Again, I'm not sure what is lukewarm about acknowledging LBJ's advancement of Civil Rights. Are you saying Civil Rights is not important? Regardless, this criticism coming from the likes of yourself of all people is hilarious. You have spent the last two years here spewing all manner of political hate and rage day after day after day like some maniac. Mostly in the form of cutting and pasting fake conspiracy theories. If you are concerned with "lukewarm" praise and attacks on political parties, then maybe look in the mirror. You are the poster boy for that behavior.

Political hate? I've posted the truth and the facts which you didn't like to read. You chose to deny it for 2 years, while posting ridiculous conspiracy theories in rebuttal that you heard from the right wing media that was a complete farce.
Like I've said before, every single thing that I've posted has been 100% correct. Criminal Donald lost the election and all his crimes and corruption that I've talked about for 2 years is now being criminally investigated by the authorities which will result in indictment and then imprisonment.
I am fighting for civil right for African Americans but you support a racist and extremist right wing Republican Party that is taking away civil and voter rights.
Once again, another poor attempt at gaslighting by Richard.
P.S. you still haven't stated anything that I posted that you claim was "outlandish or incorrect" and you won't be able to.