One post--the one in question, between the west wall and west service elevator--has its south side13 feet from the north wall. All the rest of the posts to the east of this one post shows the posts centered on 13 feet. So are we going to take your word for one post being out of alignment with all the other posts? Maybe somebody should contact the Museum to measure the distance?
The interior column on the west wall is centered on 13 feet. So a few feet for the row of boxes that were to the north of the rifle in the Crime Lab photos. The north side of Pallet Group "A" must be some five feet south of the pillar, or about 18-19 feet from the north wall.
I can't believe that Uh-ho Beck and you believe the rifle was beneath the pallet and that Weitzman was literally lying on the floor with his face on that dirty oily floor. Do you both also believe that Boone, Weitzman and Studebaker lied that the rifle location was undisturbed before the taking of the in situ photos?
On page 142 of the WR there is a WC exhibit no. 2707, which shows a "scale model view" of the sixth floor and a view of the support columns for the 6th floor ceiling and the 7th floor......
Since Studebaker's map reveals that the support columns are spaced 13 feet apart, and we can see that the first column to the south of the north wall is three feet south of the stairs going down to the 5th floor. ( see page 142) so the next E/W row of support columns are 26 feet from the north wall...... The tip of the arrow that indicates where the rifle was found is at 19 feet from the north wall, or about 6 feet south of the column that was 13 feet from the north wall. Studebaker measured the distance from the north wall to the rifle and recorded that distance as 15' 4 " .....That's 2 feet 4 inches south of the first column.
The WC exhibit 2707 apparently isn't as accurate as Studebaker's map, but it serves very well to show that the rifle was not at the location indicated in the fake DPD in situ photo......