Thanks, how wide are these routered channels, also 3/8? And how accurate is the 3/8 measurement? I am thinking that Italy manufacturing would have been on the metric system back then. Can you measure them in millimeters? Also what purpose do these routered cavities serve is the one near the muzzle end of the stock for the bayonet lug to slide into?
Thanks for the questions Charles. I was concerned that I hadn't been very clear about the routered "cavities" in the bottom of the barrel channel, but you apparently have been able to understand......
The two cavities are both 3/8 inches wide and 3/8 inches deep. Using my digital caliper to measure, they are precisely 10.3mm wide and 10.45mm deep. The 4 inch long cavity midpoint lies 8 inches back from the front of the wood stock. And the midpoint of the 2 1/8" long cavity lies 4 1/4 inches to the rear of the front of the stock.
what purpose do these routered cavities serve--- is the one near the muzzle end of the stock for the bayonet lug to slide into?I'd guess that the cavities serve to allow the wood to expand and contract ( heat from the barrel, and changes in humidity and weather conditions) By allowing the stock to expand and contract the pressure on the barrel is minimized...thus the accuracy
of the rifle isn't effected as it would be if the barrel were in contact with the stock over the entire length of the barrel.