KGB’s objective was to blame anti-Castro Cubans for the assassination. Oswald’s alleged Mexico visit caused LBJ to fear a nuclear war due to Soviet and Cuban involvement, which would cause Johnson to establish the Warren Commission with a “no conspiracy” mandate.
The following excerpts from my book should give you some understanding.
“Nicholas Katzenbach, a CIA officer operating with an “official cover” as Deputy Attorney General, initiated the push for a Presidential Commission on SaPersonay, November 23, one day after President Kennedy’s assassination.
“Katzenbach continued to push for a Commission on Sunday, and his three-day effort culminated in a memo to the White House on Monday, November 25, stating, ‘The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial,’ which means Katzenbach’s proposed Commission would have a ‘no conspiracy’ mandate and be tasked with making a case for the deceased Oswald being the lone assassin.”
“Katzenbach’s memo to the White House also states that a perspective should be proffered ‘which will satisfy people in the United States and abroad that all the facts have been told, and that a statement to this affect be made now . . . . We should have some basis for rebutting the thought that this was a Communist conspiracy.’”
“The simple fact is that no matter what the Warren Commission found out, they would abide by their instructions to tell the American public that there was no conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy.”
“The CIA initially supplied President Johnson and the Warren Commission with information that implicated Castro in the assassination, and they later told the Warren Commission that anti-Castro Cubans were responsible for assassinating President Kennedy. The anti-Castro Cubans’ alleged motive was to blame Castro for the assassination and thus provoke a U.S. invasion of Cuba.”
“Soviet KGB officers inside the CIA were more than happy to orchestrate a grand production blaming anti-Castro Cubans for assassinating President Kennedy.”
“In Katzenbach’s memo to the White House on November 25 as he pushed to establish a Presidential Commission, he not only said that the Commission should establish “some basis for rebutting the thought that this was a Communist conspiracy,” but also that the Commission needed to rebut the idea that it was ‘a right-wing conspiracy to blame it on the Communists.’
“When the Warren Commission was formed, covering up the CIA’s information that anti-Castro Cubans killed President Kennedy was just as important as covering up the CIA’s initial information implicating Castro in the assassination.”
It’s all in my book. Click the link.