Are you really suggesting that if Oswald assassinated the President of the United States that his best move to escape detection was to sit at the Beckley boardinghouse because no one knew the address!
You entirely missed the point, again: He wasn't detected, even Truly vouched for him -- DOH
The joke is on you in case you haven't noticed.
Then what? Let's see. The FBI was already keeping track of him even before the assassination. They were already aware of his defection to the USSR and that he was a political nut.
So what?
They would shortly come to realize that he worked in the TSBD and was missing.
Wrong, Hosty already knew where he worked. Missing, so what?
For all Oswald knew, there were witnesses on the street who saw him fire the shots and the police were already searching for him (per his panic when he saw Tippit's car).
Not if he was on the couch with Earlene.
A cop had already pulled a gun on him.
His wife had the phone number.
So what?
It wouldn't take the FBI and DPD very long to find him.
So what?
There were no good options but what you have suggested is idiotic and hilarious.
Explain how running around Oak Cliff (allegedly) with a gun would improve his odds.
Keep them coming.
You bet, every time your confused rants show up.
How about this? If Oswald didn't assassinate JFK, then he would have done what other TSBD employees did. Hang around until he was sent home.
How about it? Oswald didn't do what everyone else did anyway. How many TSBD employees had defected and brought back a Russian wife?
But your hero was making tracks.
Wrong again, he's not my hero.
This far out even from you. You don't think it might raise some red flags once the FBI realized that a person of interest to them for his defection to the USSR was an employee missing from the building from which the shots were fired that killed the President of the United States? Whew. Unfortunately, Oswald was much smarter than yourself. Granted that is not saying much. He realized that he had only a limited window of opportunity to beat it. To suggest it would have improved his chances of escape to sit in his boardinghouse is laughable. There was no good plan or realistic possibility of escape, but staying there would effectively be giving himself up. And using the fact that Oswald defected to the USSR to explain his fleeing the TSBD because he acted differently than others is wild rabbit hole nonsense. If anyone were going to stick around at the TSBD to see all the excitement, it was Oswald. He had an obvious interest in politics, history and had read books on JFK. But not on 11.22. He put on his boogie shoes.