There is literally a mountain of evidence that Oswald was at the corner of Patton and Tenth and killed Tippit, and besides bashing the eyewitnesses the main CT refutation is that Oswald didn't have the time to make it, but the CT's star witness is what the CT's themselves call a "screwball" and secondly they rely on the watch of a man who confesses that his watch may have been as much as five minutes off, and that's basically the best they've got! It's seriously is a waste of time trying to talk sense to these sheeple.
A lot of people claim to have seen and done a lot of things. Without the actual card to examine, it remains unsubstantiated.
Bill, if the trip ticket was found and presented in a forum like this, what are the odds that it would be accepted as being genuine and accurate by the diehard Oswald defenders? If the DPD radio Dispatch clocks (near synchronized with the Hertz clock on the TSBD roof) are not to be considered as accurate, then why would the Hughes funeral home clock be?
If the DPD radio Dispatch clocks (near synchronized with the Hertz clock on the TSBD roof)