No one kook has ever explained why the conspirators would go to such great pains and risk to create a fake scenario that puts Oswald on a bus that goes nowhere. If it had taken him to his boardinghouse and was being used to cover up some other movement like one of the conspirators driving him there, that would be one thing (but open up the question as to why the conspirators would assist or care about what Oswald does in the aftermath of the assassination). But it didn't. It is silly and improbable in any planned narrative context to create a fake scenario that does nothing to advance the plot. Oswald was on the bus to nowhere. The transfer proves it beyond any doubt.
If all was as hunky dory as your deliberate incuriousity influences you to present .... Oswald = LN assassin, why
are a suprising number of things going unanswered, out of kilter? I am sorry if examples such as this do not occur to
you or cause you any concern.
Is this a matter of fact description accurately and relevently presenting John Connally family background,
considering Bobby Hale testified he attempted to slap away from Connally's daughter's head, the 20 ga. shotgun barrell
Bobby testified his wife Kathleen Connally Hale was encountered by him, aiming at her own head, just as she was pulling the trigger of?
And a WC exhibit reports Bobby's mother Virginia Hale of Fortune Rd., Fort Worth, and the Texas State Employment office as
contacting Oswald in 1962 to advise him of a job opening at Leslie Welding. May 13, 1964: a 1962 FBI Los Angeles stakeout report described Bobby Hale and his twin brother forcing illegal entry into the apartment of Judith Exner and soon driving away in a Chevy Corvette with a Texas plate assigned to their father, director of security at General Dynamics and a former FBI agent.
....Personal Details.....Children 4
.....Connally was born on February 27, 1917, into a large family in Floresville, the seat of Wilson County southeast of San Antonio. He was one of seven children....[1] His six siblings included four brothers: Golfrey, Merrill, Wayne, and Stanford Connally and sisters Carmen and Blanche.[2]
....Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison, for whom Connally's daughter had been employed in the state treasurer's office, won the seat by a wide margin....
The example wiki bio page was edited to remove any of the controversies I described above it.
Your demeanor and the sanitized article example are artificial constructs. One reliable result is they are both unreasonable
reactions, flying in the face of facts. At least some of the "kooks" are sincere, reasonable, honest people.