Proponents of identity politics don't seem to see real people, they "slice and dice" people up into categories and miss the larger issue, the shared humanity that underneath this identity lies real human beings. Not things. This is what the North Korean defector talked about, about how she said he loved reading Jane Austen. But she was told no, she shouldn't read Austen because she, Austen, was a "white colonist." And she was an Asian women; and nothing more than that. So the defector had to keep her views to herself, to hide her true thoughts. It was just like, she said, being indoctrinated in North Korea all over again.
Here is Loury: "So there is something very artificial about the identitarian movement that's being made here where we take the corpus of human culture in the 21st century [e.g., Jane Austen] and we parse it and chop it up and hand it out to our contemporaries based upon categories of racial identity which made no sense in the times in which these texts that we have inherited from the ancients were actually written."
These ideas make no sense, it views people solely and exclusively based on their race, sex, et cetera, and are thoughts that are killing us as a country, as a people. Link is below the photo.
And sorry, the "but Trump" response won't work.
Note: I took out the "left" from the headline. The discussion is about the idea and not whether it's from the "left" or "right."

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