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Author Topic: Should the TSBD be demolished?  (Read 19160 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Should the TSBD be demolished?
« Reply #24 on: June 15, 2021, 01:11:23 AM »
Why are so you bitter and misinformed?

What became the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was first proposed by Kennedy in his "Report to the American People on Civil Rights" in June 1963. Which led to this famous meeting in the White House on August 28th.

Kennedy would not include certain of their proposals, including police brutality against blacks (seems a forewarning now). Then came the assassination and Johnson's plea before a joint session of Congress:

    "No memorial oration or eulogy could more eloquently honor
     President Kennedy's memory than the earliest possible
     passage of the civil rights bill for which he fought so long."

The Southern states held out until the summer of '64 (Senator Yarborough the only Southern Senator voting for the bill; the lone Republican Senator John Tower voted against it). Johnson said "I know the risks are great and we might lose the South, but those sorts of states may be lost anyway." The Democrats drew a moral line in the sand that year and the Republicans began taking over the South with demagoguery and racist dog whistles.

Barry Goldwater, who was the Republican Presidential candidate that fall, voted against the bill, saying "You can't legislate morality."

BTW, the Johnsons took a pretty good picture too.

After Ike, the Republicans didn't get anyone photogenic until the wax figure Ronald Reagan. Sara Palin was smokin' hot.

Richard is misinformed because he listens to right wing propaganda. He viciously attacks every Democratic President while distorting their record and posts deliberate misinformation. He worships his orange messiah while giving him fake praise like the rest of the sheep. He's bitter because his hero is out of office awaiting indictment.       

The Day J.F.K. Set the Civil Rights Act in Motion

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Should the TSBD be demolished?
« Reply #24 on: June 15, 2021, 01:11:23 AM »

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: Should the TSBD be demolished?
« Reply #25 on: June 15, 2021, 03:44:38 PM »
Richard is misinformed because he listens to right wing propaganda. He viciously attacks every Democratic President while distorting their record and posts deliberate misinformation. He worships his orange messiah while giving him fake praise like the rest of the sheep. He's bitter because his hero is out of office awaiting indictment.       

The Day J.F.K. Set the Civil Rights Act in Motion

LOL. Wasn't LBJ a "Democratic President"?  I suggested that he rather than do nothing JFK would be better recognized for his work with Civil Rights since the latter did nothing and LBJ actually did.  And talk about propaganda.   You have posted thousands or perhaps tens of thousands of posts that are simply cut and paste jobs that contain anti-Trump conspiracy theories and debunked falsehoods.  Unreal.

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: Should the TSBD be demolished?
« Reply #26 on: June 15, 2021, 03:53:31 PM »
Why are so you bitter and misinformed?

What became the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was first proposed by Kennedy in his "Report to the American People on Civil Rights" in June 1963. Which led to this famous meeting in the White House on August 28th.

Kennedy would not include certain of their proposals, including police brutality against blacks (seems a forewarning now). Then came the assassination and Johnson's plea before a joint session of Congress:

    "No memorial oration or eulogy could more eloquently honor
     President Kennedy's memory than the earliest possible
     passage of the civil rights bill for which he fought so long."

The Southern states held out until the summer of '64 (Senator Yarborough the only Southern Senator voting for the bill; the lone Republican Senator John Tower voted against it). Johnson said "I know the risks are great and we might lose the South, but those sorts of states may be lost anyway." The Democrats drew a moral line in the sand that year and the Republicans began taking over the South with demagoguery and racist dog whistles.

Barry Goldwater, who was the Republican Presidential candidate that fall, voted against the bill, saying "You can't legislate morality."

BTW, the Johnsons took a pretty good picture too.

After Ike, the Republicans didn't get anyone photogenic until the wax figure Ronald Reagan. Sara Palin was smokin' hot.

The key word here is "proposed" which means JFK actually got nothing done.  The litany of excuses doesn't change that.  LBJ was the person who actually achieved something with Civil Rights.  If anyone is to be recognized for that, then LBJ is clearly the person to do so.  And trying to place the blame for the lack of progress on "racist" Republicans is revisionist history.  A small group of Dem Senators held up any Civil Rights legislation for decades.  It took LBJ to break up that resistance by democrats.     

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Should the TSBD be demolished?
« Reply #26 on: June 15, 2021, 03:53:31 PM »

Offline Ray Mitcham

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Re: Should the TSBD be demolished?
« Reply #27 on: June 15, 2021, 09:15:00 PM »
quite by LBJ

"No memorial oration or eulogy could more eloquently honour President Kennedy's memory than the earliest possible passage of the civil  rights bill for which he fought for so long"

Seems `JFK didn'tget the chance to get the bill through, Richard, despite him fighting for so long.

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: Should the TSBD be demolished?
« Reply #28 on: June 15, 2021, 10:24:00 PM »
The key word here is "proposed" which means JFK actually got nothing done.

So, Kennedy had nothing to do with the Moon Shot?

The litany of excuses doesn't change that.  LBJ was the person who actually achieved something with Civil Rights.  If anyone is to be recognized for that, then LBJ is clearly the person to do so.

Boy, are you ever radicalized by Fox News or Breitbart, or whatever it is.

I don't remember you crediting the "get it done" folks when Trump rode into 2017 on the economic wave started by Obama/Biden. And how about Trump now taking credit for the dung-heap he bequeathed Old Joe?

And trying to place the blame for the lack of progress on "racist" Republicans is revisionist history.  A small group of Dem Senators held up any Civil Rights legislation for decades.  It took LBJ to break up that resistance by democrats.     

Why is "racist" in quotes? Is this gaslighting? :D

Because they were re-elected so often in safe states, the Southern Democrats gained a disproportionate amount of seniority and so chaired or were ranking members of most committees in Congress. They knew each other personally and could hold up legislation for awhile. Remind you of what's going on in the Senate with Old Mitch, Lindsay (South Carolina), Cruz, Jim Jordan's misnomed Freedom Caucus and the rest of the Trump Republican bloc?

Map showing current US Senators. Georgia the beachhead.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Should the TSBD be demolished?
« Reply #28 on: June 15, 2021, 10:24:00 PM »

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: Should the TSBD be demolished?
« Reply #29 on: June 16, 2021, 04:10:59 PM »
So, Kennedy had nothing to do with the Moon Shot?

Boy, are you ever radicalized by Fox News or Breitbart, or whatever it is.

I don't remember you crediting the "get it done" folks when Trump rode into 2017 on the economic wave started by Obama/Biden. And how about Trump now taking credit for the dung-heap he bequeathed Old Joe?

Why is "racist" in quotes? Is this gaslighting? :D

Because they were re-elected so often in safe states, the Southern Democrats gained a disproportionate amount of seniority and so chaired or were ranking members of most committees in Congress. They knew each other personally and could hold up legislation for awhile. Remind you of what's going on in the Senate with Old Mitch, Lindsay (South Carolina), Cruz, Jim Jordan's misnomed Freedom Caucus and the rest of the Trump Republican bloc?

Map showing current US Senators. Georgia the beachhead.

I'm not following this.  You believe that Fox News radicalized me to promote LBJ as an icon of Civil Rights?  Unreal.  I must have missed that segment on Hannity.  I'm not sure why you constantly claim that republicans are racist.  It is offensive and untrue no matter how many times you repeat that woke talking point.  Whatever woke agenda you have with current politics, this discussion relates to the 1960s.  It was your Dems who held up Civil Rights legislation for decades.  That is simply a fact.  Trying to spin it any other way or deflect with fake CNN talking points is revisionist history.  If there is any racist in power, it is Trudeau and his blackface antics.  You are from Canada.  Why are you so obsessed with calling Americans racist while having a racist prime minister?
« Last Edit: June 16, 2021, 04:15:28 PM by Richard Smith »

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: Should the TSBD be demolished?
« Reply #30 on: June 16, 2021, 06:14:06 PM »
I'm not following this.  You believe that Fox News radicalized me to promote LBJ as an icon of Civil Rights?  Unreal.  I must have missed that segment on Hannity.

Gaslighting. I was referring to this:

    "JFK made no "contribution to Civil Rights."  So I don't see any connection. 
     JFK was concerned with the Civil Rights movement only to the extent that
     it put him in an embarrassing position to defend American racial policies
     of the time with foreign leaders."

BTW, where did Kennedy defend home-grown racism before foreign leaders?

I'm not sure why you constantly claim that republicans are racist.

I'll paraphrase Trump: "Some Republicans are good people". Some voted Republican for a niche issue (gun rights; abortion) and not racism. The bigots are not going to openly admit they were motivated his racism.

Sure, you're not going to own up to your party's past. Since the 1960s, the party took over the South with the Southern strategy. That strategy, if it's non-racial, has not worked with black voters in the South.

    "The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner
     the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans.
     That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the
     whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local
          -- Kevin Phillips, Nixon strategist, quote from 1970

In 1964, the GOP convention rejected pro-Civil Rights Bill Nelson Rockefeller for Goldwater. Democrats didn't waste a tear when South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond switched to the Republican Party that year. In 1965, the GOP rewarded Thurmond with senior appointments on committees.

It is offensive and untrue no matter how many times you repeat that woke talking point.

"Why Attacking ‘Cancel Culture’ And ‘Woke’ People Is Becoming The GOP’s New Political Strategy"
by Perry Bacon, FiveThirtyEight, Mar2021 ( Link )

    "For decades, Republicans have used somewhat vague terms (“dog whistles”)
     to tap into and foment resentment against traditionally marginalized groups like
     Black Americans who are pushing for more rights and freedoms. This resent-
     ment is then used to woo voters (mostly white) wary of cultural, demographic
     and racial change."

Whatever woke agenda you have with current politics, this discussion relates to the 1960s.  It was your Dems who held up Civil Rights legislation for decades.  That is simply a fact.  Trying to spin it any other way or deflect with fake CNN talking points is revisionist history.

You use a pretty broad brush there. fellow. Southern Democrats didn't trust politicians period outside the South, and openly opposed Democratic Presidents on civil rights. The Democrats outside the South weren't like them; giving Johnson a massive landslide win in 1964.

I don't much watch CNN and MSNBC, preferring BBC-News and the American network news (especially the little-reported news stories after the lead political shenanigans). You're telling me you don't watch Fox News, or are on a rightwing-hate site like Breitbart?

If there is any racist in power, it is Trudeau and his blackface antics.  You are from Canada.  Why are you so obsessed with calling Americans racist while having a racist prime minister?

Youthful antics, like Megyn Kelly's memories of Halloween. So, if a Republican politician wore blackface or posted nasty texts in his youth, you would likewise say it defined him?

Offline Larry Baldwin

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Re: Should the TSBD be demolished?
« Reply #31 on: June 16, 2021, 07:39:44 PM »
An interesting little easter egg that I discovered today on Google Maps street view of Dealey Plaza.  Has anyone else discovered that if you click on the 6th floor window that Google street view takes you into the building at the window?  It is a shame that they didn't open up the view out the window, but kind of clever none the less.

Incidentally, if this is old news, no need to chide and ridicule because I just discovered it.  I haven't been on this site regularly in years.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Should the TSBD be demolished?
« Reply #31 on: June 16, 2021, 07:39:44 PM »