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Author Topic: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?  (Read 37223 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2021, 05:24:06 PM »
Not that I expect LN's to admit how nonsensical that really is, but for those of us with common sense, does that even make sense?

What would even be the point of hiding your rifle if you're just gonna leave it, and the shells, on the same floor you shot from? As if the police would never find it. LOL

It just doesn't make sense. "Oh yeah... I'll just leave my shells on the floor but take the time to hide my gun..."  If that isn't ridiculous, I don't know what is. Surely if Oswald was in such hurry he wouldn't have taken the time to hide his rifle but not the shells. Especially if he was gonna leave it anyway. Why not just leave the rifle at the window with the shells, because you know damn well the police are gonna find it anyway?

Maybe some of the LN';s can explain it in a way that makes sense, rather than their usual gibberish? I'm sure they can provide some type of explanatory excuse to justify such nonsensical idiocy, which nobody else could possibly think of.

Even though the only real logical reason for a hidden gun would be to frame somebody. But I can't say I don't enjoy hearing their special perspectives.  8)

For Oswald to have been in such a hurry that he was able to shoot a rifle deemed UNUSABLE by the military experts that tested it in just 8 seconds, run across 100 feet of obstacles in a mere 30 seconds, run down 5 fights of an old world stair case so fast that nobody else was even able to see him, then the extra 15 feet just to make it to the break room in time to meet officer Baker, and all without being out of breath... well that's pretty damn impressive when you think about it.

So why would someone in that much of a hurry take the time to hide his rifle where he knows police are gonna find it anyway, and still make it in just 1 minute and 20 seconds to meet officer Baker (the other super power speed demon)?

You figure 8 seconds to shoot 3 shots from an unusable rifle that army marksmen ,had trouble with, accurately. Then 2 seconds to stand up. That's already 10 seconds gone, leaving Oswald with just 30 seconds to run through 100 feet of obstacles in the form of stacked books and boxes.

That's 40 seconds.

At least another 10 seconds to neatly hide the rifle (for no reason whatsoever).

That's 50 seconds.

Which would leave Oswald with a mere 30 seconds to run down 5 flights (125 ft) of an old world stair case (invisibly), with another 15 feet to the break room.

Wow... When you put in perspective it really shows just how desperate the LN's are to pretend Oswald was the killer. I say pretend because obviously you would have to be pretty dense to believe that nonsense. And I just don't think any grown ass adult could be that damn dense.

But if there is anyone brave enough to actually admit they do believe that nonsense, I say bravo ... and they should have no problems proving it. Just pull out your phone and show us all how it's done instead of just arguing about it. That way we can at least put that ridiculous nonsense to rest once for all. I say ridiculous because an LN really tried to pretend not believing it is what's ridiculous. Yeah...of course it is!  :-\

What would even be the point of hiding your rifle if you're just gonna leave it, and the shells, on the same floor you shot from? As if the police would never find it. LOL

The POINT of HIDING the rifle was to buy time .......     The rifle was well hidden with the idea that there would be no immediate link between Lee and the staged HOAX....    Lee was under the illusion that he would be whisked out of the country after the STAGED HOAX attempt to shoot JFK.

The stage play that Lee was playing a role in was supposed to appear as if Lee Oswald had attempted to shoot JFK.  (Just as he had attempted to shoot General Walker)   The rifle was well hidden beneath the pallet of books and Lee thought that he would be well on his way to Cuba before the rifle was found.    He believed that as a fugitive who had attempted to shoot JFK, Castro would allow him asylum in Cuba.....And THAT was his mission .....To penetrate Castro's island bastion just as he had penetrated the USSR in 1959.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2021, 05:24:06 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2021, 05:39:06 PM »
"Well hidden BENEATH the pallet of books".  :D

Here's the rifle in situ photographed by the Dallas Police Crime Lab. The boxes to the north (camera-top) are resting on the floor. Book stacks on pallets are to camera-right and camera-bottom.

     Mr. BALL. That is a picture taken by you of the location of the gun -
          that was before anyone moved it?
     Mr. STUDEBAKER. Yes.
     Mr. BALL. Do you have another shot of that other picture?
     Mr. STUDEBAKER. No, we took two from the same location when
          we was up on top of the stack of boxes shooting down at it, before
          they picked it up. Actually, there was four negatives of them of the
          gun, but they are all in the same location, shooting straight down
          and they were taken on different exposures.

This photo is a FAKE!!....   It was created by the DPD after they discovered that it would have been IMPOSSIBLE  for the  victim they wee framing ( Lee Oswald) to have hidden the rifle in the manner it had been hidden when Boone and Weitzman discovered the rifle hidden beneath the pallet of books, in the beams of their flashlights.   Do you actually believe that Boone and Weitzman would have needed powerful flashlights to see the rifle if it had been in the place it is seen in the DPD photo.????

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2021, 07:24:42 PM »
The reason why the crevasse is so brightly illuminated is because of Studebaker's camera flash.

That's utter rubbish, Jerry...and you know it because you've posted many photos that show the bright sunshine in that area.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2021, 07:24:42 PM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2021, 07:25:05 PM »
“Monday morning quarterbacking” can be fun. I cannot help from wondering what if LHO had grabbed the bag as he left the sniper’s nest and slid the rifle back inside it to help disguise the rifle. It would likely have been more difficult for the police to find it. And we wouldn’t be hearing about the length estimates from Frazier quite so often.

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2021, 07:26:50 PM »
That all makes sense.  What Oswald was thinking entails speculation but we know from the Walker incident that he was meticulous in his planning.  Once Oswald learned of JFK's motorcade route he likely scouted out locations in the building that provided him with the best combination of shooting location and seclusion.  He may have had more than one location given that he could not control the movements of people within the building.  He also would have decided where to hid to the rifle in advance.  As near as possible to the desired location.  He doesn't want to be seen carrying a long package in the moments before the assassination.  So he takes the rifle to the 6th floor that morning when he arrives.  His clipboard is later found in the same vicinity as the rifle.   That tells us he probably is carrying around his clipboard in his hand in the minutes before retrieving the rifle to give him the appearance of working on the floor if he encounters anyone up there in the minutes before the assassination.  Just Old Lee going about his work if anyone see him.  The last thing he does before retrieving his rifle is to lay down the clipboard thereby providing some indication of where he hid the rifle.

Good thinking! I hadn’t thought about the ramifications of the clipboard location.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2021, 07:26:50 PM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2021, 08:33:02 PM »
Until you consider when it was found.

Of course, how silly of me. That just has to meant that it was planted.  ::)
« Last Edit: July 30, 2021, 08:36:31 PM by Charles Collins »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2021, 08:56:43 PM »

Angle of Sun at 12:30 Local Time

Angle of Sun at 2:30 Local Time

Boone said he saw the Carcano about 1:22. You would need the sun to be almost shining straight out from the West side to directly illuminate the crevasse where the rifle was found. About 1:22, the sun was shining on both the West and South sides equally. At 2:30, the sun is still not shining from fully onto the West side.

Day had to examine the rifle beside the window to better see it. You just said flashlights were needed. I think the light-bulbs in the ceiling were pretty-low wattage. I would guess they weren't just looking for the rifle; could have been small things as well, anything suspicious.

Jery, It's recorded that the searchers wanted to move on to other floors to search for the weapon....But Capt Fritz refused to allow them to move to ther flors...  He said... " that rifle has to be here somewhere now keep looking"...    Why would Fritz insist that the rifle was there on the sixth floor?

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2021, 09:03:31 PM »
That's utter rubbish, Jerry...and you know it because you've posted many photos that show the bright sunshine in that area.

Nope. The photo was taken from an overhead position, as the narrow cast shadows created by the camera flash clearly reveal. The central box is the clearest example of this.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2021, 09:12:16 PM by Bill Chapman »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2021, 09:03:31 PM »