Thanks, I was confused at first regarding the piece named Top Cap/Upper Forearm because of its position below the assembled rifle. But finally figured it out (it goes on top, hence “top cap”). So, does the bayonet in it’s stored position slide into the slot as you described earlier? And the top of the slot is open to the bottom of the barrel? Is that assumption correct?
Top cap/upper forearm = hand guard...... the hand guard prevents the shooter's left thumb from coming in contact with the hot barrel when the rifle is being fired. But you've figured it out.....
So, does the bayonet in it’s stored position slide into the slot as you described earlier? And the top of the slot is open to the bottom of the barrel? Is that assumption correct?The bayonet blade does not "slide into" the slot provided for it at the front of the stock.... The the bayonet stays attached to the barrel and the blade folds back like a pocket knife. The bayonet blade folds back into the slot , like a pocket knife blade.
The slot is not open ( at the bottom ) to the barrel..... The slot is about 1/2 inch there is about 3/8 of an inch of the wood stock between the bottom of the slot and the metal barrel