Awesome to watch the Nutters twist and turn.
Mr. LATONA. We had no personal knowledge of any palmprint having been developed on the rifle. The only prints that we knew of were the fragmentary prints which I previously pointed out had been indicated by the cellophane on the trigger guard. There was no indication on this rifle as to the existence of any other prints. This print which indicates it came from the underside of the gun barrel, evidently the lifting had been so complete that there was nothing left to show any marking on the gun itself as to the existence of such even an attempt on the part of anyone else to process the rifle.
But Day claimed there were still VISIBLE TRACES of the print:
Mr. DAY. It depends. If it is a fresh print, and by fresh I mean hadn't been there very long and dried, practically all the print will come off and there will be nothing left. If it is an old print, that is pretty well dried, many times you can still see it after the lift. In this case I could still see traces of print on that barrel.
Sorry Otto, but there is irrefutable proof that the random pitting and imperfections that Day took from Oswald's rifle on the 22nd is a perfect match to a later imprint taken by the FBI and thus conclusively proves that Day's print taken on the 22nd shows beyond all doubt that Oswald touched C2766's barrel! See Otto, when you rely on Science and advanced forensic techniques you can't go wrong!
When we have 1 dot we can't really say that the dot is unique, now when we have 2 dots in 2 random locations we have a stronger connection and the chances that 2 random flaws are in the same place becomes a lot less probable, then as you go up the number of connections between these random points increases, for example point 1's position is directly proportional to points 2, 3 4 and 5 and point 2 is directly proportional to 1, 3, 4 and 5, and so on. And another match is the relative sizes of each of the imperfections which independently dramatically increases the odds.
Btw I only used the FBI points, if you look closely there is more matching points, it's a slam dunk.