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Author Topic: The KGB Sabotaged Presidential Protection Before Assassinating JFK  (Read 6056 times)

Offline Anthony Frank

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The KGB Sabotaged Presidential Protection Before Assassinating JFK
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2021, 02:30:02 AM »
Nobody has to know what the guy's name was except you, who appears to be running around slapping the wrists of people who you seem to think should perform like the comic-book based super-heroes we see on movie screens today. And by describing the scene as 5-8 seconds of gunfire, you are implying that it was Bonnie & Clyde or Sonny Corleone-type bloodbath. If anything, any delay in reaction times has to be coloured with the fact that plenty of people at first thought 'firecracker' or 'backfire' given the parade-like setting, along with multiple motorcycles.

OK, Bill. I will use your words in referring to Special Agent John Ready.

“One of the agents on the Queen Mary running boards,” who stood on the right front running board, wrote in his report that after hearing “what appeared to be firecrackers going off . . . . I immediately turned to my right rear trying to locate the source but was not able to determine the exact location.”

“One of the agents on the Queen Mary running boards” also wrote that he “heard someone” inside the follow-up car say, “He’s shot.” (That would most likely be Bennett, the KGB officer in the back seat who exclaimed, “He’s hit,” or it could be Emory Roberts, the KGB officer in the front seat who turned around and exclaimed, “They got him! They got him!”)

After hearing someone say that the President has been shot, “one of the agents on the Queen Mary running boards” “left the follow-up car in the direction of the President’s car,” but he was “recalled” by Roberts “as the cars increased their speeds.”

“The agent on the Queen Mary running board” closest in proximity to the President should have been the very first agent to shield the President, but the agent made no mention of seeing President Kennedy get shot, and he was oblivious to the President being shot in the head until he heard someone say something. His ignorance of the President being shot would be due to “trying to locate the source” of “firecrackers” for five to eight seconds.

“One of the agents on the Queen Mary running boards” was clearly suffering from the effects of alcohol and a lack of sleep when he spent five to eight seconds violating the directive not to “investigate or evaluate a present danger.”

I identify the running board agent as Special Agent John Ready in my book, which is meticulously sourced and rife with documentation from beginning to end. Click the link.

« Last Edit: July 09, 2021, 06:20:32 PM by Anthony Frank »

JFK Assassination Forum

The KGB Sabotaged Presidential Protection Before Assassinating JFK
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2021, 02:30:02 AM »

Offline Anthony Frank

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The KGB Sabotaged Presidential Protection Before Assassinating JFK
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2021, 09:07:46 AM »
Nobody has to know what the guy's name was except you, who appears to be running around slapping the wrists of people who you seem to think should perform like the comic-book based super-heroes we see on movie screens today. And by describing the scene as 5-8 seconds of gunfire, you are implying that it was Bonnie & Clyde or Sonny Corleone-type bloodbath. If anything, any delay in reaction times has to be coloured with the fact that plenty of people at first thought 'firecracker' or 'backfire' given the parade-like setting, along with multiple motorcycles.

As for the running board agents performing like "comic-book based super-heroes," the fatal headshot occurred precisely at frame 313, five to eight seconds after the first shot. Hill has not yet passed the left front fender of the follow-up car at this point (see photo below).

Hill catches up to the now accelerating limousine by frame 333, which means after his slow reaction time, it took him less than two seconds to get to the limousine. He is not able to get up onto the rear step of the limousine until frame 382 due to the limousine accelerating after President Kennedy was shot in the head.

When the limousine emerges from behind a road sign at frame 225 of the Zapruder film, President Kennedy can be seen already reacting to being shot, which means he was shot at some point prior to frame 225. Hill is still resting atop the car door in the Altgens photo which, according to the Warren Commission, corresponds to frame 255 of the Zapruder film.

Governor Connally, who was riding in the Presidential limousine directly in front of the Secret Service follow up car, and Senator Yarborough, who was riding in LBJ's car directly behind the Secret Service follow up car,  heard the first shot and knew with absolute certainty it was a rifle shot.

If Hill did not go out drinking in the early morning hours of November 22 and then go to an all-night beatnik rendezvous to sober up and let the stink of alcohol dissipate from his breath, he would have heard the first shot and would have been at the limousine in less than two seconds. Instead, he was resting atop the door of the Secret Service follow up car.

The photo above corresponds to frame 255 of the Zapruder film. Special Agent Clint Hill, wearing
sunglasses and standing on the left “front” running board, is clearly resting atop the car door and
leaning into the car with his right leg crossed in front of his left as the assassination continues to
unfold. Hill apparently did not even hear the first shot.

It’s all in my book. Click the link.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2021, 06:20:04 PM by Anthony Frank »

Online Richard Smith

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Bottom line.  A slow reaction by the SS agents (even assuming that is true) is not evidence of a conspiracy. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Bill Chapman

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OK, Bill. I will use your words in referring to Special Agent John Ready.

“One of the agents on the Queen Mary running boards,” who stood on the right front running board, wrote in his report that after hearing “what appeared to be firecrackers going off . . . . I immediately turned to my right rear trying to locate the source but was not able to determine the exact location.”

“One of the agents on the Queen Mary running boards” also wrote that he “heard someone” inside the follow-up car say, “He’s shot.” (That would most likely be Bennett, the KGB officer in the back seat who exclaimed, “He’s hit,” or it could be Emory Roberts, the KGB officer in the front seat who turned around and exclaimed, “They got him! They got him!”)

After hearing someone say that the President has been shot, “one of the agents on the Queen Mary running boards” “left the follow-up car in the direction of the President’s car,” but he was “recalled” by Roberts “as the cars increased their speeds.”

“The agent on the Queen Mary running board” closest in proximity to the President should have been the very first agent to shield the President, but the agent made no mention of seeing President Kennedy get shot, and he was oblivious to the President being shot in the head until he heard someone say something. His ignorance of the President being shot would be due to “trying to locate the source” of “firecrackers” for five to eight seconds.

“One of the agents on the Queen Mary running boards” was clearly suffering from the effects of alcohol and a lack of sleep when he spent five to eight seconds violating the directive not to “investigate or evaluate a present danger.”

I identify the running board agent as Special Agent John Ready in my book, which is meticulously sourced and rife with documentation from beginning to end. Click the link.

1) Do not mess with my blue box
2) So Ready wasn't ready

Only Oswald was ready
« Last Edit: June 30, 2021, 11:45:58 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Anthony Frank

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The KGB Sabotaged Presidential Protection Before Assassinating JFK
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2021, 10:03:18 PM »
Bottom line.  A slow reaction by the SS agents (even assuming that is true) is not evidence of a conspiracy.

Hill did not have any “reaction” at all to the first shot. He was oblivious to it, even though both Governor Connally in the President’s limousine directly in front of the Secret Service follow up car and Senator Yarborough in the car directly behind the Secret Service follow up car heard the first shot and knew with certainty that it was a rifle shot.

Any clear-thinking person would know that it was because Hill went out drinking in the early morning hours of November 22 after they arrived at the Fort Worth hotel at “about 12:00 midnight,” regardless of having been “on duty for 16 hours.” After drinking and partying at the Press Club until nearly 3:00 a.m., Hill, KGB officer Glen Bennet, and 2 other running board agents took their “party” over to an “all-night beatnik rendezvous” called The Cellar.

Hill’s only reaction to the second shot was to turn and look to see where it came from because, in his hung-over and exhausted condition, he thought it could just be a “firecracker.” Hill reacted only when his “eyes had to cross the Presidential automobile,” and he “saw the President hunch forward and then slump to his left.”


But let’s get to the clear and concise “evidence of the conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy, which is contained in the official Secret Service reports of KGB officers inside the CIA who had been “detailed” to the Secret Service, all of whom heard shots fired (not firecrackers) and saw shots strike the President before the fatal head shot. And there is a lot more evidence of the conspiracy contained in my book.

The highest-ranking Secret Service agent in the follow-up car was KGB officer Emory Roberts, Roberts, who rode in the front passenger seat next to Kinney, the driver, had the prime position for watching the assassination unfold, as President Kennedy was directly in front of him in the rear seat of the Presidential limousine.

In Roberts’ official report, he wrote that after a bullet struck President Kennedy in the head, he picked up the car radio and told Special Agent Lawson in the lead car, “The President has been hit. Escort us to the nearest hospital fast but at a safe speed . . . . I said, pointing to McIntyre, ‘They got him, they got him,’ continuing I said, ‘You, meaning McIntyre, and Bennett take over Johnson as soon as we stop.’”

Roberts also wrote that at 12:30 p.m., before witnessing the fatal head shot, he witnessed the “first of three shots fired, at which time I saw the President lean toward Mrs. Kennedy.”

With Special Agent John Ready standing just inches away on the right front running board, Roberts clearly saw that “they got him” with the “first” shot, and he clearly saw the President react to the shot, but according to his own Secret Service report, Roberts, the highest-ranking agent in the car, sat there and watched silently for at least five seconds and possibly as many as eight seconds while President Kennedy was being shot to death directly in front of him. Roberts said and did absolutely nothing until President Kennedy was shot in the head.

And there is Special Agent Glen Bennett, another one of the KGB officers  inside the CIA who had been “detailed” to the Secret Service. Bennett, who was only “temporarily assigned to the White House Detail,” wrote in his “Protective Assignment” report that after seeing the last shot strike the President in the head, he “immediately hollered ‘he’s hit’” and then “reached for the AR-15 located on the floor of the rear seat. Special Agent Hickey had already picked-up the AR-15.”

But before seeing the last shot strike President Kennedy in the head and before saying anything, Bennett watched silently as President Kennedy was shot in the back.

Bennett wrote that he “looked at the back of the President” and “saw the shot hit the President about four inches down from the right shoulder.” Even though Bennett saw the President take a bullet in the back, Bennett sat there and said absolutely nothing. It was not until one of the assassins’ bullets struck President Kennedy in the head that Bennett hollered, “He’s hit!”

Bennett is the KGB officer who took the three running board agents, Landis, Ready, and Hill, out for drinking and late-night partying in the early morning hours of Assassination Day, November 22.

Roberts, who was sitting in the prime position for witnessing the assassination and who was the highest-ranking agent in the follow-up car, stated very clearly that he sat and watched everything from the first shot to the last without saying a word until it was all over.

Bennett’s report states that at the sound of the first shot he looked at the President and watched everything without saying or doing anything until it was all over.

Special Agent Tim McIntyre, the only KGB officer on a running board, wrote that the President’s car was 200 yards from the underpass “when the first shot was fired,” and “after the second shot” he “looked at the President and witnessed his being struck in the head by the third and last shot.”

McIntyre did not say what he was doing for five to eight seconds after “the first shot was fired,” but the Altgens photo, which can be seen in several of my posts, shows McIntyre focused across the car on Special Agents Ready and Landis, two of the three running board agents that needed to be disabled.

KGB officers Roberts, Bennett, and McIntyre stated in their reports that they tried to locate the source of the shots after the shooting was over, but they said and did absolutely nothing while the shots were being fired. They did not even try to give the appearance of trying to locate the source of the shots.

The reports of KGB officers Roberts, Bennett, and McIntyre describe in detail how President John F. Kennedy was shot to death from the first shot to the last while they silently and patiently watched the entire assassination unfold.

Special Agent George Hickey, the fourth KGB officer working the follow up car, stood up and looked toward the rear, allegedly to “identify” the first shot, and then, in an attempt to either witness the assassination or see if they had already killed the President, he turned to look at the President, whereupon he saw, in his own words, that the second shot “missed” and “there didn’t seem to be any impact against his head.”

Like the reports of his KGB colleagues, Hickey’s report is a blatant admission that he watched to see if the assassination would be successful. His report, bemoaning that the second shot “missed” and “there didn’t seem to be any impact against his head,” perfectly complements Roberts’ report in which Roberts exclaimed, “They got him! They got him!” after the third and final shot struck President Kennedy in the head.

It’s all in my book. Click the link.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2021, 06:19:30 PM by Anthony Frank »

JFK Assassination Forum

The KGB Sabotaged Presidential Protection Before Assassinating JFK
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2021, 10:03:18 PM »

Offline Anthony Frank

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The KGB Sabotaged Presidential Protection Before Assassinating JFK
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2021, 04:27:44 AM »
In 1981, the KGB officers again sought to catapult one of their assets, Vice President and CIA officer George H. W. Bush, into the Presidency sixty-nine days after Bush became Vice President.

CIA officers “detailed” to the “Secret Service” were tasked with making it happen when President Reagan left the Washington Hilton Hotel on March 30, 1981.

“When Reagan came out of the Hilton, the bulletproof Presidential limousine was not waiting directly in front of the hotel exit, as Secret Service practice usually requires. If it had been, Reagan would have had a straight-line walk of about eight feet from door to car. Instead, he had to walk diagonally down the sidewalk about twenty-five feet, bringing him around a curve and into the line of fire of accused assailant John W. Hinckley, Jr.”

“Television crew members at the Hilton said they had complained to the Secret Service about bystanders pushing into the area reserved for the press. One bystander, as it turned out, was the accused gunman.”

ABC News cameraman Henry M. Brown “said he had complained earlier to the Secret Service that members of the public had ‘penetrated the police line,’ creating crowded conditions in the press area and making it difficult to work. His complaint went unheeded, and Brown went on working.  He was standing near the assailant when he started to fire.”

“‘He just opened up and kept squeezing the trigger,’ Brown said.”

“The advance agent on the scene concluded that it would be counterproductive to set up an area restricted only to the press on the narrow, curving walk outside the hotel.”

“Generally, agents want the armored limousine waiting in a direct line with the President’s exit door as he moves from building to car. Such positioning shortens the period of vulnerability and makes it easier for agents to form a human shield as the public figure moves. In some cases, agents have had the car moved one foot or less to have it perfectly aligned with the exit.

“On Monday, though, Reagan’s limousine was waiting about twenty to twenty-five feet down the driveway from the door. To reach the car, Reagan had to walk down the curving sidewalk. Around the curve, flush against the hotel wall, the assailant waited with his pistol.”

By positioning the Presidential limousine down the driveway and leading Reagan past the intended assassin, the “Secret Service” chose the “route” for President Reagan’s assassination, just like they chose the route for President Kennedy’s assassination. How fitting that the New York Times reported, “It was the first time that a President had been injured in such an attempt since President Kennedy was shot and killed more than 17 years ago.”

When President Truman, who signed the legislation that created the CIA in 1947, signed legislation making the “Secret Service” permanent in 1951, the New York Times reported: “‘I am glad I have legal protection at last,’ Mr. Truman laughingly observed.”

Truman’s sense of humor was no longer apparent one month after President Kennedy was assassinated. Former President Harry Truman wrote an article titled “Limit CIA Role to Intelligence” and published on December 22, 1963, stating: “For some time I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment.”

It’s all in my book. Click the link.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2021, 06:18:52 PM by Anthony Frank »

JFK Assassination Forum

The KGB Sabotaged Presidential Protection Before Assassinating JFK
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2021, 04:27:44 AM »