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Author Topic: Poll: 51% of Republicans Expect Change in Election Outcome from Ballot Reviews  (Read 12453 times)

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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This is simply not believable. Or maybe too believable. Here's the nut graf from the piece - and I do mean nut.

"51 percent [of respondents] think the reviews [of state election votes] will uncover information that will change the election’s outcome. The results follow another survey which found that roughly 3 in 10 Republicans say it’s at least somewhat likely that Trump will be reinstated as president this year..."

Are these people literally insane? Or just unbelievably ill informed? There is no legal method for Trump to be reinstated as president. None. Nothing in the Constitution permits it. Do they think the Supreme Court will rule Biden's election as invalid and put Trump in office?

Until Republican voters get over this Trump cult belief system they have no credibility to run a school board much less a country.

Full story/link here:
« Last Edit: June 16, 2021, 05:44:45 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

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Online Richard Smith

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This is simply not believable. Or maybe too believable. Here's the nut graf from the piece - and I do mean nut.

"51 percent [of respondents] think the reviews [of state election votes] will uncover information that will change the election’s outcome. The results follow another survey which found that roughly 3 in 10 Republicans say it’s at least somewhat likely that Trump will be reinstated as president this year..."

Are these people literally insane? Or just unbelievably ill informed? There is no legal method for Trump to be reinstated as president. None. Nothing in the Constitution permits it. Do they think the Supreme Court will rule Biden's election as invalid and put Trump in office?

Until Republican voters get over this Trump cult belief system they have no credibility to run a school board much less a country.

Full story/link here:

How many dems believe Trump "colluded" with Russia to win the 2016 election after nearly four years of nonstop promotion of that fake story by the media?  How many believe there was a Russian bounty on US soldiers?  How many believe a Capitol police officer was killed by protestors on Jan. 6 after the press falsely reported that he had been hit with a fire extinguisher (and the autopsy was kept secret for months showing that he died of natural causes)?  How many believed Trump made a phone call demanding that Georgia officials "find the fraud"?  Those are all nutty and debunked stories that most Dems continue to believe.

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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How many dems believe Trump "colluded" with Russia to win the 2016 election after nearly four years of nonstop promotion of that fake story by the media?  How many believe there was a Russian bounty on US soldiers?  How many believe a Capitol police officer was killed by protestors on Jan. 6 after the press falsely reported that he had been hit with a fire extinguisher (and the autopsy was kept secret for months showing that he died of natural causes)?  How many believed Trump made a phone call demanding that Georgia officials "find the fraud"?  Those are all nutty and debunked stories that most Dems continue to believe.
They're thinking "nutty things" too. I don't see how pointing to other "nuttiness" is a response to this "nuttiness"?

If you want to be consistent you have to reject this type of conspiracy thinking from wherever it comes from. Is there a bias here? Is the media pushing one more than the other? Absolutely. I had a post about the "lab leak" hypothesis and how the bias of the media suppressed that question. We can add: the collusion story, the Lafayette Park protest story, the bounty's not a small list. But that's a different matter.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2021, 10:58:56 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

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Online Richard Smith

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They're thinking "nutty things" too. I don't see how pointing to other "nuttiness" is a response to this "nuttiness"?

If you want to be consistent you have to reject this type of conspiracy thinking from wherever it comes from. Is there a bias here? Is the media pushing one more than the other? Absolutely. I had a post about the "lab leak" hypothesis and how the bias of the media suppressed that question. We can add: the collusion story, the Lafayette Park protest story, the bounty's not a small list. But that's a different matter.

Then why single out one instance to imply that all Trump supporters are nuts when there are multiple examples of crazies on the other side?  How about starting threads on all those falsehoods.  There are right wing and left wing kooks.

Online Richard Smith

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They're thinking "nutty things" too. I don't see how pointing to other "nuttiness" is a response to this "nuttiness"?

If you want to be consistent you have to reject this type of conspiracy thinking from wherever it comes from. Is there a bias here? Is the media pushing one more than the other? Absolutely. I had a post about the "lab leak" hypothesis and how the bias of the media suppressed that question. We can add: the collusion story, the Lafayette Park protest story, the bounty's not a small list. But that's a different matter.

Trump's personality leads him to deal in absolutes and often overstate conclusions.  Everything is the biggest or greatest.  That provides fodder for his numerous critics to claim that he lied.  In the case of the 2020 election, he overstated the claim that it was "stolen."  That was not the case.  But the claim contains elements of truth.  Nearly every state used the pandemic as an excuse to change their election laws.  This despite the CDC and Fauci (i.e. the "scientists" we were told to listen to) confirming that it was perfectly safe to vote in person.  These changes were advantageous to the Dems.  The results of the election confirm that these changes made the difference in the outcome as they significantly benefited Biden.  They resulted in an outlandish outlier.  Joe Biden, an old white guy with the charisma of a door knob who hardly campaigned and was in obvious decline, received more votes than any candidate for President in history.  Millions more than JFK, Reagan, Clinton, FDR, Obama etc.  So although the election may not have been stolen because the rules were changed legally at the last moment, it certainly was a questionable practice.  One that would have led Democrats to riot in the streets if the situation had been reversed and the rules were changed in such a way that resulted in Trump's re-election.  A clear double standard.  Particularly from the same folks who suggested for four years that the results of the 2016 were invalid due to Russian collusion.  For which there was no evidence.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2021, 04:25:45 PM by Richard Smith »

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Offline Joe Elliott

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"51 percent [of respondents] think the reviews [of state election votes] will uncover information that will change the election’s outcome. . . .

Republicans are so stupid. With the Cyber Ninjas conducting the recount shouldn’t it be 100% of the Republicans expect a different election outcome in Arizona? I’m no longer a Republican but even I expect a different outcome in Arizona. Maybe this poll should be written off as more fake news.

Online Richard Smith

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Things must really be getting bad for the Dems and Whispering Joe.  Inflation and crime are out of control.  The borders are wide open.  The service industries cannot find anyone to work since the Dems have paid them to stay home.  So now Fauci and company are desperately trying to convince people they have to wear masks again?  After they have been vaccinated with the Trump vaccine that is nearly 100% effective.  HA HA HA.   They know the red wave is coming in 2022 and 2024.  Desperate to change the narrative away from Old Joe's failed policies to dependence on the government and the fake Jan. 6 narrative. 

Offline Rick Plant

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The 51% is the deranged cult and these mentally challenged morons will believe any lie Criminal Donald and the fake news right wing media tells them.

'This didn’t happen': Trump's two biggest lies about the Arizona audit demolished by fact checkers

Inside observers say the Arizona 'auditors' are backtracking — and the reality only supports Biden's win

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