The same pattern applied to the Media’s coverage of Russiagate too.
And those of us who are JFK assassination skeptics or CT’ers could say that that kind of behavior in the media has gone on for decades.
Whether it’s Covid, Iraq’s WMDs, Climate Science, or the JFK murder investigations, the Mainstream Media for some reason tends to try to limit the boundaries of what is legit to discuss and tries to discredit narratives or ideas that they don’t like or that goes against mainstream consensus.
Because the Media hates Trump so much, it was easy to dismiss the Lab Leak theory as just another conspiracy theory when he was President.
Now that a few mainstream reporters and some scientists have endorsed the idea that the theory is at least plausible and Trump is no longer President, the media’s consensus has shifted.
Because I have kept an open mind from day one, I never ruled out the Lab Leak as a plausible event even while I think a natural origin is the most likely explanation…
"The media hates Trump"

Same poor excuse right wingers use to excuse his corruption and criminality...blame the media....really pathetic. The purpose of the media is to investigate crime and corruption. Right wingers don't like when their orange messiah's crimes are brought to light so they use the same bogus talking points attempting to dismiss the charges.
It was Criminal Donald who dubbed the mainstream media "the enemy of the people" which is a Hitler Nazi tactic to eradicate the free press in order to install a propaganda state run media which all dictators establish. And that's exactly what we have with right wing AM radio, Faux Propaganda, OAN, and NewsMax pushing fake news and dangerous lies.
The "lab leak" theory was dismissed by scientists and government officials and the press reported on it. Far right wing conspiracy theorists pushed the "lab leak" theory in order to absolve Criminal Donald of his purposeful neglect of the worst virus in history.
It really doesn't matter how COVID-19 came about, what matters is what was done to prevent the virus from devastating the United States of America. The answer is that nothing was done to prepare citizens of our country to combat this virus. Criminal Donald knew about COVID-19 since November 2019 and did nothing to prepare or protect Americans until the virus was out of control in major U.S. cities.
Right out of the gate Criminal Donald, his corrupt officials, and the right wing media made the virus political calling it "a hoax". They also lied telling us it "was low risk", "contained", or "the virus will never come here". All were lies which allowed millions of people to become infected and hundreds of thousands of people to die from the virus.
The right wingers viciously attacked the use of wearing masks and social distancing to help prevent the spread of the virus. They also stormed State Capitol buildings in order to pressure Governors to end stay at home orders which helped saved lives. Now they are attacking the vaccine and spreading lies with their fake news.
The right caused this entire disaster to become more devastating than it should have been. If President Biden was in charge from the start COVID-19 would not have been as bad as it was.