They weren’t “wrong.” They simply lied.
They met with the so-called “unidentified mystery man,” who was one of their KGB colleagues in the CIA.
The KGB officer impersonating Oswald spoke with a KGB officer named Kostikov, who “specialized in handling Soviet agents operating under deep cover in the United States,” which, of course, included KGB officers inside the CIA.
Kostikov was “believed to work for Department Thirteen of the First Chief Directorate of the KGB. It is the Department responsible for executive action, including sabotage and assassination.”
I have first-hand knowledge that Warren Commission Exhibit 237, the Mexico City “unidentified mystery man,” is a photograph of one of President Kennedy’s three assassins.
It’s all explained in my book.

Well, if all of the evidence that Oswald went to MC can be dismissed as lies and fake then where do we go? If I presented a thousand pieces of evidence - hell, if Oswald himself said he went there - your response would be it's all lies, correct? Or faked. It's a useless conversation.
One question, please. You believe this person below (and pictured above) impersonated Oswald. Even though there is no evidence whatsoever that he did so. Nobody - including the CIA - said he said he was Oswald. It was simply a photo they erroneously released.

As I mentioned above, all of the KGB officers in the MC Soviet Embassy were shown this man in 1993 after there was no Soviet Union in existence and they all said the man was not the Lee Oswald they met. One of them, Oleg Nechiporenko, said it was an American who had visited the Embassy before and that he did not say he was Lee Oswald. You say that they're all lying and if I understand you correctly believe they were the real assassins of JFK, right?
But the Cubans got this photo, provided to the HSCA, below from the above alleged impersonator for his transit visa application.

So you believe the above balding man impersonating Oswald gave the photo above to the Cubans, i.e., Duran, for his transit visa application and the Cubans didn't see it was two different men? So do you believe that the Cubans were involved in this too? And all of the other eyewitnesses - the women on the bus, the people at the hotel - who said the man was Oswald are lying? Or what?
I'll just add: no aide to LBJ, including ones who lived AFTER the collapse of the Soviet Union, revealed this plot, this suppression of the knowledge that the KGB was behind the assassination, that you say took place. Two of his top aides: Bill Moyers and Joe Califano are still alive. Why don't they reveal this conspiracy? BTW, Califano believes Oswald acted on behalf of Castro. And no one in the Pentagon or CIA or otherwise alive at the time who lived after the demise of the USSR admitted to this. If your theory is true then why did they continue to hide it? There was no Soviet Union anymore. They can reveal what happened. And become famous. And make lots of money with a book detailing this. But none did.
And no one who worked for the Warren Commission, including men who lived after the end of the Soviet Union, ever came forward and said anything about this. Howard Willens, a major member of the commission, is still alive. Why doesn't he reveal this coverup? Other members of the commission lived until recently. None - not one - revealed this supposed coverup.
It makes no sense to me. You have conspiracy on top of conspiracy and coverup on top of coverups as your explanation. The whole explanation collapses on its contradictions.