Nice work there Jerry, thanks! If I am looking at this correctly, the 2” tape appears to be the closest in relative scale. If that is true, what does that say about the size of the card?
If the tape is 2", the card would be 6" x 9 5/8. I think it may be time to rule out Walt's decades-long fabrication that the tape is one-inch and the card 3 X 5. All that time, he didn't do any empirical investigative work; it was all Weisbergian wink-wink, nudge-nudge supposition and overblown preachy innuendo. He seems to think a no-nonsense approach short-changes things.
Note, I have to say that it was more than a little bit eerie to put my hand up to the screen to compare the size of my hand to the size of the LHO print. It brought home the fact that he was human better than all the information I have read and the photos that I have seen.
Are these life-size? Both mages at 75% reduction.
(Check in Windows 10 Settings > System > Display > Scale & Layout- 100%)