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Author Topic: CIA Officer George Bush and the JFK Assassination  (Read 5248 times)

Offline Anthony Frank

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Re: CIA Officer George Bush and the JFK Assassination
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2021, 03:21:16 AM »
Do you still stand by this?

That was in the early days of my research. That section has been updated. It now reads:

A Gallup poll back in January 1963 had Rockefeller well ahead of Goldwater. Forty-six percent of Republicans planned on voting for Nelson Rockefeller in the Republican primaries, and only twenty-six percent planned on voting for Barry Goldwater.

But the KGB had to change that, and KGB officer John McCone had direct input with both Nelson Rockefeller and Prescott Bush, just like he had direct input with former President Eisenhower prior to Eisenhower energizing Goldwater supporters with his suggestion that Henry Cabot Lodge run for the GOP nomination.

McCone’s calendar shows he attended a black-tie dinner “in honor of Senator and Mrs. Bush” on January 9, 1963, hosted by none other than former CIA Director Allen Dulles,  and McCone attended another black-tie dinner “in honor of Senator Bush” on January 25.

His input with Rockefeller came twenty-seven days after attending the second black-tie dinner honoring Prescott Bush. McCone’s daily calendar shows that on February 21, 1963, he left Virginia on a Gulfstream jet at 10:00 a.m. for a noon meeting with Rockefeller in New York. McCone then flew back to Virginia at 1:55 p.m.

Thirty-nine days later, on April 1, 1963, Nelson Rockefeller’s mistress, socialite Margaretta Murphy, divorced her husband to marry Rockefeller, a marriage that took place on May 4, seventy-two days after the McCone-Rockefeller meeting.

On June 18, 1963, just four days after Prescott Bush wreaked havoc on Rockefeller’s chances of winning the Republican nomination, two UPI reporters who interviewed Goldwater wrote: “He used to tell reporters bluntly that he did not have a chance to be nominated, and he would privately acknowledge that no Republican had much hope of derailing President Kennedy’s bid for a second term . . . . Now he radiates optimism on and off the record.”

His KGB handlers had been killing Members of Congress with Goldwater’s knowledge and apparent consent for six years. They exercised definitive control in the government, and they were bent on putting him into the Presidency, while Nelson Rockefeller, Goldwater’s chief rival for the GOP nomination, had been completely discredited by divorcing his wife and marrying his mistress. Why wouldn’t Goldwater radiate optimism?

The UPI reporters quoted Goldwater as saying, “I don’t want this nomination, but it may be forced on me.”

Goldwater also said, “With the right candidate, 1964 could be a Republican year after all.”

After President Kennedy was assassinated, KGB asset Barry Goldwater knew perfectly well that he would be the GOP nominee, and he knew perfectly well that the only thing that would make 1964 “a Republican year after all” is President Johnson’s assassination right before the election.

The Warren Commission Report states that “President Kennedy’s visit to Texas” had been “under consideration for almost a year before it occurred.”  It also states that President Kennedy made the decision to visit Texas on June 5, 1963, less than two weeks before the interview in which Goldwater was reported to be “radiating optimism on and off the record.”

If you want links to any particular documents, just let me know. I do not know if I can find links to news articles. I did my research for news articles at the Library of Congress. I can give you the date, the publication and the page number, but as I said, I do not know if I can find links to the news articles.

« Last Edit: June 11, 2021, 04:59:58 AM by Anthony Frank »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CIA Officer George Bush and the JFK Assassination
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2021, 03:21:16 AM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: CIA Officer George Bush and the JFK Assassination
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2021, 01:39:08 PM »
Thank you, Mr. Frank, your invitation is appreciated and your lack of a defensive posture is unexpected, refreshing. I hope to take you up on your offer, giving my request from you for supporting sources some thought to avoid taking up your time unnecessarily.

When I read your 2004 research describing Prescott Bush's one-senator attack on Nelson Rockefeller and the possibility that a "mother of four" was "found" to diminish the threat of Nelson Rockefeller's 1964 candidacy to the CIA's candidate, Goldwater, I recalled a familial relationship i had stumbled upon several years ago.

Consider also, the intriguing coincidence (of course that is all it is...) of GHW Bush and one of his closest friends, Tom Devine both knowing someone very close to "the LN," and even more improbably, Devine residing in the Sigma Chi MIT fraternity house with Garry Coit and 16 others, both Devine and Coit recruited by CIA, and then Coit, too knowing someone, Priscilla of NANA, encountering "the LN" as he was inserting himself in "Soviet life!"

If that all wasn't enough, Devine's "closest friend in Rochester," Joseph Dryer, claimed to have met with DeMohrenschildt in NYC on the same late April day in 1963 as his friend, Devine, just two weeks after DeMohrenschildt claimed personal knowledge of Oswald's shooting attempt on Edwin Walker's life.

If that all wasn't enough, there are GHW Bush, DeMohrenschildt's step-nephew, Edward Gordon Hooker, and the best man in the wedding of Bush's sister Nancy to Alexander Ellis, and in the wedding of Tom Devine, William Macomber, all living in this house, A.U.V. secret society, at Andover...

William Macomber happened to be recruited by CIA, appointed CIA liason to congress, leaves CIA for a staff position with Sen. John Sherman Cooper (R-KY), a fellow Yale alumni and Skull & Bones '22, who was married to ex-wife of DeMohrenschildt's aunt Nona McAdoo's brother.

...Mrs. Cooper’s marriage to the senator was her third. She was first married to Robert McAdoo, son of William Gibbs McAdoo, treasury secretary in the Wilson Administration and later a U.S. senator from California, and to Thomas Shevlin Jr., a member of a wealthy Minneapolis family.

Sen. Cooper, of course, is one of seven Warren Commissioners, and in his State Dept. position after working for Sen. Cooper, William Macomber has early awareness of Oswald and other defectors.:

In Tom Devine's high school yearbook, Joseph Dryer's brother, Peter, is listed as one of Devine's Kindergarten thru
grade 9 classmates. This prompted me to ask Joan Mellen if Joseph Dryer had mentioned a relationship with Devine.

From Joan Mellen's book, "Our man in Haiti"...

So.... here it is.:

House Assassinations Committee, Sheriff Richard Wine said ... Materials/White Assassination Clippings Folders/Warren Commission Folders/Warren Commission-Reopening/Item 271.pdf
Mrs. Tilton, the former Nancy Pierson Sands, is listed in the Palm Beach social registry, little is known here about her. Sheriff Richard Wine said Gae-ton J. Fonzi, an investigator for the House Assassinations Committee, had gone to the Hilton estate about noon Tuesday and left word he would return at 8:30 p.m. to see de Mohrenschildt.

The owner of the house, Nancy Tilton, who has refused to discuss the case, was a soap-opera fanatic. When she went out she often asked one of the maids to record episodes of her favorite soaps on ...

Nancy Pierson Sands McAlpin Clark Tilton, first cousin of DeMohrenschildt's teenage bride who raised the couple's daughter, Alexandra, happened to marry a first cousin of Nelson Rockefeller's first wife, Mary Todhunter Clark.:

Obituary of Mary Todhunter Clark Rockefeller's uncle, Clarence. Nancy's husband, Franklin in last paragraph of NY Times 1937 article image, Nancy and Franklin Taylor Clark's 1942 wedding announcement is displayed below obit.

« Last Edit: June 11, 2021, 02:07:17 PM by Tom Scully »

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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Re: CIA Officer George Bush and the JFK Assassination
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2021, 11:59:58 AM »
Thank you, Mr. Frank, your invitation is appreciated and your lack of a defensive posture is unexpected, refreshing. I hope to take you up on your offer, giving my request from you for supporting sources some thought to avoid taking up your time unnecessarily.

When I read your 2004 research describing Prescott Bush's one-senator attack on Nelson Rockefeller and the possibility that a "mother of four" was "found" to diminish the threat of Nelson Rockefeller's 1964 candidacy to the CIA's candidate, Goldwater, I recalled a familial relationship i had stumbled upon several years ago.

Consider also, the intriguing coincidence (of course that is all it is...) of GHW Bush and one of his closest friends, Tom Devine both knowing someone very close to "the LN," and even more improbably, Devine residing in the Sigma Chi MIT fraternity house with Garry Coit and 16 others, both Devine and Coit recruited by CIA, and then Coit, too knowing someone, Priscilla of NANA, encountering "the LN" as he was inserting himself in "Soviet life!"

If that all wasn't enough, Devine's "closest friend in Rochester," Joseph Dryer, claimed to have met with DeMohrenschildt in NYC on the same late April day in 1963 as his friend, Devine, just two weeks after DeMohrenschildt claimed personal knowledge of Oswald's shooting attempt on Edwin Walker's life.

If that all wasn't enough, there are GHW Bush, DeMohrenschildt's step-nephew, Edward Gordon Hooker, and the best man in the wedding of Bush's sister Nancy to Alexander Ellis, and in the wedding of Tom Devine, William Macomber, all living in this house, A.U.V. secret society, at Andover...

William Macomber happened to be recruited by CIA, appointed CIA liason to congress, leaves CIA for a staff position with Sen. John Sherman Cooper (R-KY), a fellow Yale alumni and Skull & Bones '22, who was married to ex-wife of DeMohrenschildt's aunt Nona McAdoo's brother.

Sen. Cooper, of course, is one of seven Warren Commissioners, and in his State Dept. position after working for Sen. Cooper, William Macomber has early awareness of Oswald and other defectors.:

In Tom Devine's high school yearbook, Joseph Dryer's brother, Peter, is listed as one of Devine's Kindergarten thru
grade 9 classmates. This prompted me to ask Joan Mellen if Joseph Dryer had mentioned a relationship with Devine.

From Joan Mellen's book, "Our man in Haiti"...

So.... here it is.:

House Assassinations Committee, Sheriff Richard Wine said ... Materials/White Assassination Clippings Folders/Warren Commission Folders/Warren Commission-Reopening/Item 271.pdf
Mrs. Tilton, the former Nancy Pierson Sands, is listed in the Palm Beach social registry, little is known here about her. Sheriff Richard Wine said Gae-ton J. Fonzi, an investigator for the House Assassinations Committee, had gone to the Hilton estate about noon Tuesday and left word he would return at 8:30 p.m. to see de Mohrenschildt.

The owner of the house, Nancy Tilton, who has refused to discuss the case, was a soap-opera fanatic. When she went out she often asked one of the maids to record episodes of her favorite soaps on ...

Nancy Pierson Sands McAlpin Clark Tilton, first cousin of DeMohrenschildt's teenage bride who raised the couple's daughter, Alexandra, happened to marry a first cousin of Nelson Rockefeller's first wife, Mary Todhunter Clark.:

Obituary of Mary Todhunter Clark Rockefeller's uncle, Clarence. Nancy's husband, Franklin in last paragraph of NY Times 1937 article image, Nancy and Franklin Taylor Clark's 1942 wedding announcement is displayed below obit.

"your lack of a defensive posture is refreshing, unexpected"_______ tom scully, to anthony frank

i agree with you tom.  i rather like this fellow.  sort of like culto in a way, oui?  did you know they took down the 'let'srollforums'?  all of my fine work disappeared!!  oh, well.....

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CIA Officer George Bush and the JFK Assassination
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2021, 11:59:58 AM »

Offline Anthony Frank

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Re: CIA Officer George Bush and the JFK Assassination
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2021, 11:42:44 PM »
(George Bush’s meteoric rise continued)

After resigning as CIA Director in January 1977, Bush, working in conjunction with his KGB handlers, significantly ramped up his role in the quest to control the government.

Bush began “running for President” in 1977, which included “a two-year grass-roots effort that followed the Carter model all the way to the winning of the Iowa precinct caucuses.”  (Democratic President Jimmy Carter, elected in 1976, was also a CIA officer being handled by the KGB. Carter was the only CIA officer that the KGB managed to get into the Presidency before they were exposed in 1984. More on Carter being a CIA officer along with Senators and Congressmen from both parties is addressed later in this book.)

Bush lost the Republican nomination to Ronald Reagan in 1980, after which “the Presidential nominee’s advisers heavily pressured him” to choose Bush as a Vice Presidential running mate.  Reagan’s “advisers” included his campaign chairman, William J. Casey, a high-ranking CIA official who became Reagan’s CIA Director after the election. As will be seen, Casey was most definitely a renegade CIA officer.

With Nixon, Ford, and Reagan each considering Bush for the Vice Presidency, it is clear that no Republican could run for President without being pushed to choose CIA officer George H. W. Bush as a Vice Presidential running mate.

Newsweek reported in July 1980 that former President Gerald Ford was being promoted as Reagan’s running mate and that Ford, not Bush, was everyone’s favorite for the Vice Presidential spot. In the end, according to Newsweek, it was a choice between former President Ford and former CIA Director George Bush.

But Ford, of course, being a former President, turned down Reagan’s offer to be his running mate. Newsweek noted how unlikely it was that a former President would end up becoming a Vice Presidential candidate, stating it would be “a political morass and a Constitutional nightmare . . . . In retrospect, the entire scheme seemed doomed from the start, and the wonder was that it went as far as it did.”

Newsweek also reported that the prospect of a “former Chief Executive” taking “second place on the ticket” had been “rejected by Ford himself on numerous occasions.”

The Washington Post likewise reported that Reagan chose Bush “only after the draft Jerry Ford effort fizzled,” which is when Casey “heavily pressured” Reagan to choose Bush.

By manipulating the situation so that Reagan anxiously awaited Ford’s acceptance of the number two spot up until the last minute, Casey and his CIA cohorts kept Reagan from making serious offers to other potential candidates. With one of the two supposedly best choices for a running mate continuing to reject the offer, Reagan, in reality, had only one choice for the Vice Presidential spot: CIA officer and KGB asset George H. W. Bush.

previously cited Washington Post article recalling that Bush was “running for President” by 1977 and that Reagan’s advisers “heavily pressured him” to choose Bush was on March 31, 1981, because one day earlier, sixty-nine days after Bush finally became Vice President of the United States, President Reagan was shot as he was leaving the Washington Hilton Hotel.

Bush immediately “cut short” a trip to Texas and returned to the White House to “take charge of the crisis in the government and to assume the responsibilities of the Presidency if President Reagan’s injuries prevented him from serving in office.”
CIA officers “detailed” to the “Secret Service” gave the would-be assassin, John Hinckley, access to President Reagan in an effort to catapult Bush into the Presidency.

According to the Washington Post, if the Secret Service had parked the Presidential limousine where it should have been parked outside the Washington Hilton Hotel, “Reagan would have had a straight-line walk of about eight feet from door to car.”

Instead, Reagan’s limousine “was waiting about twenty to twenty-five feet down the driveway from the door.” In order to get to the limousine, Reagan had to “walk down the curving sidewalk.”

“Around the curve, flush against the hotel wall, the assailant waited with his pistol.” (“Come this way, Mr. President, your limo is down here.”)

“Generally, agents want the armored limousine waiting in a direct line with the President’s exit door as he moves from building to car. Such positioning shortens the period of vulnerability and makes it easier for agents to form a human shield as the public figure moves.  In some cases, agents have had the car moved one foot or less to have it perfectly aligned with the exit.”

“Television crew members at the Hilton said they had complained to the Secret Service about bystanders pushing into the area reserved for the press. One bystander, as it turned out, was the accused gunman.” (“Don’t worry about the bystanders. We know what we’re doing.”)

Henry Brown, an ABC television cameraman, “had complained earlier to the Secret Service that members of the public had ‘penetrated the police line,’ creating crowded conditions in the press area and making it difficult to work . . . . His complaint went unheeded, and Brown went on working. He was standing near the assailant when he started to fire.”

“‘He just opened up and kept squeezing the trigger,’ Brown said.”

“A Secret Service official said the advance agent on the scene concluded that it would be counterproductive to set up an area restricted only to the press on the narrow, curving walk outside the hotel.”

On April 4, 1981, the Washington Post reported: “The bullets that struck President Reagan and two of the three other persons wounded in Monday’s assassination attempt were positively identified yesterday by the FBI as ‘Devastators,’” which are “expensive, customized .22 caliber cartridges designed to explode upon impact with the force of slugs fired from much more powerful handguns.”

Besides the CIA’s “designated officers of the Secret Service” being intrinsic to the attempt to kill President Reagan, the intended assassin, John Hinckley, was traveling in the same cities with his CIA/Secret Service handlers in October 1980, and Hinckley had made off-and-on stays in Washington, D.C. dating back to September 1980, six months prior to the attempted assassination.

The Washington Post reported that Hinckley “was in Chicago, Dayton, and Nashville last October” at the same time President Carter “was in those cities for campaign appearances,” and Hinckley stayed at the “Capital Hilton Hotel September 27 and 28 and at the Quality Inn on Capitol Hill October 17-19, February 10 and 11, and February 16 and 17.”

The Post went on to state, “There is no evidence to indicate that these visits were tied either to the attack on Reagan or to any plan directed at former President Carter,” and no evidence “that he was stalking Reagan or any other political figure,” but “many of Hinckley’s travels are otherwise unexplained.”

The KGB officers obviously kept Hinckley close by while grooming him for the assassination, which they did by instilling him with a maniacal desire to impress teenage actress Jodie Foster by assassinating Reagan. Before setting off to kill Reagan, Hinckley wrote a letter to Foster stating that he was performing “this historical deed to gain your respect and love.”  It was well-established in 1981 that Hinckley thought he was going to impress Jody Foster by killing the President.

The Washington Post reported that Hinckley bought “what is apparently his first gun sometime in early September at a pawnshop in Lubbock, Texas,”  after which he was staying at a hotel just three blocks from the White House in late September and then traveling in the same cities as President Carter and his “Secret Service” handlers in October.

Regardless of the “not guilty by reason of insanity” verdict, information in the Washington Post on April 5, 1981, clearly shows why Hinckley was chosen to kill Reagan. The Post reported that in the spring of 1978, Hinckley joined the National Socialist Party of America, marched in a Nazi parade in St. Louis, and studied Mein Kampf in college. The National Socialist Party said Hinckley had been “expelled” because “he was too violence-prone.”

CIA operatives, specifically KGB officers inside the CIA, had no trouble manipulating the violent deranged psychotic into thinking he would impress a teenage actress by killing President Reagan. With KGB asset George H. W. Bush finally in the Vice Presidency, Hinckley’s KGB handlers easily provided him with access to the President of the United States.

In the three weeks following Hinckley’s failed attempt on March 30, 1981, there were a substantial number of arrests of people who had been incited to try and kill President Reagan.

On SaPersonay, April 11, twelve days after Hinckley “opened up and kept squeezing the trigger,” a Philadelphia man was arrested in Hatboro, Pennsylvania, for threatening to kill President Reagan. He was charged with assaulting “two Hatboro police officers” and “a Secret Service agent” who came to his apartment, and he was to be charged in U.S. District Court “with threatening to kill the President and with assaulting the Secret Service agent.” This arrest brought “to at least 10 the number of people taken into custody this week for threatening Reagan’s life.”

Six days later, on Friday, April 17, 1981, a Virginia man was arrested after he “telephoned the Secret Service in Richmond and told agents he was ‘going to shoot President Reagan.’ Neither Secret Service agents nor the court papers revealed a motive for the alleged threat.” The Washington Post reported this arrest was “one of 16 the agency has made across the nation since the March 30 shooting of Reagan and three other men in Washington.”

The KGB officers undoubtedly manipulated drug addicts, psychotics, and malcontents in their quest to put their asset, CIA officer George Bush, into the Oval Office, but they were unable to pull off another assassination attempt. Another threat, however, did materialize on September 2, 1981, five months and three days after Hinckley shot Reagan, but like the earlier slew of threats, it failed to actually become an attempted assassination.

On September 2, 1981, police arrested 27-year-old Isom Joseph Dean in Towson, Maryland when they “found three scope-equipped rifles, an M-18 semiautomatic rifle, a handgun, and a pair of high-powered binoculars in the car he was driving.

“Police spokesman E. Jay Miller quoted Dean as telling arresting officers, ‘You’re lucky. If I hadn’t had to stop for gas in Towson, you would not have gotten me. I would have killed the President’ . . . . Secret Service agents said Dean told them he intended to kill the President and ‘planned to sit around and wait until the opportunity presented itself because the President always has to come out’ . . . . Charged with threatening to assassinate the President, Dean was ordered held without bond.”

It was never disclosed where, how, or when Dean obtained “three scope-equipped rifles, an M-18 semiautomatic rifle, a handgun, and a pair of high-powered binoculars,” just as it was never disclosed that John Hinckley had considerable help in his effort to assassinate President Reagan.

There is something seriously wrong when a man who cannot legally distinguish between right and wrong can stand outside a hotel with a gun and plenty of Secret Service agents nearby and then “open up” on the President as walks to his limousine, which had been purposely parked down the driveway to lead the President passed his assailant. And to think that George Bush said that there was no need to “ferret out corruption” in the CIA back in 1976.

The KGB officers failed to get Bush chosen as a Vice Presidential running mate on four separate occasions over an eight-year period, and after finally getting Bush into the Vice Presidency, they failed to catapult him into the Presidency. But things were still going their way. Besides having Bush as Vice President, veteran Senators and Congressmen from both parties were in the CIA and being handled by the KGB, and the KGB wielded substantial control within the CIA. The ramifications seemed almost limitless, and the KGB-initiated quest to control the United States government was rolling along just fine for the time being.

Offline Anthony Frank

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Re: CIA Officer George Bush and the JFK Assassination
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2021, 11:18:56 PM »
Three days before he lost his 1964 Senate bid, George H. W. Bush, whose CIA work invariably connected him to President Kennedy’s assassination, was CIA officer Barry Goldwater’s “bright hope on the political horizon.” Bush was then targeted for the Presidency or the Vice Presidency in the next seven Presidential elections from 1968 through 1992.

First, there was an orchestrated, widespread push in business and Congressional circles to get Nixon to choose freshman Congressman Bush as his 1968 running mate. Then, there was the 1970 push inside the White House to get Bush onto the ballot as Nixon’s 1972 running mate and as the 1976 Republican Presidential nominee.

There was even an effort to get Bush into the Vice Presidency when Ford needed a Vice President in 1974, and there was an effort in 1975 to have Ford choose Bush as his 1976 running mate.

Bush was finally elected to the Vice Presidency in 1980. He ran and won re-election to the Vice Presidency in 1984. He was elected President of the United States in 1988 but lost his bid to be re-elected in 1992.

Renegade CIA officers were not going to let the “bright hope” fade just because their progenitors, the KGB officers handling Bush, had gone to prison. The CIA’s vast domestic operations and the KGB’s systematic corruption of both the CIA and the government provided renegade CIA officers with a platform for initiating their own quest to control the United States government.

When renegade CIA officers followed in the footsteps of the KGB in 1984, they not only sought to have Bush succeed Reagan as President, but also sought to conceal the means by which Bush had come to power.

George H. W. Bush, however, had risen through the ranks as a result of KGB efforts. Renegade CIA officers wanted “assets” of their own to be elected to the Presidency, more of which is addressed later in this book.

It’s all in my book. Click the link.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: CIA Officer George Bush and the JFK Assassination
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2021, 11:18:56 PM »