"Gun in blanket: no supporting evidence."
The FBI Lab found not a single fiber from the blanket on the carcano..... How's that possible if the rifle had been wrapped in that blanket in New Orleans and transported from N O to Dallas and stored in Mike Paine's garage for two montha.
C'mon Lil Chappie answer the question.....
"Gun in bag: no supporting evidence."
The FBI lab reported that they found a SINGLE (ONE) blanket fiber on the paper bag, and there was not a trace of gun oil or any other indication that the carcano had ever been ib that paper sack that was too small to contain the rifle. How do you explain that , lil Chappie?
This would be the same FBI who have been accused of (or were in cohorts with) doctoring the backyard photos, planting the pristine CE399 bullet on the stretcher, confiscating and "losing" cameras and photos of the assassination, murdering witnesses, etc, etc, and basically doing all they can to cover up any conspiracy theories connected to the assassination?
It's funny how they were capable of doing all of the above but weren't capable of planting a few blanket fibres on a rifle.
What is even funnier is how you probably dismiss the FBI's conclusion on all of the aforementioned and the fact that they concluded that Oswald acted alone after undertaking more than 25000 interviews and tens of thousands of investigative leads, and yet you are so quick to take their word as gospel and use it as 100% reliable evidence on this matter when it suits your narrative of events.