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Author Topic: The KGB Impersonated Oswald in Mexico to Connect Castro to the Assassination  (Read 25376 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #40 on: May 31, 2021, 12:18:27 AM »
Silly.  What difference does it make what language that Oswald wrote the letter in?  The point is that it confirms he went to Mexico City.  There is zero doubt on this point and it makes absolutely no sense for anyone including your fantasy conspirators to have faked such a trip.  That would have been pointless and extremely risky.
  A written letter [even if it was in Swahili] confirms without a doubt that a trip was made?
 'Absolutely no sense to have faked....'?  People fake stuff all the time.
What was so 'extremely risky'?   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #40 on: May 31, 2021, 12:18:27 AM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #41 on: May 31, 2021, 12:42:54 AM »
  A written letter [even if it was in Swahili] confirms without a doubt that a trip was made?
 'Absolutely no sense to have faked....'?  People fake stuff all the time.
What was so 'extremely risky'?

Ah, yes.  It was written by Oswald.  It confirms he went to Mexico City.  Why would Oswald or anyone fake a letter confirming that he went to Mexico City?  It was risky to fake Oswald's presence for obvious reasons.  If he wasn't in Mexico City, then he was somewhere else.  And whoever saw him there could have blown the conspiracy.  How do they get the folks at the Russian and Cuban embassies to go along with the fraud?  Random people who were on his bus etc.   Good grief.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #42 on: May 31, 2021, 01:17:26 AM »
   And whoever saw him there could have blown the conspiracy. 
So you admit that there was a conspiracy. That is OK. The HSCA states that there probably was.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #42 on: May 31, 2021, 01:17:26 AM »

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #43 on: May 31, 2021, 01:35:04 AM »
Yes... repeating the same errors from two years ago. How is it that Oswald [who could read and write in Russian] would write a letter to the Soviet Embassy in English? Does that make any sense? Perhaps Chapman, Smith, Von Pein or Organ could clarify that as they have failed to do this for months.
You have also posted that---Not true... Ms Duran was not a Cuban official .
Okay, my sloppiness. She was a secretary/officer worker/visa worker who worked in the consulate.

Now your mistake: he didn't write a letter to the Soviet Embassy. He typed it on Ruth Paine's typewriter. The FBI matched the letter to the typewriter. Both Ruth and Marina testified they saw him type it out. He then signed it and addressed it. Both his signature and the handwriting on the enveloped was identified as belonging to him.

But you believe they were lying too, correct? The signatures identified as belonging to him were faked. The eyewitnesses who saw him on the bus, who saw him at the Cuban consulate, who saw him at the Soviet Embassy, who saw him at the hotel, who saw him at the restaurant were all wrong. All of the evidence - the physical, the eyewitness and circumstantial are all meaningless.

As to his writing proficiency in Russian: what's the evidence that he was proficient in writing Russian? Proficient meaning capable of writing a legible letter. Look at that draft note. It's a mess. But you think that note is fake, right? So look/read his English writings, his writings on politics. They are almost unreadable; filled with grammar problems and spelling mistakes. And that's in his native language. He was probably dyslexic as well. His ability to write a coherent, readable letter in Russian at that time was, in my considered view, nonexistent. Thus the typewritten letter.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 02:37:37 AM by Steve M. Galbraith »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #44 on: May 31, 2021, 06:22:09 AM »
Here is the typed letter..both Marina and Ruth Paine saw him type it...
Again you post---
Now your mistake: he didn't write a letter to the Soviet Embassy. He typed it on Ruth Paine's typewriter. The FBI matched the letter to the typewriter. Both Ruth and Marina testified they saw him type it out. He then signed it and addressed it. Both his signature and the handwriting on the enveloped was identified as belonging to him. As to his writing proficiency in Russian: what's the evidence that he was proficient in writing Russian? Look at that draft note. It's a mess. But you think that note is fake, right?
For one thing...I didn't suggest that Oswald wrote anything to anyone. To avoid confusion...what are we discussing? CE 15? Composed just barely weeks before the assassination? Nov 9, 1963 to be exact [date on the letter]
Here is a clearer copy---- Mrs Paine didn't have a Cyrillic keyboard but just like Russian correspondence isn't [as a token rule] accepted by the American government....well anyway I know what I am talking about [having married a Soviet national myself]
Mr. RANKIN. Do you know about a letter from your husband to the Embassy asking that his request for a visa be considered separately from yours?
Mrs. OSWALD. No, I don't.
Why did Marina deny it there?
Mr. RANKIN. I offer in evidence Exhibit 15.
The CHAIRMAN. It may be admitted.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 15, and received in evidence.)
Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Chief Justice, I think in the examination about this letter, if I would circulate it to the Commission it would be a little clearer what it is all about--if you could have a moment or two to examine it, I think it would help in your understanding of the examination.
Mrs. OSWALD. This was typed on the typewriter belonging to Ruth. [Who coached her to say that?]
Mr. RANKIN. You can tell that by the looks of the typing, can you, Mrs. Oswald?
Mrs. OSWALD. No, I don't know, but I know that he was typing there. I don't know what he was typing.
Mr. RANKIN. And it is Ruth Paine's typewriter that you are referring to, when you say Ruth?
Mrs. OSWALD. Ruth Paine. Because Lee did not have a typewriter, and it is hardly likely that he would have had it typed somewhere else.
Mr. RANKIN. I hand you Exhibit 16, which purports to be the envelope for the letter, Exhibit 15. Have you ever seen that?
Mrs. OSWALD. The envelope I did see. I did not see the letter, but I did see the envelope. Lee had retyped it some 10 times or so.
Mr. RANKIN. Do you recall or could you clarify for us about the date on the envelope--whether it is November 2 or November 12?
Mrs. OSWALD. November 12.
Lee had to retype an envelope "10 times or so"? Good Lord! How many times did he [supposedly] type the actual letter? This letter business was a couple of weeks before the assassination so how come it was not mentioned at all in the timeline of events?----
Let's see...
October 16, 1963: LHO begins work at the TSBD.
October 23, 1963: LHO attends a right-wing rally where General Walker is a speaker. [Why? When supposedly it was Oswald's wish that Walker were dead]
October 25, 1963: Michael Paine and LHO attend a meeting of the ACLU. [Why?]
November 1, 1963: Hosty interviews Ruth and Marina at the Paine home. Also that day, LHO rents a new PO box and sends letters to the ACLU and the American Communist Party [Why?]
November 3, 1963: Ruth gives LHO a driving lesson. [Oswald wants to learn to drive and yet still wants to go back to Russia?]
November 9, 1963: Ruth takes LHO to the Driver Examination Station  it was closed [so what about the letter supposedly written on the 9th?]
November 11, 1963: LHO spends Veteran's Day at the Paine home.
November 12, 1963: LHO delivers a note to the FBI building addressed to Hosty
November 15, 1963: Marina advises LHO not to come the following weekend [Friday 7 days before the assassination]
Nothing in the timeline about any letter writing to the Soviet Embassy... not anywhere.
Mr. JENNER - Would you describe the incident? In the meantime, I will obtain the rough draft here among my notes.
Mrs. PAINE - All right. This was on the morning of November 9, SaPersonay. He asked to use my typewriter, and I said he might.
Mr. JENNER - Excuse me. Would you please. state to the Commission why you are reasonably firm that it was the morning of November 9? What arrests your attention to that particular date?
Mrs. PAINE - Because I remember the weekend that this note or rough draft remained on my secretary desk. He spent the weekend on it. And the weekend was close and its residence on that desk was stopped also on the evening of Sunday, the 10th, when I moved everything in the living room around; the whole arrangement of the furniture was changed, so that I am very clear in my mind as to what weekend this was.
Mr. JENNER - All right, go ahead.
Mrs. PAINE - He was using the typewriter. I came and put June in her high-chair near him at the table where he was typing, and he moved something over what he was typing from, which aroused my curiosity.
Mr. JENNER - Why did that arouse your curiosity?
Mrs. PAINE - It appeared he didn't want me to see what he was writing or to whom he was writing.
Mr. JENNER - It did make you curious?
Mrs. PAINE - It did make me curious. Then, later that day, I noticed a scrawling handwriting on a piece of paper on the corner at the top of my secretary desk in the living room. It remained there. [Like every thing else...It seemed as though Lee went out of his way to leave every piece of incriminating evidence he possibly could to show what a deceitful sneaky phony he was. If Ruthie felt this way why did she allow him into her house to begin with?]
Mrs. PAINE - He typed it early in the morning of that day because after he typed it we went to the place where you get the test for drivers. It was that same day.
Mr. JENNER - It was election day and the driver's license place was closed, is that correct?
Mrs. PAINE - Yes.
Mr. JENNER - And that was November 9?
Mrs. PAINE - Yes.
Mr. JENNER - Now you have reached the point where you are reading the letter on the morning of November 10.
Mrs. PAINE - That is right; after I had noticed that it lay on my desk the previous evening.
"I was unable to remain in Mexico City (because I considered useless--)"
If Oswald didn't want Mrs Paine to see what he was writing then why would he leave everything there laying around so she could pick it up and read it?
Mr. JENNER - What did you do?
Mrs. PAINE - I then proceeded to read the whole note, wondering, knowing this to be false, wondering why he was saying it. I was irritated to have him writing a falsehood on my typewriter, I may say, too. I felt I had some cause to look at it. [What did she say/think was "false"?]
Mr. JENNER - May I have your permission, Mr. Chairman. The document is short. It is relevant to the witness' testimony, and might I read it aloud in the record to draw your attention to it?
Mr. McCLOY - Without objection.
Mr. JENNER - Mrs. Paine, would you help me by reading it, since you have it there.
Mrs. PAINE - Do you want me to leave out all the crossed out--
Mr. JENNER - No; I wish you would indicate that too.
Mrs. PAINE - "Dear Sirs:
"This is to inform you of events since my interview with comrade Kostine in the Embassy of the Soviet Union, Mexico City, Mexico."

(Discussion off the record.) Wonder what was said by the nosy Mrs Paine?

Mrs. PAINE - He typed it early in the morning of that day because after he typed it we went to the place where you get the test for drivers. It was that same day. [Oh! He typed it all early in one morning while the girls weren't looking :-\]
Mr. JENNER - It was election day and the driver's license place was closed, is that correct?
Mrs. PAINE - Yes.
Mr. JENNER - And that was November 9?
It just all doesn't pass the smell test.
Also I see [nor can find] any testimony where Ruth and Marina said that they actually saw Oswald type any letter. One morning--wala there it was [or wasn't].

BTW ...Silvia Duran was a Mexican national.
Again a lot of this was covered here....,1599.0.html

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #44 on: May 31, 2021, 06:22:09 AM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #45 on: May 31, 2021, 07:05:08 AM »
This is a great documentary.  The Mexico City talk begins at 1:01:30
You mean a great crockumentary. You really like Priscillakins huh?

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #46 on: May 31, 2021, 07:09:59 AM »
And as for no photographs of Oswald during his alleged visits to the two embassies on SaPersonay, September 28, the CIA claimed, “Both the Cuban and Soviet Embassies were closed to the public on SaPersonays,” and “photographic coverage was normally suspended” on SaPersonays. How could Oswald have visited either embassy on SaPersonay, September 28, if both embassies were closed to the public that day?
That question has been and will continue to remain ignored.

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #47 on: June 01, 2021, 11:59:10 AM »
This is a great documentary.  The Mexico City talk begins at 1:01:30

Good things on the menu... waiter, I'll have the "mumbo"? Small, sir? No, jumbo!

... A large number of questions related to Marina's ongoing association with Priscilla Johnson McMillan, who herself had testified in closed session the previous year. Mrs. Porter began by describing how she first met Miss Johnson after rejecting a written request to coauthor a book, when the writer arrived at her doorstep (despite the fact that Marina was under Secret Service protection and FBI scrutiny.) Through her business manager, James Martin (whom she later fired), Marina had received numerous offers, but until she met Miss Johnson, felt uneasy about the idea of the "shameful position" she was in. She indicated to the committee that she liked Miss Johnson because of "her intelligence," along with "the way she spoke Russian beautifully," and the fact that she had lived in the Soviet Union. She was asked if Miss Johnson had mentioned having worked for the CIA, or if the CIA was ever discussed such as in connection with Lee, but Marina could not recall any reference having been made. Marina also couldn't remember any details about the bus ticket found in 1964 during Miss Johnson's interviews, verifying Oswald's bus trip to Mexico City (which James Hosty later described having looked at while at Dallas police headquarters on Monday, Nov. 25, 1963.)(5)

Mrs. Porter was asked if she and Priscilla were still close friends; she not only answered "yes" but revealed that she had seen Mrs. McMillan as recently as the night before her testimony, certainly suggesting the possibility that Marina had been "coached" in preparation for her testimony. ..

...When Priscilla asked what was of interest , I implied that I had some explosive documents on the Oppenheimer affair and was searching for an honest journalist to complete the investigation and let the chips fall where they may . “ Well , Sam , I ..."

« Last Edit: June 01, 2021, 12:32:13 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald Was Never in Mexico
« Reply #47 on: June 01, 2021, 11:59:10 AM »