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Author Topic: Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress  (Read 9382 times)

Offline Anthony Frank

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Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2021, 12:13:56 AM »
Killing Congressmen Pettis, Litton, and McDonald - 1975, 1976, and 1983

After killing four Members of Congress in a seven-month period, the KGB waited twenty-one months for their next “political murder.”

Congressman Jerry Pettis met his fate on February 14, 1975, when the private plane he was piloting crashed.

The National Transportation Safety Board said the 58-year-old Pettis was “a veteran pilot with 18,250 hours of flying time, including 700 in the type of small plane he was flying at the time of the crash.”

The NTSB “listed the probable cause of the crash as Pettis’s continued flight into adverse weather conditions . . . . Pettis had been adequately briefed on the weather before his flight.”

CIA officers would have no problem feeding inaccurate weather information to Congressman Pettis when he was “briefed on the weather before his flight,” which would explain his “continued flight into adverse weather conditions.”

On August 3, 1976, eighteen months after Pettis’s death, KGB officers inside the CIA killed Missouri Congressman Jerry L. Litton, “who was winning the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate.”

He and his entire family died when their plane “plummeted into a field shortly after taking off” while they were “on their way to Kansas City for a victory celebration.”

The NTSB “said its investigation showed a broken crankshaft in the left engine caused the engine to fail on take-off,” but the plane was clearly taking off and landing with functioning crankshaft prior to the Congressman’s flight.

The official NTSB report states that “shortly after” Congressman Litton’s plane “took off,” the crankshaft in the left engine “broke.” A “pre-existing fatigue crack” was the alleged cause of the break.  But the pre-existing fatigue crack did not prevent the crankshaft from functioning properly prior to Congressman Litton and his family boarding the plane.

There is no reason to think the KGB did not use their prescribed method of “sabotage” to kill Congressman Litton and his family. It was no coincidence that they got onto a plane with a “broken crankshaft that would “cause the engine to fail on take-off.”

After the KGB killed Congressmen Boggs, Begich, Collins, Mills, Pettis, and Litton in less than four years, Intelligence Oversight Committees were in place in both the House and the Senate, which resulted in a thirteen-year lull in plane crashes that killed Members of Congress.

The next plane to go down with a Member of Congress on board did not crash. A Soviet fighter jet shot it down after it flew into Soviet airspace in a KGB-orchestrated intelligence operation in which the plane would supposedly probe the Soviet’s radar defense system.

Congressman Lawrence McDonald, a CIA officer in Congress, was a passenger on Korean Air Lines Flight 007 when the pilot took it hundreds of miles off course and flew near a Soviet island near Siberia on September 1, 1983. The Soviet island was “part of the Soviet Far Eastern military network, with air bases, radar stations, and other tracking installations.”

A Soviet fighter jet intercepted Flight “Double-O-Seven” and destroyed it with a missile.

Afterwards, Korean Air Lines officials in New York “contended that the airliner could not have strayed off course into Soviet airspace because of what they called ‘sophisticated’ navigational equipment on board.

“‘Since we skirt this area here very closely,’ said Ralph Strafaci, the district sales manager, ‘the equipment we have on board is very important and very technical. It’s a very difficult thing for that aircraft to stray.’”  (More on the CIA’s Flight “Double-O-Seven” intelligence operation is addressed in another chapter.)

Congressman McDonald was the last Member of Congress to die at the hands of the KGB before they were exposed in 1984.

It’s all in my book. Click the link.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2021, 01:19:27 AM by Anthony Frank »

JFK Assassination Forum

Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2021, 12:13:56 AM »

Offline Anthony Frank

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Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2021, 08:30:58 PM »
Killing Congressmen Leland and Smith - 1989

Five years after the KGB was exposed, the thirteen-year lull in plane crashes came to an end when CIA officer George H. W. Bush became President. With one of their own in the Oval Office, renegade CIA officers disposed of four Members of Congress in less than two years using four separate plane crashes.

Renegade CIA officers initiated their killing campaign less than seven months into the Bush Presidency on August 7, 1989, when they killed Congressman Mickey Leland.

Congressman Leland’s “accident” took place in Ethiopia, and after a six-day search, the plane was found on a “mountainside” in a “remote region of Western Ethiopia.”

Ethiopia’s Civil Aviation Authority reported that, after “improper flight preparation,” the pilots caused the fatal crash by “pushing too far and flying into an area of rain and fog at a low altitude.” With no explanation for the pilots’ actions, Ethiopia’s Civil Aviation Authority speculated that Congressman Leland’s pilots may have been “pressured” to “fly in bad weather” by a “tight flight schedule.”

On August 13, 1989, the day that the wreckage of Congressman Leland’s plane was found, a plane carrying Congressman Larkin Smith of Mississippi crashed.

Officials investigating the crash said the pilot “appeared nervous and even ran the aircraft off the taxiway shortly before takeoff . . . . The Cessna 177 later veered east from its planned flight path before hitting a 70-foot pine tree in the Desoto National Forest.”

Jorge Prellezo, the regional director of the National Transportation Safety Board, stated that people who saw Congressman Smith’s pilot before takeoff “said he appeared nervous, like he was concerned about the flight.”

William Dowden, a Southeast Aviation employee who watched the plane “both during and after takeoff,” stated that the pilot “taxied straight out off the ramp area onto the grass,” and then “made a 180-degree turn and taxied slowly out to the runway . . . . The taxiways are lit up with blue lights and what happened struck us as being highly unusual.”

NTSB investigators “wanted to know why the pilot told controllers that he would follow the established route along US 49 but instead flew about nine miles to the east over the Desoto National Forest.”

It’s all in my book. Click the link.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2021, 11:39:30 PM by Anthony Frank »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: They Killed JFK and They Killed Members of Congress
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2021, 12:29:19 AM »
The NTSB “said its investigation showed a broken crankshaft in the left engine caused the engine to fail on take-off,” but the plane was clearly taking off and landing with an intact crankshaft prior to the Congressman’s flight.

The official NTSB report notes a “pre-existing fatigue crack” in the crankshaft, but again, the plane had no problem taking off and landing with a “pre-existing fatigue crack” prior to the Congressman and his family boarding the plane.

LOL. So you call a 'pre-existing fatigue crack' intact do you? They said somewhat the same thing before the condo collapse in Surfside. Was that a conspiracy too? HAHAHAHAHAHA.

I do agree that 'they' killed Kennedy, though:


The nobody who shot the somebody had help:

1) Alek Hidell (AKA Lee Harvey Oswald) was in charge of armament procurement
2) O.H. Lee (AKA Lee Harvey Oswald) was in charge of safe-house procurement
3) Dirty Harvey (AKA Lee Harvey Oswald) was in charge of killing poor dumb cops

Dirty Harry
'Smith, Wesson... and me'
Dirty Harvey
Smith, Wesson... and Lee

Alek Hidell (rhymes with Fidel) selective nutjob

Smith, Wesson... and Lee

O.H. Lee safe-house (no curtain rods needed)

« Last Edit: July 08, 2021, 12:42:22 AM by Bill Chapman »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: They Killed JFK and They Killed Members of Congress
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2021, 12:29:19 AM »

Offline Anthony Frank

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Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2021, 01:12:59 AM »
LOL. So you call a 'pre-existing fatigue crack' intact do you? They said somewhat the same thing before the condo collapse in Surfside. Was that a conspiracy too? HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Glad you are amused.

Do you think the plane was taking off and landing with a “broken crankshaft” prior to the Congressman’s flight?

Did you miss the part that says: There is no reason to think the KGB did not use their prescribed method of “sabotage” to kill Congressman Litton and his family. It was no coincidence that they got onto a plane with a “broken crankshaft that would “cause the engine to fail on take-off.”

« Last Edit: July 08, 2021, 11:38:12 PM by Anthony Frank »

Offline Anthony Frank

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Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2021, 08:51:58 AM »
Killing Senator Heinz - 1991

Two years after the deaths of Congressmen Leland and Smith, Senator John Heinz died when his plane was destroyed by another aircraft, not unlike how the KGB disposed of Congressman McDonald when his plane was destroyed by another aircraft in 1983.

On April 4, 1991, a helicopter collided with Senator Heinz’s plane after making two completely unnecessary and pointless attempts to inspect the plane’s landing gear.

NTSB documents show that the pilot of Senator Heinz’ plane, a Piper Aerostar PA60, had “three hours of experience as pilot-in-command” on a Piper PA60 and had “problems on a previous flight.”

The incident began after Senator Heinz’ inexperienced pilot radioed that he did not know if his “nose gear” was “locked” in the down position because the “light on the instrument panel did not illuminate” to indicate that the nose gear was locked.

The airport control tower then alerted airport personnel to a “possible emergency.”

One of the pilots on a nearby helicopter radioed the control tower that he had observed the “Aerostar” that “went past us,” adding that it “looks like the gear is down.”

Senator Heinz’ pilot heard the helicopter pilot’s transmission and told the control tower, “I can tell it’s down, but I don’t know if it’s locked.”

The control tower then told Senator Heinz’ pilot to make “a low-altitude pass by the control tower” so that they could observe the nose gear. The helicopter pilot, who had coincidentally taken off just before Senator Heinz’s plane passed by, told the control tower that he would be willing to “take a real close look” at the plane’s nose gear.

Senator Heinz’ pilot then flew past the control tower and was told, “Gear looks down; it appears to be normal . . . . I’ve got a helicopter north of the airport. He said he could take a look at it if you like.”

The helicopter then flew toward the plane, making one pass on the “left side” and a “second pass” on the “right side.” The helicopter’s first officer told Senator Heinz’ pilot, “Everything looks good,” and Senator Heinz’ pilot radioed that he would “start to turn in” to land the plane.

The “rotor of the helicopter” then struck the “underside” of Senator Heinz’ plane.

According to the NTSB, the “nose gear locking mechanism” on a Piper Aerostar is “concealed,” and there was “no reason” for the helicopter to do a “closer” inspection, as “it would have been virtually impossible” to visually determine that the nose gear was “locked.”

What’s more, the NTSB could not find anything wrong with the plane, and pilots who had previously flown that particular Aerostar had no problems with the nose gear indicator light. There was no explanation for why it was not working when Senator Heinz’ inexperienced pilot was attempting to land the plane, and there is certainly no explanation for why the helicopter, after making two passes and radioing that “everything looks good,” remained close enough to Senator Heinz’ plane for the “rotor of the helicopter” to strike the “underside” of the plane.

“Several experienced Piper PA60 pilots said in interviews with NTSB investigators that if the gear was observed to be down, it would automatically be locked.” After it was determined that the plane “did not have landing gear problems, as its pilot first believed,” it was “cleared for landing before it collided with a helicopter.”

It’s all in my book. Click the link.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2021, 11:37:21 PM by Anthony Frank »

JFK Assassination Forum

Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2021, 08:51:58 AM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: They Killed JFK and They Killed Members of Congress
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2021, 09:21:25 AM »
Do you think the plane was taking off and landing with a “broken crankshaft” prior to the Congressman’s flight?

No; a cracked crankshaft.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2021, 09:28:21 AM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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Re: They Killed JFK and They Killed Members of Congress
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2021, 12:39:11 PM »
No; a cracked crankshaft.

Some cranky stuff here, huh?  Guess I'll have to re-think my thinking, which, according to the moody blues, is the best way to travel+

Offline Anthony Frank

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Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2021, 03:41:55 PM »
Killing Senator Tower - 1991
Killing Congressman Miller - 1962
and Killing Congressman Elliott - 1960

One day after Senator Heinz was killed, former Senator John Tower became the fourth victim of renegade CIA officers during the Administration of President George H. W. Bush.

The New York Times described Tower as “one of the most influential and knowledgeable lawmakers” on “national security issues.” He served as Vice Chairman of the Senate Church Committee that investigated the CIA in 1975, and he retired from Congress in 1985.

The crash that killed Senator Tower was attributed to mechanical failure, which is how the KGB officers killed Congressman Jerry Litton and his entire family fifteen years earlier. The NTSB said that “failure of a severely worn part in the plane’s propeller control unit caused the aircraft to spin out of control.”

Either someone replaced a perfectly good part in the “propeller control unit” with a “severely worn part” prior to Senator Tower’s flight, or, for some reason, the “severely worn part” in the propeller control unit did not cause the plane to “spin out of control” until, by sheer coincidence, Senator Tower was aboard the plane.

The KGB officers killed one Member of Congress with an airplane “accident” ten years before they began to robustly pursue the airplane slaughters. Congressman Clem Miller’s plane crashed on October 7, 1962, “in bad weather in a mountainous section of northern California . . . . This was the first private plane flight Mr. Miller had made in this campaign.”

As noted earlier, the KGB used a “12-gauge shotgun” to snuff out Congressman William O. Mills in an alleged “suicide” in 1973, less than two years after he had been elected in a “special election” to fill a vacancy in Congress. But Congressman Mills was not the first Member of Congress that the KGB eliminated by way of “suicide.”

On June 19, 1960, KGB officers inside the CIA killed 39-year-old Congressman Douglas H. Elliott, and his death, too, was alleged to be a suicide. Congressman Elliott had taken office less than two months earlier after winning a “special election” to fill a vacancy in Congress.

His body was found “near a lakefront cabin” that he owned eighteen miles from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. It was “near the exhaust pipe of a new small car. A deerskin was draped over his head and the end of the pipe . . . . A coroner ruled that he had died of ‘carbon-monoxide poisoning, self-administered’. . . . Friends and associates were unable to provide a clue that might explain his suicide.”

Douglas H. Elliott served four years in the Pennsylvania state senate before his “special election” and his brief fifty-five days in Congress proved to be fatal.

It’s all in my book. Click the link.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2021, 11:37:04 PM by Anthony Frank »

JFK Assassination Forum

Killing President Kennedy and Killing Members of Congress
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2021, 03:41:55 PM »