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Author Topic: Did The Warren Commission Accidently Reveal Oswald Secret?  (Read 5607 times)

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Did The Warren Commission Accidently Reveal Oswald Secret?
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2021, 02:40:05 PM »
Thanks. I'm sure glad you took the time to knit pick at meaningless facts in the face of a reality that you can't, nor want, to talk about. Because no matter what you knit pick at, the fact remains that the WC timeline for Oswald shooting the president, being confronted by Baker, and then leaving, is still 3 minutes.

And that's exactly what you believe and are defending, isn't it? So let's address your knit picking of meaningless facts to avoid the real point of my post, shall we?

You claim Baker said nothing to Oswald, and Oswald never bought a coke, right? You're right that Baker never said anything directly to Oswald. Or at least that's what the lying cop said, and you believe.

According to Baker, he heard 3 shots and thought they came from that building, in front of him. But there were more than 3 shots, and they came from different areas. So Baker was clearly repeating the official narrative. But who cares, right? Okay, so he heard 3 shots, parked his motorcycle, and ran into the building that he thought the shots came from. Even though there were plenty of other buildings around, he just happened to choose that one. Bravo for officer Baker & you. You wanna knit pick my post, but you haven't knit picked this clowns story? LOL

Mr. BELIN - How many shots did you hear?
Mr. BAKER - Three.
Mr. BELIN - All right. After the third shot, then, what did you do?
Mr. BAKER - Well, I revved that motorcycle up and I went down to the corner which would be approximately 180 to 200 feet from the point where we had first stated, you know, that we heard the shots.
Mr. BELIN - What distance did you state? What we did on Friday afternoon, we paced off from the point you thought you heard the first shot to the point at which you parked the motorcycle, and this paced off to how much?
Mr. BAKER - From 180 to 200 feet.
Mr. BELIN - That is where you parked the motorcycle?
Mr. BAKER - Yes.

So, he claims he heard 3 shots while riding his loud ass motorcycle with his helmet on, and over the crowds of cheering people. Oh yeah... that sounds legit, right? Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?  The chances of him hearing any gun shots at all are minimal. Add the helmet and there's even less chance of hearing them, let alone being able to tell where they came from. Sorry, but I have to call bullsh*t on officer Baker. But if you believe him, that's what's important here. So let us continue fixing these important issues.

Mr. BELIN - All right.
I wonder if we could go on this plat, Officer Baker, and first if you could put on here with this pen, and I have turned it upside down.
With Exhibit 361, show us the spot at which you stopped your motorcycle approximately and put a "B" on it, if you would.
Mr. BAKER - Somewhere at this position here, which is approximately 10 feet from this signal light here on the northwest corner of Elm and Houston.
Mr. BELIN - All right.
You have put a dot on Exhibit 361 with the line going to "B" and the dot represents that signal light, is that correct?
Mr. BAKER - That is right, sir.
Mr. BELIN - You, on Friday, March 20, parked your motorcycle where you thought it was parked on November 22 and then we paced off the distance from the nearest point of the motorcycle to the stop light and it was 10 feet, is that correct?
Mr. BAKER - That is correct, sir.

So officer Baker parked his motorcycle 10 feet from the stoplight at Houston & Elm.  There were crowds of people all around. He's noticing everything. Even the things that nobody else has, like which building the shots came from, where in the building they came from. He's a super cop and nothing is getting by him, right?

Mr. BELIN - We then paced off the distance as to approximately how far it was from the place your motorcycle was parked to the doorway of the School Book Depository Building, do you remember doing that, on March 20?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - And it appears on Exhibit 477 that that doorway is recessed, is that correct?
Mr. BAKER - That is correct, sir.
Mr. BELIN - Do you remember how far that was from the place your motorcycle was parked to the doorway?
Mr. BAKER - Approximately 45 feet.

So he parked 45 feet from the door. 10 feet from the stoplight. Let's continue.

Mr. BELIN - After you parked your motorcycle, did you notice anything that was going on in the area?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir. As I parked here
Mr. BELIN - You are pointing on Exhibit 361 to the place that you have marked with "B."
Mr. BAKER - And I was looking westward which would be in this direction.
Mr. BELIN - By that, you are pointing down the entrance to the freeway and kind of what I will call the peninsula of the park there?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - Toward the triple underpass.
Representative BOGGS -Where is the underpass?
Mr. BAKER - The underpass is down here. This is really Elm Street, and this would be Main and Commerce and they all come together here, and there is a triple overpass.
Representative BOGGS -Right.
Mr. BAKER - At this point, I looked down here as I was parking my motorcycle and these people on this ground here, on the sidewalk, there were several of them falling, and they were rolling around down there, and all these people were rushing back, a lot of them were grabbing their children, and I noticed one, I didn't know who he was, but there was a man ran out into the crowd and back.
Mr. BELIN - Did you notice anything else?
Mr. BAKER - Except there was a woman standing--well, all these people were running, and there was a woman screaming, "Oh, they have shot that man, they have shot that man."
Mr. BELIN - All right.
Now, you are on Exhibit 361, and you are pointing to people along the area or bordering the entrance to that expressway and that bit of land lying to the west and north, as to where you describe these people, is that correct?
Mr. BAKER - That is correct, sir.
Mr. DULLES - Would you mark where the overpass would be, right at the end of those lines, just so we get oriented on it.
Mr. BELIN - I am trying to see down here.
Mr. DULLES - I just wanted to get a general idea.

Wow. Officer super cop really took his time to notice everything around him, right? We know, because he's admitting it. Pretty fancy stuff for a motorcycle that just heard 3 gun shots on top of a roof over the noise of his Harley, and with his helmet on. And then he parks 45 feet from the entrance and stands around watching the crowds and street. And according to everyone involved, including you, officer Baker was still able to confront a coke-less Oswald, who was calmly standing next to a Coke machine on the 2nd floor when, and he did all that just 2 minutes after Oswald shot the president from the 6th floor. Excellent detective work & cudos to all the great minds who were, and are, brave enough to actually pretend they believe that nonsense. 

By the way, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to correct my analysis. Shall we continue? Or do you wanna stop here? Because Baker has a lot more wonderful testimony that completely destroys the official narrative, which you believe (or pretend to believe) & defend.

I for one think it's ironic that Baker inadvertently pointed out the real location of the shots. It would be a lot harder to hear gun shots during a crowded parade that come from a roof top, then it would if they came from the street. And all those people that Baker saw running, ducking, laying down and grabbing kids, happened to be in the same area where puffs of gun smoke were seen. The same area where 2 men holding rifles were actually photographed, by Mary Morman. Inside of the pergola. And I've even identified one of those gunmen, using facial recognition techniques, as Eladio Del' Valle.

But please, continue explaining to me what happened, since you're so knowledgeable. That is what you want people to believe, right? That you know what you're talking about? If you know so much then you surely you know the police lied, right? Or how knowledgeable could really be? If you know that, and I assume you do since you took the time to show everyone you know things, why are you pretending not to know? Why are you, pointing the words of liars, as evidence of truth? Either you know what you're talking about or you don't! So which one is it? I'd like to believe both, but I can't.

Smh...I don't get it. lol This whole of forum is supposed to be full of JFK experts. Yet half of them act like they don't know basic shi*t. LOL  I mean... C'mon now. If you know the police lied about pretty much everything, which they did, and you do, then why would you point to police testimony as some kind of proof or evidence of anything? You can't act smug & knowledgeable, while at the same time pretending not to know sh*t like that. I mean you can, but it's just weird.

I'm not gonna play pretend  I know enough to know damn well the police lied. And anyone that's researched more than a year and still doesn't know that fact should just stop because you're wasting your life & time. How long is it supposed to take the normal person with average common sense to figure that out? 5...10... 20 years? LOL

Okay... lol  smh  If so called experts wanna pretend they know everything, except any of the important facts that don't mesh with their pretend beliefs, it's fine with me. Who I'm I to judge?

And I'll try my best to pretend I can't see it, just to appease them, and argue nonsensically over things they know aren't true, for no reason at all, other than stroking ego's .  NOT!  ::)

Only one person who entered the TSBD on 11.22.63 needed a reason to lie that day.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did The Warren Commission Accidently Reveal Oswald Secret?
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2021, 02:40:05 PM »

Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Re: Did The Warren Commission Accidently Reveal Oswald Secret?
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2021, 05:10:32 PM »
I find it absurdly hilarious that people are pretending that I'm wrong while acting like experts. What part of what I said is wrong? Did the Warren Commission not claim Oswald left within the 3 minutes? The people who have something to say haven't touched on that. Why? You act like you're knowledgeable but you don't know this? LOL

The replies are hilarious because not one person has said anything of substance regarding the 3 minute claim. Ridiculed. On & On about some CIA /FBI docs. But nothing about the 3 minute claim. I didn't make that up, the WC did. If you don't like it then maybe it's because you know it's BS, but your ego's won't allow you to admit it. You rather make snide remarks and act like experts.

One guy says this is a farce. Which part? Another pretend expert claims Oswald never bought a Coke. Seriously? The same person also said officer Baker never said a word. And I sarcastically said "You're right." But that it isn't true. None of what the this so called expert, who took the time criticize me but not address the main point, was true. 

Mr. BELIN - All right.
Mr. BAKER - And we went up them.
Mr. BELIN - You went up the stairs then?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - When you started up the stairs what was your intention at that--
Mr. BAKER - My intention was to go all the way to the top where I thought the shots had come from, to see if I could find something there, you know, to indicate that.
Mr. BELIN - And did you go all the way up to the top of the stairs right away?
Mr. BAKER - No, sir; we didn't.
Mr. BAKER - What happened?
Mr. BAKER - As I came out to the second floor there, Mr. Truly was ahead of me, and as I come out I was kind of scanning, you know, the rooms, and I caught a glimpse of this man walking away from this--I happened to see him through this window in this door. I don't know how come I saw him, but I had a glimpse of him coming down there.
Mr. DULLES - Where was he coming from, do you know?
Mr. BAKER - No, sir. All I seen of him was a glimpse of him go away from me.
Mr. BELIN - What did you do then?
Mr. BAKER - I ran on over there
Representative BOGGS -You mean where he was?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir. There is a door there with a glass, it seemed to me like about a 2 by 2, something like that, and then there is another door which is 6 foot on over there, and there is a hallway over there and a hallway entering into a lunchroom, and when I got to where I could. see him he was walking away from me about 20 feet away from me in the lunchroom.
Mr. BELIN - What did you do?

Now let's see what officer Baker did. Because he claims they were going to the top of the building by stairs, after waiting for the elevator. He did a lot in just 3 minutes. But if they were going up the stairs why did they walk the 2nd floor? That's the only way he could have seen Oswald. Let's continue.

Mr. BAKER - I hollered at him at that time and said, "Come here." He turned and walked right straight back to me.
Mr. BELIN - Where were you at the time you hollered?
Mr. BAKER - I was standing in the hallway between this door and the second door, right at the edge of the second door.
Mr. BELIN - He walked back toward you then?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.

So officer Baker hollered at Oswald... so much for the expert criticizer claim that Baker never said a word to Oswald. Bravo! As for officer Baker, he's a clown and a liar. If he thought the shots came from the roof, why is he stopping people on the 2nd floor just 2 minutes after the shots? Does he think it's possible the gunman could have made it to the 2nd floor in just 2 minutes?

And this is why everyone rather criticize than talk about the truth. Rather claim I'm making it up and try to make me look stupid. LOL Like I'm lying or don't know what I'm talking about.

I don't just open my mouth to open it. That may be all some people do, but not me.


Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Re: Did The Warren Commission Accidently Reveal Oswald Secret?
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2021, 07:32:31 PM »
At one point officer Liar states this...

BOGGS- Let me ask you a question. How far away, approximately, were these people who were running and falling and so forth from the entrance to the Building?
Mr. BAKER - Well, now, let me say this. From this position here.
Mr. BELIN - That is position "B" on Exhibit 361?
Mr. BAKER - There were people running all over this here.
Mr. BELIN - And you are pointing to the street and the parkway all in front of the School Building?
Mr. BAKER - Yes. You see, it looked to me like there were maybe 500 or 600 people in this area here.

Wow. So super cop hears gun shots over the noise of his Harley, with his helmet on, clear enough to know what building they came from. Then revvs his motorcycle like s super hero and parks 10 feet from the light, 45 to 50 feet from the door, stands around looking at all the people by the underpass for a few minutes, then makes his way through 500 to 600 people into the building, where he & Mr. Truly talk for a minute, then wait for the elevator. And it when it doesn't come, they go up the stairs headed for the roof, but make a stop on the 2nd floor to look around, where he spots Oswald.

Then he hollers at Oswald, who calmly walks back to officer super liar, just 2 minutes after shooting the president from the 6th floor.

I would be embarrassed for believing that nonsense...and the people who do believe it, should be.   :D

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did The Warren Commission Accidently Reveal Oswald Secret?
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2021, 07:32:31 PM »

Offline Anthony Frank

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Re: Did The Warren Commission Accidently Reveal Oswald Secret?
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2021, 09:11:16 PM »
At one point officer Liar states this...

BOGGS- Let me ask you a question. How far away, approximately, were these people who were running and falling and so forth from the entrance to the Building?
Mr. BAKER - Well, now, let me say this. From this position here.
Mr. BELIN - That is position "B" on Exhibit 361?
Mr. BAKER - There were people running all over this here.
Mr. BELIN - And you are pointing to the street and the parkway all in front of the School Building?
Mr. BAKER - Yes. You see, it looked to me like there were maybe 500 or 600 people in this area here.

Wow. So super cop hears gun shots over the noise of his Harley, with his helmet on, clear enough to know what building they came from. Then revvs his motorcycle like s super hero and parks 10 feet from the light, 45 to 50 feet from the door, stands around looking at all the people by the underpass for a few minutes, then makes his way through 500 to 600 people into the building, where he & Mr. Truly talk for a minute, then wait for the elevator. And it when it doesn't come, they go up the stairs headed for the roof, but make a stop on the 2nd floor to look around, where he spots Oswald.

Then he hollers at Oswald, who calmly walks back to officer super liar, just 2 minutes after shooting the president from the 6th floor.

I would be embarrassed for believing that nonsense...and the people who do believe it, should be.   :D

Even the Warren Commission ruled out Oswald as the assassin.

In an Executive Session on December 16, 1963, more than two months before any witness testimony was taken, members of the Warren Commission discussed President Kennedy having been shot from the front.

Warren Commission member Gerald Ford stated, “But that person must have taken the shot over here some place.”

John McCloy, in referring to President Kennedy being shot from the sixth-floor window of the TSBD, responded to Ford: “Still I don’t see how he could have been hit in the front from here.” Hale Boggs then stated, “That’s the big question, yes.”

McCloy then stated, “I inquired about this and they said that nobody was permitted on the overpass.”

After McCloy wondered how President Kennedy “could have been hit in the front from here,” and after McCloy mentioned the “overpass” that was in front of President Kennedy, McCloy made a statement about the sixth-floor window from which Oswald allegedly fired, and it is clear that McCloy knew that President Kennedy was shot from the front.

McCloy stated, “I think we ought to take a look at the grounds and somebody ought to do it. And get the picture of this angle to see if it is humanly possible for him to have been hit in the front from a shot fired from that window.”

If it had been a clear case of President Kennedy being shot from behind, there would have been no reason for McCloy to refer to the sixth-floor window and ask “if it is humanly possible for him to have been hit in the front from a shot fired from that window,” and he would have no reason to say, “I don’t see how he could have been hit in the front from here.”

If it had been a clear case of President Kennedy being shot from behind, McCloy would have no reason to bring up “the overpass” that was in front of President Kennedy when he was assassinated.

Warren Commission member Hale Boggs was adamant that “the big question” was “how he could have been hit in the front from here.”

Contrary to what was in the final report of the Warren Commission, the Executive Session on December 16, 1963, shows that Commission members knew with absolute certainty that President Kennedy was shot from the front.

Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Re: Did The Warren Commission Accidently Reveal Oswald Secret?
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2021, 09:20:37 PM »
Let's continue with officer Baker's testimony.

Mr. BELIN - All right.
Mr. BAKER - And at that position there he was already down here some 20 feet away from me.
Representative BOGGS -When you saw him, was he out of breath, did he appear to have been running or what?
Mr. BAKER - It didn't appear that to me. He appeared normal you know.
Representative BOGGS -Was he calm and collected?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir. He never did say a word or nothing. In fact, he didn't change his expression one bit.
Mr. BELIN - Did he flinch in anyway when you put the gun up in his face?
Mr. BAKER - No, sir.
Mr. DULLES - There is no testimony that he put the gun up in his face.
Mr. BAKER - I had my gun talking to him like this.
Mr. DULLES - Yes.

So Oswald didn't seem out of breath. How incredible for a man who just shot the president and ran down 4 flights of stairs in 2 minutes. And then Baker, who says he looked normal, points a gun at him! Why? Of all the employees and people in the building, why harass a man who looked normal on the 2nd floor, just 2 minutes after hearing gun shots on the roof...over his loud Harley with a helmet on?

None of this sounds right.  At least not to me.   But to some people it does. How could the WC actually believe and claim all of this took place within 3 minutes? They couldn't have been that stupid, right? But they lied about it anyway because they had to put Oswald on the bus by a certain time so they could lie some more about him killing Tippet too. And that's what the 3 minute lie is all about.

Oswald going home to get a jacket and gun. But why would Oswald bring his rifle to work and leave his revolver at home? That's stupid. As stupid as claiming he grabbed a jacket to wear over his long sleeve flannel at 1:00 in the afternoon in Texas.  Lies, lies, and more lies.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2021, 09:35:55 PM by Izraul Hidashi »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did The Warren Commission Accidently Reveal Oswald Secret?
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2021, 09:20:37 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Did The Warren Commission Accidently Reveal Oswald Secret?
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2021, 09:37:44 PM »
Even the Warren Commission ruled out Oswald as the assassin.

In an Executive Session on December 16, 1963, more than two months before any witness testimony was taken, members of the Warren Commission discussed President Kennedy having been shot from the front.

Warren Commission member Gerald Ford stated, “But that person must have taken the shot over here some place.”

John McCloy, in referring to President Kennedy being shot from the sixth-floor window of the TSBD, responded to Ford: “Still I don’t see how he could have been hit in the front from here.” Hale Boggs then stated, “That’s the big question, yes.”

McCloy then stated, “I inquired about this and they said that nobody was permitted on the overpass.”

After McCloy wondered how President Kennedy “could have been hit in the front from here,” and after McCloy mentioned the “overpass” that was in front of President Kennedy, McCloy made a statement about the sixth-floor window from which Oswald allegedly fired, and it is clear that McCloy knew that President Kennedy was shot from the front.

McCloy stated, “I think we ought to take a look at the grounds and somebody ought to do it. And get the picture of this angle to see if it is humanly possible for him to have been hit in the front from a shot fired from that window.”

If it had been a clear case of President Kennedy being shot from behind, there would have been no reason for McCloy to refer to the sixth-floor window and ask “if it is humanly possible for him to have been hit in the front from a shot fired from that window,” and he would have no reason to say, “I don’t see how he could have been hit in the front from here.”

If it had been a clear case of President Kennedy being shot from behind, McCloy would have no reason to bring up “the overpass” that was in front of President Kennedy when he was assassinated.

Warren Commission member Hale Boggs was adamant that “the big question” was “how he could have been hit in the front from here.”

Contrary to what was in the final report of the Warren Commission, the Executive Session on December 16, 1963, shows that Commission members knew with absolute certainty that President Kennedy was shot from the front.

Seems to me they were trying to ascertain if claims that he was shot from the front were feasible.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2021, 09:38:55 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Re: Did The Warren Commission Accidently Reveal Oswald Secret?
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2021, 10:09:09 PM »
And now we come to the good part. How they based the whole time.

Representative BOGGS -That question about time I would like to establish.
How long would you say it was from the time that you first heard the shots until that episode occurred?
Mr. BAKER - We went back and made two trial runs on that, and---
Mr. BELIN - Was that on Friday, March 20?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - All right.
Mr. BAKER - And the first run we made it was a minute and 30 seconds, and--
Mr. DULLES - Will you say from what time to what time, from the last shot?
Mr. BAKER - From the last shot.
Mr. BELIN - The first shot.
Mr. DULLES - The first shot?
Mr. BAKER - The first shot.
We simulated the shots and by the time we got there, we did everything that I did that day, and this would be the minimum, because I am sure that I, you know. it took me a little longer.
Mr. DULLES - I want to get clear in my mind and for the record, it started at the first shot and when did it terminate, when you saw Oswald?
Mr. BAKER - When we saw Oswald.
Mr. DULLES - When you saw Oswald?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.
Mr. DULLES - And that time is how much?
Mr. BAKER - The first run would be a minute and 30 seconds, and then we did it over, and we did it in a minute and 15 seconds.

And there it is. The biggest BS ever, right out of their own lying mouths. They timed practice runs after the fact, less the 500 to 600 people who were also there, as officer Baker claimed. How anyone could believe and defend this garbage is beyond me. But it says a lot about a persons intelligence. You have to be extremely special to believe everything officer Baker said happened, happened in only 1 1/2 minutes. Clearly they lied and manipulated times for people who they thought would buy it. And people did.

The one cop who told the truth was officer Roger Craig. And he was fired and murdered for it. So who else lied? How about the earliest report of Oswald's interview by FBI agent James Hosty?

Page 613 of the Warren Report.

"OSWALD stated that he went to lunch at approximately noon and he claimed he ate his lunch on the first floor in the lunch room; however he went to the second floor where the Coca–Cola machine was located and obtained a bottle of Coca–Cola for his lunch. OSWALD claimed to be on the first floor when President JOHN F. KENNEDY passed this building. … he then went home by bus and changed his clothes."

Now let's look at p 619 of the Warren Report, where the FBI wrote a new version of events after Oswald was dead. As did others. The earliest report never said anything about Oswald's run in with Baker. Captain Fritz added it later. Then FBI agent Bookhout writes a new account of the first–day interview, which suddenly included an encounter with a super cop Baker.

 "OSWALD stated that on November 22, 1963, at the time of the search of the Texas School Book Depository building by Dallas police officers, he was on the second floor of said building, having just purchased a Coca–cola from the soft-drink machine, at which time a police officer came into the room with pistol drawn and asked him if he worked there. MR. TRULY was present and verified that he was an employee and the police officer thereafter left the room and continued through the building. OSWALD stated that he took this Coke down to the first floor and stood around and had lunch in the employees’ lunch room. He thereafter went outside and stood around for five or ten minutes with foreman BILL SHELLEY, and thereafter went home."

But there's no conspiracy right? All these lies and changes to pin a murder on an innocent man, but there was no conspiracy. Yeah...okay. You experts you. lol

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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Re: Did The Warren Commission Accidently Reveal Oswald Secret?
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2021, 05:09:59 PM »
Thanks. I'm sure glad you took the time to knit pick at meaningless facts in the face of a reality that you can't, nor want, to talk about. Because no matter what you knit pick at, the fact remains that the WC timeline for Oswald shooting the president, being confronted by Baker, and then leaving, is still 3 minutes.

And that's exactly what you believe and are defending, isn't it? So let's address your knit picking of meaningless facts to avoid the real point of my post, shall we?

You claim Baker said nothing to Oswald, and Oswald never bought a coke, right? You're right that Baker never said anything directly to Oswald. Or at least that's what the lying cop said, and you believe.

According to Baker, he heard 3 shots and thought they came from that building, in front of him. But there were more than 3 shots, and they came from different areas. So Baker was clearly repeating the official narrative. But who cares, right? Okay, so he heard 3 shots, parked his motorcycle, and ran into the building that he thought the shots came from. Even though there were plenty of other buildings around, he just happened to choose that one. Bravo for officer Baker & you. You wanna knit pick my post, but you haven't knit picked this clowns story? LOL

Mr. BELIN - How many shots did you hear?
Mr. BAKER - Three.
Mr. BELIN - All right. After the third shot, then, what did you do?
Mr. BAKER - Well, I revved that motorcycle up and I went down to the corner which would be approximately 180 to 200 feet from the point where we had first stated, you know, that we heard the shots.
Mr. BELIN - What distance did you state? What we did on Friday afternoon, we paced off from the point you thought you heard the first shot to the point at which you parked the motorcycle, and this paced off to how much?
Mr. BAKER - From 180 to 200 feet.
Mr. BELIN - That is where you parked the motorcycle?
Mr. BAKER - Yes.

So, he claims he heard 3 shots while riding his loud ass motorcycle with his helmet on, and over the crowds of cheering people. Oh yeah... that sounds legit, right? Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?  The chances of him hearing any gun shots at all are minimal. Add the helmet and there's even less chance of hearing them, let alone being able to tell where they came from. Sorry, but I have to call bullsh*t on officer Baker. But if you believe him, that's what's important here. So let us continue fixing these important issues.

Mr. BELIN - All right.
I wonder if we could go on this plat, Officer Baker, and first if you could put on here with this pen, and I have turned it upside down.
With Exhibit 361, show us the spot at which you stopped your motorcycle approximately and put a "B" on it, if you would.
Mr. BAKER - Somewhere at this position here, which is approximately 10 feet from this signal light here on the northwest corner of Elm and Houston.
Mr. BELIN - All right.
You have put a dot on Exhibit 361 with the line going to "B" and the dot represents that signal light, is that correct?
Mr. BAKER - That is right, sir.
Mr. BELIN - You, on Friday, March 20, parked your motorcycle where you thought it was parked on November 22 and then we paced off the distance from the nearest point of the motorcycle to the stop light and it was 10 feet, is that correct?
Mr. BAKER - That is correct, sir.

So officer Baker parked his motorcycle 10 feet from the stoplight at Houston & Elm.  There were crowds of people all around. He's noticing everything. Even the things that nobody else has, like which building the shots came from, where in the building they came from. He's a super cop and nothing is getting by him, right?

Mr. BELIN - We then paced off the distance as to approximately how far it was from the place your motorcycle was parked to the doorway of the School Book Depository Building, do you remember doing that, on March 20?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - And it appears on Exhibit 477 that that doorway is recessed, is that correct?
Mr. BAKER - That is correct, sir.
Mr. BELIN - Do you remember how far that was from the place your motorcycle was parked to the doorway?
Mr. BAKER - Approximately 45 feet.

So he parked 45 feet from the door. 10 feet from the stoplight. Let's continue.

Mr. BELIN - After you parked your motorcycle, did you notice anything that was going on in the area?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir. As I parked here
Mr. BELIN - You are pointing on Exhibit 361 to the place that you have marked with "B."
Mr. BAKER - And I was looking westward which would be in this direction.
Mr. BELIN - By that, you are pointing down the entrance to the freeway and kind of what I will call the peninsula of the park there?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - Toward the triple underpass.
Representative BOGGS -Where is the underpass?
Mr. BAKER - The underpass is down here. This is really Elm Street, and this would be Main and Commerce and they all come together here, and there is a triple overpass.
Representative BOGGS -Right.
Mr. BAKER - At this point, I looked down here as I was parking my motorcycle and these people on this ground here, on the sidewalk, there were several of them falling, and they were rolling around down there, and all these people were rushing back, a lot of them were grabbing their children, and I noticed one, I didn't know who he was, but there was a man ran out into the crowd and back.
Mr. BELIN - Did you notice anything else?
Mr. BAKER - Except there was a woman standing--well, all these people were running, and there was a woman screaming, "Oh, they have shot that man, they have shot that man."
Mr. BELIN - All right.
Now, you are on Exhibit 361, and you are pointing to people along the area or bordering the entrance to that expressway and that bit of land lying to the west and north, as to where you describe these people, is that correct?
Mr. BAKER - That is correct, sir.
Mr. DULLES - Would you mark where the overpass would be, right at the end of those lines, just so we get oriented on it.
Mr. BELIN - I am trying to see down here.
Mr. DULLES - I just wanted to get a general idea.

Wow. Officer super cop really took his time to notice everything around him, right? We know, because he's admitting it. Pretty fancy stuff for a motorcycle that just heard 3 gun shots on top of a roof over the noise of his Harley, and with his helmet on. And then he parks 45 feet from the entrance and stands around watching the crowds and street. And according to everyone involved, including you, officer Baker was still able to confront a coke-less Oswald, who was calmly standing next to a Coke machine on the 2nd floor when, and he did all that just 2 minutes after Oswald shot the president from the 6th floor. Excellent detective work & cudos to all the great minds who were, and are, brave enough to actually pretend they believe that nonsense. 

By the way, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to correct my analysis. Shall we continue? Or do you wanna stop here? Because Baker has a lot more wonderful testimony that completely destroys the official narrative, which you believe (or pretend to believe) & defend.

I for one think it's ironic that Baker inadvertently pointed out the real location of the shots. It would be a lot harder to hear gun shots during a crowded parade that come from a roof top, then it would if they came from the street. And all those people that Baker saw running, ducking, laying down and grabbing kids, happened to be in the same area where puffs of gun smoke were seen. The same area where 2 men holding rifles were actually photographed, by Mary Morman. Inside of the pergola. And I've even identified one of those gunmen, using facial recognition techniques, as Eladio Del' Valle.

But please, continue explaining to me what happened, since you're so knowledgeable. That is what you want people to believe, right? That you know what you're talking about? If you know so much then you surely you know the police lied, right? Or how knowledgeable could really be? If you know that, and I assume you do since you took the time to show everyone you know things, why are you pretending not to know? Why are you, pointing the words of liars, as evidence of truth? Either you know what you're talking about or you don't! So which one is it? I'd like to believe both, but I can't.

Smh...I don't get it. lol This whole of forum is supposed to be full of JFK experts. Yet half of them act like they don't know basic shi*t. LOL  I mean... C'mon now. If you know the police lied about pretty much everything, which they did, and you do, then why would you point to police testimony as some kind of proof or evidence of anything? You can't act smug & knowledgeable, while at the same time pretending not to know sh*t like that. I mean you can, but it's just weird.

I'm not gonna play pretend  I know enough to know damn well the police lied. And anyone that's researched more than a year and still doesn't know that fact should just stop because you're wasting your life & time. How long is it supposed to take the normal person with average common sense to figure that out? 5...10... 20 years? LOL

Okay... lol  smh  If so called experts wanna pretend they know everything, except any of the important facts that don't mesh with their pretend beliefs, it's fine with me. Who I'm I to judge?

And I'll try my best to pretend I can't see it, just to appease them, and argue nonsensically over things they know aren't true, for no reason at all, other than stroking ego's .  NOT!  ::)

Thou art such an erudite gentleman.  I miss Caprio..  But Tony Marsh is above all of thee !!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did The Warren Commission Accidently Reveal Oswald Secret?
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2021, 05:09:59 PM »