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Author Topic: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?  (Read 29995 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #32 on: July 31, 2021, 11:53:14 PM »
Never mind the shadows, these two photos show the stacks where the rifle was found:

Note orientation of pallets (What Weitzman call a 'flat'), he could not have looked under (or rather through) and seen the rifle the way they sit under the stacks:

I (Seymour Weitzman)was on the floor looking under the flat at the same time he was looking on the top side and we saw the gun, I would say, simultaneously and I said, "There it is" and he started hollering,

I WAS LOOKING UNDER THE FLAT ( PALLET),,,Seymour Weizman....   

Can there be any doubt that Weitzman was NOT describing the Rifle as it is seen in the DPD fake in situ photo?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2021, 12:02:31 AM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #32 on: July 31, 2021, 11:53:14 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #33 on: August 01, 2021, 12:15:07 AM »
Not a "guess" if there are in situ photographs attested to by Weitzman, Boone and Studebaker.

I think we know who's confused and who screwed up. :D

It's pretty hard to imagine Weitzman contorting himself to look through openings in the wooden pallets.

Weitzman later says "I was behind this section of books" which probably means he was merely squatting and looking as far as he comfortably could into the wooden pallets and the gaps between the cartons. Maybe he was to the south of the pallets and looked between the gap between Groups "B" and "C" and saw the rifle, where the Crime Lab photographs show it to be.

Why would we disregard where they put the arrow? Because it confirms the rifle location was as it was in the Crime Lab photos?

BTW, what is "looking under the flat"? I can't find any definition of "flat" that says it's a wooden pallet.

referring to the "LOOKING WEST " photo .......The south edge ( left side in photo) of the vertical support post is 13 feet from the interior side of the north wall .

Robert Studebaker and other DPD detectives measured the distance from the north wall to the place where Weitzman saw the rifle on the floor beneath the wooden pallet.  Stubaker recorded that distance as 15 ' 4"  ( 2 foot 4 inches south of that vertical post).....

The official in situ photo presented by the DPD show the rifle is NOT beneath the pallet and it is  jammed between boxes of books... and it is about 14 feet from the north wall.

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #34 on: August 01, 2021, 02:15:35 AM »

referring to the "LOOKING WEST " photo .......The south edge ( left side in photo) of the vertical support post is 13 feet from the interior side of the north wall .

One post--the one in question, between the west wall and west service elevator--has its south side13 feet from the north wall. All the rest of the posts to the east of this one post shows the posts centered on 13 feet. So are we going to take your word for one post being out of alignment with all the other posts? Maybe somebody should contact the Museum to measure the distance?

Robert Studebaker and other DPD detectives measured the distance from the north wall to the place where Weitzman saw the rifle on the floor beneath the wooden pallet.  Stubaker recorded that distance as 15 ' 4"  ( 2 foot 4 inches south of that vertical post).....

The interior column on the west wall is centered on 13 feet. So a few feet for the row of boxes that were to the north of the rifle in the Crime Lab photos. The north side of Pallet Group "A" must be some five feet south of the pillar, or about 18-19 feet from the north wall.

The official in situ photo presented by the DPD show the rifle is NOT beneath the pallet and it is  jammed between boxes of books... and it is about 14 feet from the north wall.

I can't believe that Uh-ho Beck and you believe the rifle was beneath the pallet and that Weitzman was literally lying on the floor with his face on that dirty oily floor. Do you both also believe that Boone, Weitzman and Studebaker lied that the rifle location was undisturbed before the taking of the in situ photos?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #34 on: August 01, 2021, 02:15:35 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #35 on: August 01, 2021, 02:57:12 AM »

One post--the one in question, between the west wall and west service elevator--has its south side13 feet from the north wall. All the rest of the posts to the east of this one post shows the posts centered on 13 feet. So are we going to take your word for one post being out of alignment with all the other posts? Maybe somebody should contact the Museum to measure the distance?

The interior column on the west wall is centered on 13 feet. So a few feet for the row of boxes that were to the north of the rifle in the Crime Lab photos. The north side of Pallet Group "A" must be some five feet south of the pillar, or about 18-19 feet from the north wall.

I can't believe that Uh-ho Beck and you believe the rifle was beneath the pallet and that Weitzman was literally lying on the floor with his face on that dirty oily floor. Do you both also believe that Boone, Weitzman and Studebaker lied that the rifle location was undisturbed before the taking of the in situ photos?

Jerry LOOK at Srubakers plat ......ALL of the support posts are at the same distance from the north wall.... ( naturally.....They support the E/W ceiling beam )

Count the number of squares from the north wall to the south side of the support posts....There are 13  squares.....each square  represents one foot...very imple....    The south side of the post was 13 feet from the north wall ....     The DPD in situ photo shows the rifle jammed between boxes .....the south side of the box is a little less than 14 feet from the north wall....and Studebaker and others measured the distance from that north wall to the rifle at 15' 4".....

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #36 on: August 01, 2021, 04:05:25 PM »
I can't believe that Uh-ho Beck and you believe the rifle was beneath the pallet

Please stop misrepresenting what I said.

But nice to see you finally worked out that the pallets were made from wooden flats.

The pallets were made from wood. Wooden flats are a type of sandal or seedling bed. I think Weitzman was referring to a collection of the same item when he said "flat", so it would be one of the three separate pallet groups.

and that Weitzman was literally lying on the floor with his face on that dirty oily floor.

So now the story is that Weitzman is lying about what he did when in fact he did EXACTLY what he was told to do:

What Weitzman said is not clearcut, and he later said "I was behind this section of books", not laying face to the floor. Meanwhile, you have Boone, Weitzman and Studebaker lying under oath when they said the Crime Lab photographs show the Carcano in situ.

Mr. WEITZMAN - After that, we entered the building and started to search floor to floor and we started on the first floor, second floor, third floor and on up, when we got up to the fifth or sixth floor, I forget, I believe it was the sixth floor, the chief deputy or whoever was in charge of the floor, I forget the officer's name, from the sheriff's office, said he wanted that floor torn apart. He wanted that gun and it was there somewhere, so myself and another officer from the sheriff's department, I can't remember his name, he and I proceeded until we----

BTW, most interesting the sheriff's office guy knew "it was there somewhere".

Are you claiming the Sheriff's Office planted the rifle? No, so far you lack the courage of your convictions. The police had found the shells and there was no report of a man found in or near-to the building with a rifle. Just standard police investigative procedure.

Do you both also believe that Boone, Weitzman and Studebaker lied that the rifle location was undisturbed before the taking of the in situ photos?

Only a complete fool would believe it was undisturbed:

Mr. WEITZMAN - That is correct, Boone and I, and as he was looking over the rear section of the building, I would say the northwest corner, I was on the floor looking under the flat at the same time he was looking on the top side and we saw the gun, I would say, simultaneously and I said, "There it is" and he started hollering, "We got it." It was covered with boxes. It was well protected as far as the naked eye because I would venture to say eight or nine of us stumbled over that gun a couple times before we thoroughly searched the building.

I think he means all the officers on that floor had walked by the location when they arrived. The rifle was fully hidden from anyone at the stairway entrance who arrived from below.

Do YOU have difficulty spotting the rifle in the photo?

Sure, easy to see if I'm elevated and south of the row of boxes.

Can you see the rifle as you leave the stairwell and walk by the row of boxes?

BTW, Day/Studebaker was notorious for not taking actual crime scene photos:

Mr. BALL. Then, you don't have any pictures taken of the boxes before they were moved?


   Mr. BALL. Do you have any pictures of the boxes before they were moved other than those you have showed me?
   Mr. STUDEBAKER. Just these two.
   Mr. BALL. Just the two that show the cartons, and those are Exhibits A and B?
   Mr. STUDEBAKER. We have probably got one down there I can get you that is a lot better print than that. If you want a better print, I can get it for you.
   Mr. BALL. Then, you don't have any pictures taken of the boxes before they were moved?

And it doesn't apply to the NW corner cartons.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #36 on: August 01, 2021, 04:05:25 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #37 on: August 01, 2021, 06:52:10 PM »
The pallets were made from wood. Wooden flats are a type of sandal or seedling bed. I think Weitzman was referring to a collection of the same item when he said "flat", so it would be one of the three separate pallet groups.

What Weitzman said is not clearcut, and he later said "I was behind this section of books", not laying face to the floor. Meanwhile, you have Boone, Weitzman and Studebaker lying under oath when they said the Crime Lab photographs show the Carcano in situ.

Are you claiming the Sheriff's Office planted the rifle? No, so far you lack the courage of your convictions. The police had found the shells and there was no report of a man found in or near-to the building with a rifle. Just standard police investigative procedure.

I think he means all the officers on that floor had walked by the location when they arrived. The rifle was fully hidden from anyone at the stairway entrance who arrived from below.

Sure, easy to see if I'm elevated and south of the row of boxes.

Can you see the rifle as you leave the stairwell and walk by the row of boxes?


   Mr. BALL. Do you have any pictures of the boxes before they were moved other than those you have showed me?
   Mr. STUDEBAKER. Just these two.
   Mr. BALL. Just the two that show the cartons, and those are Exhibits A and B?
   Mr. STUDEBAKER. We have probably got one down there I can get you that is a lot better print than that. If you want a better print, I can get it for you.
   Mr. BALL. Then, you don't have any pictures taken of the boxes before they were moved?

And it doesn't apply to the NW corner cartons.

Are you claiming the Sheriff's Office planted the rifle?

I believe if you'll do a little research, you'll find that it was DPD Captain Fritz who was in charge.....And it was Capt Fritz who said " Keep looking,  I want that rifle and it has to be here somewhere"....    Fritz KNEW the rifle was there.....He knew the plot to murder JFK and frame the little commie rat who had defected to Russia a few years prior to Nov 63.  Fritz knew the rifle was behind the box with the huge asterisk scrawled on it at the top of the stairs.....

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #38 on: August 01, 2021, 08:13:35 PM »

Where did I say there was?

Let's see.   You posted the following on this thread:

"Did you know there are different accounts of how the clipboard was recovered?"

When it is noted in response that there were not different accounts of how the clipboard was recovered you responded:  "Where did I say there was?" 


Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #39 on: August 02, 2021, 02:23:04 AM »
Are you claiming the Sheriff's Office planted the rifle?

I believe if you'll do a little research, you'll find that it was DPD Captain Fritz who was in charge.....And it was Capt Fritz who said " Keep looking,  I want that rifle and it has to be here somewhere"....    Fritz KNEW the rifle was there.....He knew the plot to murder JFK and frame the little commie rat who had defected to Russia a few years prior to Nov 63.  Fritz knew the rifle was behind the box with the huge asterisk scrawled on it at the top of the stairs.....


If Fritz knew where the rifle was, then why didn't he simply go and get it instead of running back and forth from floor to floor — as he stated in testimony.

Maybe he just didn't get the memo from your plotters..

Maybe an asterisk
should be placed on
your forehead along
with the lengthy list
of your fabrications.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2021, 02:48:49 AM by Bill Chapman »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Does Hiding a Rifle You Plan On Leaving Anyway Really Make Sense?
« Reply #39 on: August 02, 2021, 02:23:04 AM »