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Author Topic: Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress  (Read 9379 times)

Offline Anthony Frank

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Re: Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #24 on: July 11, 2021, 03:57:32 AM »
Where's the proof that the KGB had a hand in shooting down KAL 007 in order to kill McDonald...

You are going to have to wait for the “proof” that Flight “Double-O-Seven” was a KGB-orchestrated intelligence operation in which the plane would supposedly probe the Soviet’s radar defense system. In the meantime, you can keep whining that you do not have “proof.”

Personally, I have first-hand knowledge that it was a KGB-orchestrated intelligence operation. I also know first-hand that the FBI has Congressman McDonald’s death and the sixteen “accidents” and “suicides” in this thread categorized as “homicides.”

Given the already verifiable facts in this case, it makes no sense that someone would dismiss that Flight “Double-O-Seven” was on an intelligence gathering mission.

Congressman McDonald,  chairman of the John Birch Society and one of the most strident Congressional critics of the Soviets, was a passenger on Korean Air Lines Flight 007 when the pilot took it hundreds of miles off course and flew near a Soviet island near Siberia on September 1, 1983. The Soviet island was “part of the Soviet Far Eastern military network, with air bases, radar stations, and other tracking installations.”

A Soviet fighter jet intercepted Flight “Double-O-Seven” and destroyed it with a missile.

Afterwards, Korean Air Lines officials in New York “contended that the airliner could not have strayed off course into Soviet airspace because of what they called ‘sophisticated’ navigational equipment on board.

“‘Since we skirt this area here very closely,’ said Ralph Strafaci, the district sales manager, ‘the equipment we have on board is very important and very technical. It’s a very difficult thing for that aircraft to stray.’”

It’s all in my book. Click the link.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2021, 04:24:52 AM by Anthony Frank »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #24 on: July 11, 2021, 03:57:32 AM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #25 on: July 12, 2021, 02:25:15 AM »
You are going to have to wait for the “proof” that Flight “Double-O-Seven” was a KGB-orchestrated intelligence operation in which the plane would supposedly probe the Soviet’s radar defense system. In the meantime, you can keep whining that you do not have “proof.”

Strange that a person trying to market a book would diss potential buyers (who could provide word-of-mouth recommendations) when all they ask for is proof of McDonald as KGB-targeted victim while aboard the KAL 007 flight.

Attendant to that, are you telling us that the KGB had Soviet fighter jets chase KAL 007 226 miles inside Russian airspace in order to bump off one passenger? Hard to believe they would choose to risk killing multiple civilians when in fact they could have 'disappeared' him much more easily, and in any number if ways.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2021, 02:28:54 AM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Anthony Frank

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Re: Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #26 on: July 13, 2021, 01:05:28 AM »
The topic of this thread is Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress, and that is all I will discuss in this thread.

As noted earlier, three Congressmen were killed by way of a train engine, an elevated train pillar, and a tractor-trailer in the space of eight years, and these are the only traffic “accidents” in which Members of Congress have been killed since 1951. The first killing in 1957 certainly seemed overtly accidental, but it was quite easy for the KGB officers to kill Congressman Lanham as he drove across the railroad tracks while on his way to the PTA meeting.

Killing a Congressman with a switch engine as he drives across railroad tracks is a one-time event, just as the “need for sleep” killings could not be extended beyond two.

The KGB was definitely stretching it with the 1965 story about an allegedly asthmatic truck driver with high blood pressure and cataracts on both eyes exceeding the ICC limit on maximum hours of service. By supposedly going without sleep and exhausting himself and suffering “vision impairment,” the allegedly asthmatic truck driver with high blood pressure and cataracts on both eyes gained the dubious distinction of being the last man to kill a Member of Congress in a traffic “accident.”

Culpability did not seem to be a problem in the 1957 “accident,” and even the 1959 “accident” would not yet be pushing the envelope, but the string of three traffic “accidents” and the circumstances involved, culminating in the 1965 “accident,” had to be raising the specter of responsibility and believability.

It’s all in my book. Click the link.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #26 on: July 13, 2021, 01:05:28 AM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #27 on: July 13, 2021, 04:22:06 AM »
The topic of this thread is Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress, and that is all I will discuss in this thread.

As noted earlier, three Congressmen were killed by way of a train engine, an elevated train pillar, and a tractor-trailer in the space of eight years, and these are the only traffic “accidents” in which Members of Congress have been killed since 1951. The first killing in 1957 certainly seemed overtly accidental, but it was quite easy for the KGB officers to kill Congressman Lanham as he drove across the railroad tracks while on his way to the PTA meeting.

Killing a Congressman with a switch engine as he drives across railroad tracks is a one-time event, just as the “need for sleep” killings could not be extended beyond two.

The KGB was definitely stretching it with the 1965 story about an allegedly asthmatic truck driver with high blood pressure and cataracts on both eyes exceeding the ICC limit on maximum hours of service. By supposedly going without sleep and exhausting himself and suffering “vision impairment,” the allegedly asthmatic truck driver with high blood pressure and cataracts on both eyes gained the dubious distinction of being the last man to kill a Member of Congress in a traffic “accident.”

Culpability did not seem to be a problem in the 1957 “accident,” and even the 1959 “accident” would not yet be pushing the envelope, but the string of three traffic “accidents” and the circumstances involved, culminating in the 1965 “accident,” had to be raising the specter of responsibility and believability.

It’s all in my book. Click the link.

New thread title suggestion: Death by Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Pretty sure McDonald qualified as a killed member of Congress, who apparently (absent of any forthcoming proof) was chased around over Russian territory while on Korean passenger jet KAL 007 where he alone was the target and got himself blowed up good. Blowed up real good.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2021, 04:25:52 AM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Anthony Frank

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Re: Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2021, 07:52:17 PM »
The fact remains that the CIA killed 17 Members of Congress in a 34 year from 1957 to 1991 period, and 16 of those deaths came by way of “accidents” and “suicides.”

The KGB officers inside the CIA killed 5 Members of Congress in the first 8 years of the killing campaign.

All the facts and details are in this thread, and they are in my book, as are the documented facts that KGB officers inside the CIA killed President Kennedy.

Click the link.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2021, 07:52:17 PM »

Offline Anthony Frank

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Re: Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2021, 01:28:19 AM »
New thread title suggestion: Death by Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Pretty sure McDonald qualified as a killed member of Congress . . . .

Face it Bill. My evidence and proof is so overwhelming that you are desperate to focus on any isolated detail that I cannot prove.

Anyone who reads my book will see the overwhelming evidence and proof that KGB officers inside the CIA killed President Kennedy and killed Members of Congress. They will also see that renegade CIA officers killed Members of Congress after the KGB was exposed.

Offline Anthony Frank

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Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #30 on: July 14, 2021, 01:44:32 AM »
Killing Governor Carnahan - 2000
and Killing Senator Wellstone - 2002

Renegade CIA officers wanted CIA officer John Ashcroft re-elected to his Senate seat in November 2000, and pursuant to those plans, they used the KGB’s prescribed method of “sabotage” in “political murders” to get rid of his Democratic opponent, Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan.

On October 16, 2000, twenty-two days before the election, Governor Carnahan died in an airplane “accident” when, according to the NTSB, the pilot experienced “disorientation” due to failure of “the airplane’s primary attitude indicator.”

The NTSB investigation “could not determine the cause of the failure,”  but prior to Governor Carnahan’s flight, the plane obviously had a functioning “primary attitude indicator.”

Renegade CIA officer John Ashcroft ended up losing his re-election bid to the late Mel Carnahan and forty-five days later, CIA “asset” George W. Bush appointed Ashcroft to be Attorney General of the United States. Carnahan’s widow, Jean, was appointed to fill the U.S. Senate seat of her posthumously elected husband.

Renegade CIA officers resumed killing Members of Congress two years later during the next election cycle.

On October 25, 2002, eleven days before the 2002 midterm elections, they killed Democratic Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota in an airplane “accident.”

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that, according to the NTSB, pilots who had flown with Senator Wellstone’s pilot, Richard Conry, “expressed concerns about his flying skills. For example, a King Air pilot told investigators that during an instrument approach to the airport in Fort Dodge, Iowa, he had to ‘take the controls away’ from Conry because Conry was unable to hold altitude.

“Another King Air copilot said that he also took the airplane controls from Conry while they were cruising in poor weather. The copilot told investigators that he turned around to answer a question from passengers and when he swung back around to face the controls, he realized the plane was in a 45-degree bank and descending at 1,000 feet a minute.”

The Star Tribune also stated that just three days before the flight that killed Senator Wellstone, Conry “endangered Wellstone by flipping the wrong switch on a takeoff from St. Paul. That mistake by Capt. Richard Conry was corrected by his copilot after the plane pitched downward while trying to gain altitude just 300 feet off the ground . . . . ‘Oh, that could have been pretty bad,’ Conry reportedly told the copilot . . . . When the plane landed safely in Rochester, Wellstone jokingly told Conry to ‘get some sleep’ . . . . Conry’s copilot on that flight later suggested to Conry that he should consider retiring.”

The Star Tribune reported that, according to the NTSB, Conry was “so concerned about the weather that he briefly canceled the trip before deciding to go ahead with it.” It also reported that an air traffic controller who had handled one of Conry’s weather briefings “told investigators he was concerned that someone was putting pressure on the pilot of Wellstone’s plane to make the flight.”

Regarding Michael Guess, Conry’s copilot on the flight that killed Senator Wellstone, the NTSB stated, “Several pilots who had flown with Guess at Aviation Charter expressed concerns about Guess’s flying skills, especially his ability to land the airplane without assistance.”

The NTSB “could not determine” which of the two pilots was in control of Senator Wellstone’s plane when it crashed as a result of “the flight crew’s failure to maintain adequate airspeed.”

As for someone putting pressure on Conry to “make the flight,” Congressman Mickey Leland’s pilots were “pressured” to make a flight that would end when they crashed into a mountain. Six days later, Congressman Larkin Smith’s pilot “appeared nervous and even ran the aircraft off the taxiway shortly before takeoff,” after which the plane “veered east from its planned flight path before hitting a 70-foot pine tree in the Desoto National Forest.”

Renegade CIA officers can clearly “pressure” a pilot to “make the flight.”

Six days after they killed Senator Wellstone, renegade CIA officer and former Senator Walter Mondale, who was Vice President of the United States from 1977 to 1981 and the Democratic nominee for President in 1984, replaced Wellstone as the Democrat’s nominee for U.S. Senator from Minnesota. After just four days of campaigning, CIA officer Walter Mondale lost the election by less than 50,000 votes out of more than 2.2 million votes that were cast.

It’s all in my book. Click the link.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2021, 09:48:33 PM by Anthony Frank »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #31 on: July 14, 2021, 03:32:31 PM »
Killing Governor Carnahan - 2000
and Killing Senator Wellstone - 2002

Renegade CIA officers wanted CIA officer John Ashcroft re-elected to his Senate seat in November 2000, and pursuant to those plans, they used the KGB’s prescribed method of “sabotage” in “political murders” to get rid of his Democratic opponent, Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan.

On October 16, 2000, twenty-two days before the election, Governor Carnahan died in an airplane “accident” when, according to the NTSB, the pilot experienced “disorientation” due to failure of “the airplane’s primary attitude indicator.”

The NTSB investigation “could not determine the cause of the failure,”  but prior to Governor Carnahan’s flight, the plane obviously had a functioning “primary attitude indicator.”

Renegade CIA officer John Ashcroft ended up losing his re-election bid to the late Mel Carnahan and forty-five days later, CIA “asset” George W. Bush appointed Ashcroft to be Attorney General of the United States. Carnahan’s widow, Jean, was appointed to fill the U.S. Senate seat of her posthumously elected husband.

Renegade CIA officers resumed killing Members of Congress two years later during the next election cycle.

On October 25, 2002, eleven days before the 2002 midterm elections, they killed Democratic Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota in an airplane “accident.”

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that, according to the NTSB, pilots who had flown with Senator Wellstone’s pilot, Richard Conry, “expressed concerns about his flying skills. For example, a King Air pilot told investigators that during an instrument approach to the airport in Fort Dodge, Iowa, he had to ‘take the controls away’ from Conry because Conry was unable to hold altitude.

“Another King Air copilot said that he also took the airplane controls from Conry while they were cruising in poor weather. The copilot told investigators that he turned around to answer a question from passengers and when he swung back around to face the controls, he realized the plane was in a 45-degree bank and descending at 1,000 feet a minute.”

The Star Tribune also stated that just three days before the flight that killed Senator Wellstone, Conry “endangered Wellstone by flipping the wrong switch on a takeoff from St. Paul. That mistake by Capt. Richard Conry was corrected by his copilot after the plane pitched downward while trying to gain altitude just 300 feet off the ground . . . . ‘Oh, that could have been pretty bad,’ Conry reportedly told the copilot . . . . When the plane landed safely in Rochester, Wellstone jokingly told Conry to ‘get some sleep’ . . . . Conry’s copilot on that flight later suggested to Conry that he should consider retiring.”

The Star Tribune reported that, according to the NTSB, Conry was “so concerned about the weather that he briefly canceled the trip before deciding to go ahead with it.” It also reported that an air traffic controller who had handled one of Conry’s weather briefings “told investigators he was concerned that someone was putting pressure on the pilot of Wellstone’s plane to make the flight.”

Regarding Michael Guess, Conry’s copilot on the flight that killed Senator Wellstone, the NTSB stated, “Several pilots who had flown with Guess at Aviation Charter expressed concerns about Guess’s flying skills, especially his ability to land the airplane without assistance.”

The NTSB “could not determine” which of the two pilots was in control of Senator Wellstone’s plane when it crashed as a result of “the flight crew’s failure to maintain adequate airspeed.”

As for someone putting pressure on Conry to “make the flight,” Congressman Mickey Leland’s pilots were “pressured” to make a flight that would end when they crashed into a mountain. Six days later, Congressman Larkin Smith’s pilot “appeared nervous and even ran the aircraft off the taxiway shortly before takeoff,” after which the plane “veered east from its planned flight path before hitting a 70-foot pine tree in the Desoto National Forest.”

Renegade CIA officers can clearly “pressure” a pilot to “make the flight.”

It’s all in my book. Click the link.

All you're doing is calling every airplane crash caused by incompetent pilots or faulty equipment a CIA/KGB plot. I suppose flocks of birds that knock planes out of the sky are CIA/KGB-trained as well hahaha.

Telling us what caused these crashes, then saying they could have been some sort of 'renegade CIA' operation, is but more adolescent paranoia from the conspiracy-monger crowd.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #31 on: July 14, 2021, 03:32:31 PM »