Wow! You're right! This just totally proves beyond any reasonable doubt that there was a conspiracy and that someone was clearly trying to frame Oswald.
What better way to frame Oswald than to alter the serial numbers in order to create TWO identical Mannlicher-Carcano rifles, neither of which contain any clear fingerprints by Oswald and neither of which can be conclusively identified as being the weapon that fired bullet CE399.
If people were "trying extra hard to frame Oswald" they clearly should have tried harder. If you're going to commit a federal crime and plant evidence why not plant a bullet that can be clearly identified as coming the Mannlicher-Carcano and plant fingerprints on the rifle?
I'm not quite sure what the theory behind your accusations was meant to achieve but it seems pointless and ridiculous to me. How was having two duplicate rifles meant to frame Oswald?
I don't get it. Are you saying that isn't unusual someone altered the serial numbers on one of the rifles? You're proving my point about LN's.
"Oh someone altered the serial numbers on a rifle to frame someone? That's no big deal. That doesn't mean anything. Oh the cops tried to claim they found Oswald's wallet at Tippet's murder scene?" That's nothing. Oh the Warren Commission tried to claim Oswald shot a broken gun 3x at light speed, took the the time to hide the gun, ran 5 flights of stairs invisibly, ran in to officer Baker 1 min 20 seconds after, bought a coke, waked another flight of stairs and left his work all in 3 minutes... So!? What's so weird about that? It's perfectly normal."
But what I showed is ridiculous to you. LOL That's what ridiculous huh?