By sheer coincidence I ordered a copy of 'On The Trail of Delusion' last night (Disappointed there is no hardcover version. Fred, have a word with your publishers and make it happen
From Posner's account in 'Case Closed' to Lambert's 'False Witness' I've always found the whole Garrison trial completely bizarre and laughable. I can't believe how some people still support the Clay Shaw theory, let alone how Oliver Stone could have based a Hollywood movie on it.
With the exception of 'On The Trail of the Assassins', can anyone recommend a book that analyses and supports Garrison's theory? I'm just intrigued as to what nonsense they can possibly conclude.
You can try Joan Mellen's book "Destiny Betrayed." Mellen is, like DiEugenio, a Garrisonite so she essentially repeats his claims; and also Garrison's. I don't recall her breaking any new ground on Garrison's allegations so it's essentially just repeating many of them. And the book is filled with errors and falsehoods.
For example, Mellen says that Shaw, while in the Army, worked for was called the SOS: which is true, he did work for the SOS. But Mellen identifies that as the “Special Operations Section" and "an Army counterintelligence group." Completely false. The SOS that Shaw was assigned to was the Army's "Services of Supply", a group created to provide supplies to the forces that landed on Normandy and invaded Europe. In other words, Shaw was a
supply officer
not a
counterintelligence officer.