The above image of the Newman building has always confused me. It appears to be a mirror image? Should it actually look like the below image with the Camp street on the long side and the Lafayette street on the short side:

But the below image shows writing on the building "JAX" and "For Sale" the correct way around. So it appears the image we are all familiar with of this building has not been reversed.

The corner door (angled door) on the ground floor is the entrance door to Mancuso's restaurant. Presumably the shutter door is for deliveries to that restaurant. Then the next door (on the Lafayette street side) is the entrance to Guy Banisters office. According to the HSCA, Banisters office was on the ground floor. So judging by the above, when you went in Banisters door off the street you would have to walk down a long hallway (passing the delivery area for Mancusos on your left-hand side) before arriving in to Banisters office. From this it would appear Banisters office had no direct windows to the outside? Is that correct? As Banister was involved in shady business, having no windows might be a good thing.