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Author Topic: Two different people posing as a 'Babushka Lady'  (Read 7419 times)

Offline Markus Ell

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Re: Two different people posing as a 'Babushka Lady'
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2021, 01:28:22 PM »
Hello Chad Labarre,

I don't know Charles Brehm, Jean Hill, or Marie Muchmore well enough to be able to judge whether they might have been willing to help in this horrific act.

In the case of Charles Brehm, this would be particularly severe, as he expected his 5-year-old son Joey to witness the cruel act with his own eyes. I definitely do not rate Charles Brehm as radical, especially since he, like Hill and Moorman, looked very upset and traumatized after the crime. With the best will in the world, I can't imagine it was acted (although my impressions don't really invalidate your scenario either).  It should also be borne in mind that the more people are involved in an act of this magnitude, the risk of non-secrecy increases immensely.

On their point that the second babushka was in a car and exchanged the first BL shortly after the assassination:

If I'm not mistaken (I often have problems assigning a point in time to the pictures), the fourth Wilma Bond photo should roughly correspond to the point in time when a policeman (I think Hargis) in the Bell film runs up to Babushka Lady ("BL 1").

Bond 4 also features one or even two people with cameras filming the Newman family (Doris Mumford lying next to them, I believe), which I suspect is Dave Wiegman and maybe Thomas Atkins (as I said I'm very unsure about that, on Bell they are not visible, maybe outof view area ?). But that would mean that Camera Car 1 must have already passed the babushka lady.

We should see "BL 2" on the Nix-Film, because the bag strap can be seen quite well here.
But that should also mean that "BL 2" can also be seen in the couch film (camera car 3). This results in a very short period of time because, according to the Sixth Floor Museum Dallas, the scene with the Babushka Lady in the Nix film was probably recorded a little more than 30 seconds after the fatal shot. On couch you see "BL 2" a little earlier. Couldn't see a car on the couch, which would have allowed the "BL 2" to get out beforehand, which makes the time span quite short. So far, I have not been able to find a car on various photos that would have made this possible for the BL 2 (possible photos here might be of Phil Willis or Jim Towner).

I also don't assume that a car would have squeezed in during the motorcade. Therefore I am still convinced that there was only one Babushka Lady.

Some are of the opinion that the Babushka Lady was very much involved in the assassination, not as a shooter, but as a kind of signal generator, since a light source appears on the Zapruder film (interestingly only in the qualitatively improved versions). I have no idea whether this is really true.

My arguments are certainly not the most well-founded either, but they reflect my previous impressions and views.

Many greetings

« Last Edit: August 12, 2021, 02:11:16 PM by Markus Ell »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Two different people posing as a 'Babushka Lady'
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2021, 01:28:22 PM »

Offline Chad Labarre

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Re: Two different people posing as a 'Babushka Lady'
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2021, 10:34:05 PM »
You bring up many good points.  My reply as far as the lack of photographic evidence is this:  I think we can all agree that the photographic record of the JFK assassination has been meddled with, and not just the Z-film.  If my BL theory is correct, then one of the major things the conspirators would be on the lookout for would be any and all photographic images which would indicate that there were TWO Babushka Ladies, and if found, these images would have to be edited or destroyed.  Take, for example, my analysis of the Bell film, where there appeared to be a break in the footage between the last time we see BL_1 and the first time we see BL_2.  Also, look at my images of the two Bond photos.  The green line in Bond9 is the extreme right hand edge of Bond8.  BL_1 is right at that line, which means that Bond8 may have actually captured BOTH BL_1 and BL_2 - and the conspirators had the area containing BL_1 cropped out.

I tend to look at it this way:  There may not be any obvious photographic evidence proving a BL switch occurred, but the subtle yet detectable physical differences between BL_1 and BL_2 dictate that at some time soon after the assassination, a switch did in fact take place.  It all comes down to whether or not you believe that BL_1 and BL_2 were two different people - as I do.

As for Brehm, well, some people would do almost anything - for the right price.  I should say that I have no hard evidence Brehm, Hill and Moorman were in on the plot.  This assertion is based (almost) solely on my belief that BL_1 was an assassin.  Put yourself into the shoes of the conspirators:  you can't just say the your assassin:  "Hey, put on this dress, overcoat and headscarf, then go stand out in the open on the South side of Elm street and take some shots at JFK as he rides by"  That's leaving too much to chance. 

By the way, the BL is visible in 22 of the 406 Zapruder frames, yet there is not one single clear image of the BL.  Coincidence?
If BL_1 was indeed a 'man with a gun', then images of BL_1 would have needed quite a bit of editorial attention - as far as the Zapruder film is concerned...


Offline Michael Christopher

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Re: Two different people posing as a 'Babushka Lady'
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2021, 12:13:22 AM »
You're comparing photos where no face is seen (I understand why, don't worry about that) which seems a waste of time.

The BL fascinates me and I would love to know who she really was but yeah, this isn't a credible line of investigation, as far as I am concerned. Unless you can provide two face shots of clearly different women, then it's not even worth the time.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Two different people posing as a 'Babushka Lady'
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2021, 12:13:22 AM »