Where are you coming up with the claim I am saying every one of the boxes must be ticked? I was trying to respond to general themes for all conspiracies than specifics, but in regard to more witnesses seeing Oswald I thought the point of a conspiracy would be to mislead and in that case Oswald would not have actually been the shooter
in regard to more witnesses seeing Oswald I thought the point of a conspiracy would be to mislead and in that case Oswald would not have actually been the shooter
I'm sure that makes sense to somebody, anybody?, but let's get serious, the general thinking of the Conspiracy community seems to be and this is no exaggeration is that every person in Dallas but Oswald was involved, now what I believe is the most critical evidence in the public's mind in any murder is eyewitnesses and for solid evidence of this observation is just look at how all the eyewitnesses in the Tippit murder are harrassed and reviled by the above mentioned conspiracy community. So by extension wouldn't it be obvious to the conspirators who went to extreme lengths to plant rifles, plant prints, plant fibers, invented extensive paper trails, manipulated the autopsy photos/X-Rays, altered the Zapruder film etc etc that planting some eyewitnesses who all said that Oswald was in the sniper's nest be almost obligatory?
Not saying that the following image is manufactured evidence but the overall impression that these men all saw someone shooting from above is undeniable.
