Spin us a narrative that explains your fantasy conspirators....
That's just it. I don't "spin narratives". I am not a 'conspiracy theorist'. I just pick apart the narratives that were spun by the authorities and the media about there being one guy who supposedly hunkered behind some boxes with this dubious rifle waiting for a presidential parade.
According to her testimony before the Commission... Ruth Paine felt sure that Oswald did not pack a rifle when she dropped him off at bus station to New Orleans. When she went to get Marina from New Orleans she felt sure they did not pack nor unpack [when they got back to Irving] any weapon of any kind.
Desperate to get Mrs Paine to finger Oswald for some kind of rifle play.........
Mr. JENNER - *I will broaden my question. Up to--now up to, and not including, up to November 22, 1963, had there ever been any discussion between you and Lee Harvey Oswald or between you and Marina or any discussion in the Presence of either of them by anybody, including yourself, about the use of a firearm by Lee Harvey Oswald?
Mrs. PAINE - Yes. Marina told me that he had been hunting in the Soviet Union.
Mr. JENNER - Now, please, to the best of your recollection when did that occur? ...
[would that not have been when they lived in the USSR?]
Mr. JENNER - I wish you would elaborate on that.
Mrs. PAINE - I wish I wouldn't guess, I know.
Mr. JENNER - Did she say that Lee Harvey Oswald had some kind of a firearm in Russia?
So who cares that Oswald went hunting in Russia? Does that prove anything? And if Marina didn't tag along...it was all hearsay anyway. Albert Jenner--- fishing rather than hunting....*"broadens his question"