Two of Howard Brennan's brothers were Dallas Transit Co. employees. DTC bus driver McWatters allegedly gave departing
bus passenger Oswald a transfer that did not wrinkle and hopped from his work shirt pocket into his arrest shirt where it did
not turn up when he was booked into DPD and presumably searched. Nathaniel Weinberg was managing DTC for his brother,
Harry Weinberg. Nathaniel and other Weinberg brothers made a preassassination trip to Ruby's carousel club.
Harry Weinberg's first municipal transit company assets stripping OP was in Scranton, PA in 1953. Scranton was the population
center of the Bufalino crew. That branch of Cosa Nostra was dominated by men born in one tiny Sicilian town, Montedoro, population,
At the same time he had finished stripping DTC of real estate assets and was in the process of selling the DTC hollowed out shell to
the City of Dallas, Weinberg was up to the same OP with Fifth Avenue Transit in Manhattan,NY. Roy Cohn was Weinberg's lawyer and
had a seat on the board of Fifth Avenue Transit .