The wikipedia pages on the topic of cuban exile groups seem confused.
Take the case of Eloy Gutiérrez Menoyo. This guy was part of the cuban revolution but then became disenchanted when Castro began to turn communistic. Then his wikipedia page reads as follows:
While being on the outside and looking in, Eloy grew dissatisfied with the Castro Administration and in September–October 1959, Eloy and some of his men from the old 1st Version of the Second National Front - which was formed in 1957 as a pro-Castro group - formed the 2nd Version of the Second National Front - which was an anti-Castro group.SOURCE: enough. So in Oct 1959 Eloy Gutiérrez Menoyo was now leading an anti-Castro group. However if you then go to the wikipedia page for William Alexander Morgan, it shows a photo which is captioned as March 1960 showing Eloy Gutiérrez Menoyo marching alongside Castro:

SOURCE: you have Castro (who presumably was pro-Castro himself) marching alongside a leader of an anti-Castro group.
That photo is in commemoration of the La Coube dock explosion which killed 100 people. From the wikipedia page ( there is not any suggestion of any joint effort that would cause Castro to march alongside an anti-Castro leader for example in solidarity with the memory of the deceased. But maybe i'm wrong.