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Author Topic: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald  (Read 27835 times)

Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« on: July 08, 2021, 06:03:11 AM »
There's a strange trend among LN's, which is to ignore all the evidence in favor of Oswald's innocence, in favor of pegging Oswald as the killer. That makes no sense at all. Especially when there's more evidence in support of innocence than guilt. In fact, it's safe to say the majority of evidence for guilt shows signs of being planted /fabricated.

So let's look at evidence that exonerated Oswald and has been habitually ignored by so many people, including the Warren Commission, in favor of making Oswald.the assassin. And maybe we can figure out why so many people are willing to betray their own common sense to believe ridiculous nonsense and impossibilities.

To believe Oswald was the assassin is to believe he wanted to be caught, since he worked a lot harder to leave evidence everywhere than he did trying to escape. He may as well have left an admission written on his birth certificate along with everything else. But did the evidence really stack up against him?

1. Testing of the 6th floor rifle by Army marksmen and FBI experts.

The marksmen & experts who tested the rifle both came to the same conclusion, that the rifle was UNUSABLE. Here's what they had to say.

Warren Commission Hearings, vol 3, page 405.

The FBI specialist said... “Every time we changed the adjusting screws to move the crosshairs in the telescopic sight in one direction it also affected the movement of the impact or the point of impact in the other direction. … We fired several shots and found that the shots were not all landing in the same place, but were gradually moving away from the point of impact.”

Warren Commission Hearings, vol 3, page 443.

“They [the US Army marksmen] could not sight the weapon in using the telescope, and no attempt was made to sight it in using the iron sight. We did adjust the telescopic sight by the addition of two shims, one which tended to adjust the azimuth, and one which adjusted an elevation.

Warren Commission Hearings, vol 3, page page 449.

Problems with the bolt and the trigger mechanism: “There were several comments made — particularly with respect to the amount of effort required to open the bolt. … There was also comment made about the trigger pull … in the first stage the trigger is relatively free, and it suddenly required a greater pull to actually fire the weapon.”

Warren Commission Hearings, vol 3, page 451.

The pressure to open the bolt was so great that that we tended to move the rifle off the target.

That might not seem like important evidence to some, but if you were being accused of murder you didn't commit, would you want that evidence ignored? Especially since it shows the improbability of firing that gun 3 times in 8.31 seconds accurately. That's a big deal if you're the accused.

2. The Paraffin tests that proved Oswald's innocence.

Why would anyone ignore this evidence?  Would you be comfortable with it if you were wrongly accused or framed for murder? Evidence showing you never fired a gun would be pretty important to your case, wouldn't it?

The first 2 Paraffin tests were Spectrographic analysis & Neutron Activation analysis. The first is a basic test considered reliable for all criminal investigations. The second test is even more reliable since it's capable of identifying the presence of substances in quantities too small to be captured by spectrographic analysis. That test required the use of a nuclear reactor, thus was carried out for the FBI at a reactor owned by the Atomic Energy Commission. The results of that test were hidden until two decades after the assassination, and were only made public as the result of a court case, (Weisberg v. ERDA and the Department of Justice, Civil Action 75–226). Those results are in the Harold Weisberg archive.

Why would the FBI want to hide those results from the public? Does anyone think the FBI would have hidden them if it had proved his guilt?

Barium & Antimony are two substances authorities look for when testing for gunpowder residue. According to an FBI memo, “The results show Punctate traces of nitrate found in the paraffin on the right and left hands consistent with that of a person who handled or fired a firearm. The paraffin of right check [sic] showed no traces of nitrate.” File # 62-109060-8 FBI HQ JFK Assassination.

Ah, so it sounds like he was guilty. But what the FBI failed to mention was that barium and antimony are also found in several common substances such as printing ink used for books. And Oswald most certainly handled books on the morning of the assassination. So the presence of those substances on his hands wasn't sufficient evidence of having fired a gun, but their absence on his cheek was sufficient evidence of having not fired a gun.

The absence of residue on Oswald's face meant he had not fired a rifle that day. And that would be the most important piece of evidence you could hope for if you were wrongly accused of murder. To have the FBI ignore and hide it in favor of manufacturing guilt is most certainly a crime, as well as an obstruction of justice. And it's one of the only reasons the FBI wanted to hide that test.

The other reason is because it not only proves Oswald innocence, but add it to all the other things the FBI & Police stated & used to show guilt, it reveals just how far these men of law went to frame an innocent man, American citizen and United States Marine. 

The third Paraffin test was done on 7 marksmen who fired similar rifles to that of the 6th floor one. And all 7 showed substantial traces of residue on both their hands and cheeks.

Those facts alone are enough to absolve anyone of a crime, including you. And for anyone to ignore them for any reason, let alone the sake of being right, is a travesty. Furthermore, it should have never been ignored by the WC or the ARRB, but is, even til this day. That speaks volumes.

3. Run in with officer Baker on 2nd floor

This one should be common sense. In officer Baker's own testimony to the Warren Commission, he ran into in Oswald roughly 1 minute 20 seconds after the shooting on the 2nd floor, also noting that Oswald wasn't out of breath.

The TSBD is a seven floor building w/ roof access from both inside and outside. The stairwell is located in the northwest corner with each floor containing 25 feet of stairs. (7 floors = 175 ft)

The alleged snipers nest is on the 6th floor at the southeast corner, approximately 100 feet from the stairwell, and also contained significant obstacles in between, such as stacks of books & boxes.

Now a person could descend 5 flights of stairs (125ft) in 50 to 60 seconds at a fast pace, but not without exhibiting significant signs of heavy breathing. Adrenaline is also a major factor in increasing breath & heart rate.

Having just shot a president from a visible position with crowds of onlookers would trigger a rush of adrenaline before running across 100 feet of obstacles to carefully hide a weapon and run down 5 flights of stairs at top speed. Vital signs would be significantly raised to a visible state (e.g. heart rate, breath, sweat).

The claim that Oswald was able to fire an unusable gun 3 times in 8.31 seconds accurately, run through 100 feet of obstacles, hide the rifle, descend 125 feet of an old world staircase without being seen by any other co-workers, run another 15 feet to the break room, then encounter officer Baker in less than 1 minute 30 seconds without exhibiting any signs of adrenaline, heavy breathing, or sweating, and without accumulating so much as a single spec of gunshot residue on his cheeks… it just isn’t feasible. Not by any means.

And for anyone to ignore their common sense in favor of believing that nonsense is not only an insult to their own intelligence but damage to their credibility. We're all adults, and fairy tales should be left to kids.

If anyone would like to see how ridiculous other claims were I'll leave this valuable information to use. Keep in mind this doesn’t account for any obstacles such as red lights, which usually take 60 to 90 seconds. Encountering a red light at any or every block could add 1 to 10 minutes of extra time. Crowds of people would significantly slow a person down as well.

Walking Distance & Times

½ block = 0.025 miles (132 ft / 0.04 km) 30 seconds
1 block = 0.05 miles (264 ft / 0.08 km) 1 minute
5 blocks = 0.25 miles (1320 ft / 0.4 km) 5 minutes
10 blocks = 0.50 miles (2,640 ft / 0.8 km) 10 minutes
20 blocks = 1.0 mile  (5,280 ft / 1.6 km) 20 minutes

« Last Edit: July 08, 2021, 09:17:18 AM by Izraul Hidashi »

JFK Assassination Forum

Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« on: July 08, 2021, 06:03:11 AM »

Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2021, 04:36:47 PM »
Ah yes, the replies on the NAA tests, which the FBI tried to hide for 2 decades. Well certainly the police wouldn't lie about anything, right? Clearly Oswald had to be the shooter. There's no other explanation for it. Damn the Army marksmen. Damn the impossibility of shooting a screwed up rifle and running 5 flights of stairs to encounter a cop without being out of breath in 1 minute 20 seconds. Damn the 2 rifles with the same serial number and the attempted lie about the 2nd Oswald wallet found at Tippet's murder scene. Damn the photo of Oswald in the doorway that was clearly fabricated. All of those things have explanations by the lying ass crooked police and fbi. LOL   Thumb1:

Just wow! Like I said. Ignoring all the evidence and common sense in favor of nonsense. Oswald just had to be guilty because the police said so. Yeah, of course, and he also had to be Flash Gordon & Superman to achieve everything he did. It's amazing that one man could leave so much evidence behind in so little time and still deny everything. Hell, the police didn't even have to work because Oswald solved the crime for them.

"I'll just flash gordon 10 blocks to shoot a cop 4 times with my 6 shooter revolver then dump all 6 shells on the ground, pick up the 2 live ones, leave the 4 empty ones and my wallet for police to find so they know its me. Oh, but I better ditch the jacket that I needed to wear over my long sleeve flannel shirt in the hot ass Texas afternoon sun. Lord knows I wouldn't wanna get caught with that."  Thumb1:  Yeah! OK. Makes perfect sense. LOL

And yet somehow Oswald still manages to pull his trusty revolver from his coat pocket in the theater and yell "this is it!" and get arrested with his wallet, wearing the same exact clothes he went to work in, even though he went home and changed. You gotta be real special to believe to all that nonsense.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2021, 04:59:59 PM by Izraul Hidashi »

Offline Izraul Hidashi

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Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2021, 06:50:25 PM »
So just to be sure that we're clear....

Oswald buys some guns out of a magazine from another state, even though there was a huge sporting goods store and a bunch of pawn shops right down the street from his work. Why? For evidence that leads back to him of course.

Then he decides to take a picture holding up the rifle in one hand, and incriminating documents that prove he's a communist terrorist in the other hand. Why? For evidence in case he kills somebody important one day, of course.

So he decides to kill the president. But instead of calling in sick and hiding in a different spot, the trained Marine decides to take that rifle to his job so he can shoot the president from where? Not the roof where he has a better vantage point and could be hidden, but from his open visible work window.

And this trained Marine, who clearly doesn't give a flying fu*k about bringing his gun to work to assassinate the president of the united states from an open visible window, decides not to take the clearest, easiest 1 shot, when the president drives right past him, but instead waits for the worst possible time to take 3 shots.

Then Oswald magically zooms to the 2nd floor in 1 minute 20 seconds where he's greeted by another superhero who happens to be a motorcycle cop capable of going from riding in the street to getting to the 2nd floor in 1 minute 20 seconds.

After the encounter Oswald buys a soda, then leaves. He goes from shooting the president on the 6th floor to leaving his work in all of 3 minutes. Talk about super powers.

But he isn't done yet because somehow Oswald manages to walk 7 blocks in like 5 minutes, through traffic and crowds of people to catch a bus that was magically waiting for him. And the bus, which had no problem making it through the blocked streets, crowds and traffic of a presidential motorcade, meets Oswald in perfect time. But then the bus suddenly gets stuck in all that traffic. In fact it's so bad, Oswald can't even go a few blocks before deciding he has to get a bus transfer and get off. Why? So he can walk a few more blocks to catch a cab, which also happens to be magically waiting for him.

So why did he get a bus transfer if he was going to take a cab? For evidence of course!

Then he and his bus transfer get into the cab, which has no problem making it through the same traffic that everybody else was caught in, or the red lights, and which drives past his house to drop him off so that he can walk back a couple of blocks to go home and change. And to get a jacket to wear over his long sleeve flannel shirt..., because afternoon in the hot ass Texas sun requires wearing jackets. Oh, and to grab his trusty revolver, which for some reason he decided not to take to work with his rifle. Why? Just because it makes no fuc*ing sense... like everything else.

Why does he need his revolver? So he can magically walk 10 blocks in 5 minutes to shoot a cop 4 times with a 6 shooter, then take his time to dump the shells, pick up the 2 live rounds, leave the 4 empty rounds for police to find, leave his wallet (just in case police need more evidence than the shells),  and then go catch a matinée.

But for some reason, between the cop shooting and movies, Oswald decides he needs to get rid of the jacket. Of all the evidence he didn't care about leaving everywhere... (fingerprints, rifle, shells, photos, receipts, transfers etc...etc...) it's that damn jacket he can't risk getting caught with. Keeping the murder weapon and ammo is fine... but the jacket gotta go. So he quickly ditches it under a car.

Then he runs to the movies as suspicious as possible. Why? To draw attention of course. But because he's wanted for killing the president of the united states, and a cop, he decides it's probably best if he sneaks in instead of buy a ticket with the money in his pocket. Why? So the movie attendant can call the cops of course.

And the movie attendant who sees him calls the cops. The same cops that are in the middle of searching for an assassin that just murdered the president of the united states. But when the cops hear of a movie sneaker they decide to stop the search for the assassin and handle that instead. Why? Because movie sneakers are far more important and dangerous than presidential assassins and cop killers. So naturally the police race to the movie theater as fast they can to confront the movie sneaker.

Did the cops have a psychic feeling that the movie sneaker was also the presidential assassin and cop killer? I don't know, but why would they? Maybe because their crimes are so similar, right? Movie sneaking... cop and president killing! What's the difference? Who knows! But the cops aren't taking any chances with the movie sneaker so they approach him with guns drawn. 

Then Oswald, the movie sneaking, cop killing, presidential assassin suddenly jumps from his seat and reaches into his jacket pocket for his trusty revolver..., and yells "THIS IS IT!" But the cops are too fast and catch Oswald's hand before he can take his gun out of his jacket pocket. Damn jacket! If only Oswald had ditched it somewhere... like under a car!

Then Oswald takes a swing at the cops, but misses, and they punch him in the eye... really hard! Then they check his wallet (which the other cops claimed to have found at Tippet's murder scene) to positively identify Oswald as the presidential /cop killing movie sneaker. And Oswald is quickly arrested in the same exact clothes he wore to work, even though he went home to change.

But the question remains... How did police know for sure that Oswald was the 6th floor shooter? Was it because he left fingerprints everywhere? No that can't be it, because in 1963 it took a minimum of 3 weeks to 3 months just to match fingerprints manually. So how did they know he was the assassin so fast? Maybe because Oswald ran into officer Baker on the second floor just 1 minute 20 seconds after the shooting looking perfectly normal? No, that can't be it either because that actually proves that it wasn't him.

How is that those super detectives weren't smart enough to figure something as simple as that out, but they were smart enough to put all that evidence together so fast? Surely all the evidence in 1963 would take more than a few weeks to sort through, if not months. But those super cops were somehow able to do it within hours. Super powers indeed! 

So how in the hell did they do it so fast... Magic? How could they charge him with shooting the president without any real evidence yet?

Oh that's right... Because he was supposed to be the shooter.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2021, 06:44:41 AM by Izraul Hidashi »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2021, 06:50:25 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2021, 08:26:00 PM »
There's a strange trend among LN's, which is to ignore all the evidence in favor of Oswald's innocence, in favor of pegging Oswald as the killer. That makes no sense at all. Especially when there's more evidence in support of innocence than guilt. In fact, it's safe to say the majority of evidence for guilt shows signs of being planted /fabricated.

So let's look at evidence that exonerated Oswald and has been habitually ignored by so many people, including the Warren Commission, in favor of making Oswald.the assassin. And maybe we can figure out why so many people are willing to betray their own common sense to believe ridiculous nonsense and impossibilities.

To believe Oswald was the assassin is to believe he wanted to be caught, since he worked a lot harder to leave evidence everywhere than he did trying to escape. He may as well have left an admission written on his birth certificate along with everything else. But did the evidence really stack up against him?

1. Testing of the 6th floor rifle by Army marksmen and FBI experts.

The marksmen & experts who tested the rifle both came to the same conclusion, that the rifle was UNUSABLE. Here's what they had to say.

Warren Commission Hearings, vol 3, page 405.

The FBI specialist said... “Every time we changed the adjusting screws to move the crosshairs in the telescopic sight in one direction it also affected the movement of the impact or the point of impact in the other direction. … We fired several shots and found that the shots were not all landing in the same place, but were gradually moving away from the point of impact.”

Warren Commission Hearings, vol 3, page 443.

“They [the US Army marksmen] could not sight the weapon in using the telescope, and no attempt was made to sight it in using the iron sight. We did adjust the telescopic sight by the addition of two shims, one which tended to adjust the azimuth, and one which adjusted an elevation.

Warren Commission Hearings, vol 3, page page 449.

Problems with the bolt and the trigger mechanism: “There were several comments made — particularly with respect to the amount of effort required to open the bolt. … There was also comment made about the trigger pull … in the first stage the trigger is relatively free, and it suddenly required a greater pull to actually fire the weapon.”

Warren Commission Hearings, vol 3, page 451.

The pressure to open the bolt was so great that that we tended to move the rifle off the target.

That might not seem like important evidence to some, but if you were being accused of murder you didn't commit, would you want that evidence ignored? Especially since it shows the improbability of firing that gun 3 times in 8.31 seconds accurately. That's a big deal if you're the accused.

2. The Paraffin tests that proved Oswald's innocence.

Why would anyone ignore this evidence?  Would you be comfortable with it if you were wrongly accused or framed for murder? Evidence showing you never fired a gun would be pretty important to your case, wouldn't it?

The first 2 Paraffin tests were Spectrographic analysis & Neutron Activation analysis. The first is a basic test considered reliable for all criminal investigations. The second test is even more reliable since it's capable of identifying the presence of substances in quantities too small to be captured by spectrographic analysis. That test required the use of a nuclear reactor, thus was carried out for the FBI at a reactor owned by the Atomic Energy Commission. The results of that test were hidden until two decades after the assassination, and were only made public as the result of a court case, (Weisberg v. ERDA and the Department of Justice, Civil Action 75–226). Those results are in the Harold Weisberg archive.

Why would the FBI want to hide those results from the public? Does anyone think the FBI would have hidden them if it had proved his guilt?

Barium & Antimony are two substances authorities look for when testing for gunpowder residue. According to an FBI memo, “The results show Punctate traces of nitrate found in the paraffin on the right and left hands consistent with that of a person who handled or fired a firearm. The paraffin of right check [sic] showed no traces of nitrate.” File # 62-109060-8 FBI HQ JFK Assassination.

Ah, so it sounds like he was guilty. But what the FBI failed to mention was that barium and antimony are also found in several common substances such as printing ink used for books. And Oswald most certainly handled books on the morning of the assassination. So the presence of those substances on his hands wasn't sufficient evidence of having fired a gun, but their absence on his cheek was sufficient evidence of having not fired a gun.

The absence of residue on Oswald's face meant he had not fired a rifle that day. And that would be the most important piece of evidence you could hope for if you were wrongly accused of murder. To have the FBI ignore and hide it in favor of manufacturing guilt is most certainly a crime, as well as an obstruction of justice. And it's one of the only reasons the FBI wanted to hide that test.

The other reason is because it not only proves Oswald innocence, but add it to all the other things the FBI & Police stated & used to show guilt, it reveals just how far these men of law went to frame an innocent man, American citizen and United States Marine. 

The third Paraffin test was done on 7 marksmen who fired similar rifles to that of the 6th floor one. And all 7 showed substantial traces of residue on both their hands and cheeks.

Those facts alone are enough to absolve anyone of a crime, including you. And for anyone to ignore them for any reason, let alone the sake of being right, is a travesty. Furthermore, it should have never been ignored by the WC or the ARRB, but is, even til this day. That speaks volumes.

3. Run in with officer Baker on 2nd floor

This one should be common sense. In officer Baker's own testimony to the Warren Commission, he ran into in Oswald roughly 1 minute 20 seconds after the shooting on the 2nd floor, also noting that Oswald wasn't out of breath.

The TSBD is a seven floor building w/ roof access from both inside and outside. The stairwell is located in the northwest corner with each floor containing 25 feet of stairs. (7 floors = 175 ft)

The alleged snipers nest is on the 6th floor at the southeast corner, approximately 100 feet from the stairwell, and also contained significant obstacles in between, such as stacks of books & boxes.

Now a person could descend 5 flights of stairs (125ft) in 50 to 60 seconds at a fast pace, but not without exhibiting significant signs of heavy breathing. Adrenaline is also a major factor in increasing breath & heart rate.

Having just shot a president from a visible position with crowds of onlookers would trigger a rush of adrenaline before running across 100 feet of obstacles to carefully hide a weapon and run down 5 flights of stairs at top speed. Vital signs would be significantly raised to a visible state (e.g. heart rate, breath, sweat).

The claim that Oswald was able to fire an unusable gun 3 times in 8.31 seconds accurately, run through 100 feet of obstacles, hide the rifle, descend 125 feet of an old world staircase without being seen by any other co-workers, run another 15 feet to the break room, then encounter officer Baker in less than 1 minute 30 seconds without exhibiting any signs of adrenaline, heavy breathing, or sweating, and without accumulating so much as a single spec of gunshot residue on his cheeks… it just isn’t feasible. Not by any means.

And for anyone to ignore their common sense in favor of believing that nonsense is not only an insult to their own intelligence but damage to their credibility. We're all adults, and fairy tales should be left to kids.

If anyone would like to see how ridiculous other claims were I'll leave this valuable information to use. Keep in mind this doesn’t account for any obstacles such as red lights, which usually take 60 to 90 seconds. Encountering a red light at any or every block could add 1 to 10 minutes of extra time. Crowds of people would significantly slow a person down as well.

Walking Distance & Times

½ block = 0.025 miles (132 ft / 0.04 km) 30 seconds
1 block = 0.05 miles (264 ft / 0.08 km) 1 minute
5 blocks = 0.25 miles (1320 ft / 0.4 km) 5 minutes
10 blocks = 0.50 miles (2,640 ft / 0.8 km) 10 minutes
20 blocks = 1.0 mile  (5,280 ft / 1.6 km) 20 minutes

The clock starts at the first shot
0:00 BOOM>Click-Click
8:31 secs left for:

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2021, 10:04:08 PM »
FBI expert Cortlandt Cunningham testified:
    "I personally wouldn’t expect to find any residues on a person’s right
     cheek after firing a rifle due to the fact that . . . the cartridge itself is
     sealed into the chamber by the bolt being closed behind it, and upon
     firing the case, the cartridge case expands into the chamber filling it
     up and sealing it off from the gases, so none will come back in your
     face, and so by its very nature, I would not expect to find residue on
     the right cheek of a shooter."

Jevons to Conrad FBI memo, 2/21/64:

"Today, Dr. Vincent P. Guinn called the FBI Laboratory and spoke to SA John F. Gallagher. He advised that since the assassination a large part of their efforts have been directed to the determination of powder residues taken from the hands and cheeks of individuals who have shot a rifle similar to the one reportedly owned by Lee Harvey Oswald.  He advised that there appears that triple firing of this rifle will leave unambiguous positive tests every time on the paraffin casts.  It further appears that washing the casts with diphenylbenzidine does remove one of the characteristic elements (barium) but such washings do not remove all of the other characteristic element in powder residues (antimony).  Further be advised that the tests to date indicate that powder residues are deposited on both cheeks of the shooter after the rifle is fired either one time or three times  It appears, he added, that these results can be obtained even if the paraffin casts are made 2 1/2 hours after shooting the rifle providing that the skin of the shooter has not been washed in the meantime.  He inquired if any information could be furnished him relating to the actual casts from Oswald.  He stated he read about those casts in the newspapers but has no way to confirm the stories.  SA Gallagher advised he was not at liberty to discuss this matter.  Dr. Guinn asked who in Dallas might be knowledgeable on this subject.  He was advised that he could not be given any information relative to these casts at this time."

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2021, 10:04:08 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2021, 11:18:14 PM »
So your way of dealing with a reasoned sourced response in which a LNer paid you some attention and addressed some specifics (sorry, only had time for the paraffin-test section) is to paste some laundry lists that you hope will serve as deflection?
Maybe you think your laundry lists are "clever" and "oh so witty", and you just wanted to share this as much as possible with a world eager for your effusive repartee. But somehow it strikes me as being the equivalent of sitting on a park bench ranting to passing squirrels.
In other words, when you respond to a post from someone you disagree with anyway are going out of your way to 'be nice' but regard this someone as best spending their time by going out and feeding the pigeons or something?
The poster was just pointing out the obvious and to sum it one [in all the annals of crime] has ever left so many dozens of clues [that even a blind man could follow]... that say "I did it, come get me" than Lee Harvey Oswald. The more experts and science they threw at their case...the less I believed it.

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Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2021, 03:15:23 AM »

Of course. You "know" more than the experts and science. You're like Trump and his assumption of superior wisdom.
That's just one knows more than experts and scientists, that why they really work in a pinch huh?
Now.. "I am like Trump" you say. Is that a jab at my feelings or something? A) I am not a Republican...B) I am not a Trump supporter.
 I wonder why--- You are so obsessed with Donald Trump. You are Canadian? Why then, give a crying crap about Trump. Trudeau is just as bad if not worse.
 Your science and experts aside... the majority of it's own members lacked  faith in their own report----
Four of the seven members of the commission, Boggs, Cooper, McCloy, and Russell, had serious doubts regarding the conclusions of the commission that the President and Governor Connally were both wounded by the "magic bullet" and regarding the view that Oswald had acted alone.[30][31] In the years following the release of its report and 26 investigatory evidence volumes in 1964, the Warren Commission has been frequently criticized for some of its methods, important omissions, and conclusions.[32]

In 1992, following popular political pressure in the wake of the film JFK, the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) was created by the JFK Records Act to collect and preserve the documents relating to the assassination. In a footnote in its final report, the ARRB wrote: "Doubts about the Warren Commission's findings were not restricted to ordinary Americans. Well before 1978, President Johnson, Robert F. Kennedy, and four of the seven members of the Warren Commission all articulated, if sometimes off the record, some level of skepticism about the Commission's basic findings."[31]

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2021, 04:58:08 PM »
I wonder why--- You are so obsessed with Donald Trump. You are Canadian? Why then, give a crying crap about Trump.
Why does America give a hoot about Iran, North Korea, Cuba, "caravans" from Central America? Trump is the leading edge of fascism. Biden didn't really stop him; he's still a threat. I can't speak for them all, but Canadians don't want fascism on the continent.
What a strawman answer that was :D
Shows us your backbone.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ignoring Evidence in Favor of Oswald
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2021, 04:58:08 PM »