Sorry if discussed already but I am trying to understand the following:
If there was a conspiracy and Oswald was a patsy had nothing to do with assassination and if the shots came from the front, WHO placed the gun to be found on the sixth floor? There are statements that one TSBD employee was showing his Mauser the day earlier.
What do the conspiracy theorists think on who placed the gun between boxes on sixth floor?
Hi Patrick, First off There definitely was a conspiracy...and Lee Oswald was duped into being the scapegoat.
( He knew he was playing with TNT, but his FBI handler assured him that the FBI had everything under control.) It's possible and probable that Lee Oswald was the person who
CAREFULLY HID the carcano BENEATH the pallet of books.... He thought the scheme was a plan to MAKE IT APPEAR as if he had fired a shot at JFK The carcano was NOT "placed "
BETWEEN" boxes of books .....The photos that show the rifle between boxes are DPD created FAKES.