Is it possible that an individual who believes in a massive conspiracy in the JFKA can also be considered the worlds leading authority on the event? I speak of Jim DiEugenio. I’ve had enough arguments/debates with DiEugenio over the years to recognize one fact: he doesn’t have a layman’s knowledge of the actual event. Why exactly is this individual lionized throughout the CT community?
I've been asking that last question for eight years now....
"How anyone can possibly even begin to take DiEugenio seriously when it comes to the JFK assassination
is a real mystery to me. .... And yet despite the above laundry list of silliness, James DiEugenio is still held
in high esteem by many people when it comes to his evaluation of the evidence and his assessment of the facts
concerning the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Unbelievable." -- David Von Pein; January 2013
There are probably a half dozen types of personalities in "this business". I consider it a blessing I've only been involved, in earnest, for the past 12-1/2 years.
Most conduct themselves under "a belief system".
David, remember DiEugenio's reaction to Lance figuring out that the inked number sequence across the front of the disputed Postal Money Order allegedly purchased by Oswald in Dallas that the WC concluded had been deposited in the bank account of Klein's Sporting Goods in Chicago days later, was a tracking number the U.S. Treasury Dept.'s newly implemented automated processing and archiving system had initiated in early 1963?
DiEugenio posted at DPF that the authentication of the Klein's rifle purchase PMO resulting from its blue inked tracking number displayed on its face (Lance had just figured out the placement and purpose of) resulting in retrieval from the newly established automated PMO archive in Arlington, VA (Armstrong claimed it could only be retrieved from the KC PMO Center...) on the evening of 11/23/63 could still not have happened because it was imbedded in John Armstrong's entire scenario of official skullduggery in a coup in which the Assassination of JFK was just one of several "Ops". An example to try to make my point clearer... if John Glenn's capsule had been blown up on a Cape Canaveral launch pad and Castro blamed, the murder of the astronaut by the U.S. JCoS would have been, in the Operation Northwoods plan implementation, what the murder of JFK was in "A Coup in Dallas". In my example, if it was later confirmed that the launch pad explosion resulting in Glenn's death was the result of an accidental system failure, that would be irrelevant if the JCoS had succeeded, JFK having succumbed to the immediate political pressure Operation Northwoods would instigate and stoke, and had ordered the swift invasion of Cuba and the elimination of Castro!
Before I discovered and proved that a new PMO, point of sale printer had been installed in Dallas in January, 1963 as part of a national rollout over several months that had been announced in mid 1962, resulting in the elimination of the Post Office contract with the Federal Reserve for manual keypunching of the dollar amount of each deposited PMO during a Fed. Res. regional bank clearing process, and Lance Payette presented his tracking number analysis, I had been impressed by DiEugenio's critical opinion of the result of John Simkin encouraging and promoting Peter Janney's claims about the murderer of Mary Meyer. Beware the Douglas, Janney, Simkin Silver Bullets
Apr 15, 2008 —
But let us move on to Simkin and Mary Meyer. On the thread he created, Simkin tried to say that accusing him of having Bill O'Reilly type ... Janney, Mary's Mosaic (Part 2) - Kennedys and King › janney-peter-mar...
Jul 12, 2012 — The first two people to inform me of Peter Janney's upcoming book on Mary Meyer were Lisa Pease and John Simkin.
I was impressed enough to "rattle" Simkin and his friend HP Albarelli who was a contributor to and enabler of the operating theory of Janney's book, "Mary's Mosaic" to get both DiEugenio and I booted from Simkin's forum at the urging of author Albarelli.
David. I know you know how that feels...
After DiEugenio pushed back so insistently against Lance Payette and I in reaction to the impact on John Armstrong's presentation that the Klein's PMO was illegitimate because its serial number was grossly out of sequence compared to PMO serial numbers on Oswald's Dallas Post Office purchases just a few months before that the Dept. of State had received from Oswald by late 1962 to payoff a transportation loan enabling the Oswalds and child to cover exit transit expenses from the USSR to the USA, and a PMO reportedly retrieved from an Arlington, VA location being inconsistent with retrieval from where all paid PMO should have been stored, in KC, MO, a postal PMO authentication, fraud investigation, and archive that John Armstrong was not aware had become obsolete and was winding down operation in March, 1963 to ultimate closure months later."money%20order"

DiEugenio and Armstrong supporter David Joseph reacted by using Len Osanic on Black Op Radio to inform "the community" that the archivist in Arlington who reportedly retrieved the Klein's PMO on the evening of 11/23/63 and transported it to the DC home of postal official Marks for a prearranged transfer to SS custody, did not actally exist. I responded by producing the archivist's death certificate which included his home address and occupation identical to the description in WCR docs!
So, by the time I discovered and presented this, DiEugenio's personal attacks as push back no longer stung as much.:
April 12, 2016 at 1:25 pm
Unredacted Episode 1: Transcript of Interview with Joan Mellen
Joan Mellen is the author of A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK’s Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History. This interview was conducted on 22 Feb 2006. Tyler Weaver provided the introduction, and the interview was conducted by Rex Bradford.
REX: I – I think –
JOAN: – when Baldwin was present, he was a CIA asset, his brother worked for the International Trade Mart and Clay Shaw, David Baldwin, and these, these are CIA people….
Using only internet resources and in the course of a couple of weeks of part time research I shared in comments on this website, (see- )
I found these details, not published or mentioned, ever, by Joan Mellen.
In the course of attempting to determine if my new fact checked research details were actually original, I found identical details, by author of a biography of Clay Shaw,
Donald H Carpenter.

From Joan Mellen's book.:
The best face I can put on this is that Garrison misled and failed to disclose to his friend, Joan Mellen, and editor of his own book, the co-writer of the JFK the movie screenplay, Zachary Sklar.
The most troubling thing I’ve learned is that almost no one seems to appreciate being exposed to this new information. They already knew what they knew and indicate a preference of not having to consider Garrison’s actual proximity to those even he described as CIA sponsored adversaries. ...
I posted the details of "the CIA people" author Joan Mellen described as examples of "proof" CIA was "thwarting" Garrison's efforts while in fact, the brothers Ms. Mellen named were first cousins of Garrison's wife and author Carpenter in his biography of Clay Shaw proved David Baldwin had made Shaw aware of this at least from the time of Shaw's arrest, and that David Baldwin's wife was step-sister of "WDSU's outside counsel dispensing funds on behalf of CIA to defense lawyers of subpoenaed individuals" Garrison's June, 1967 letter of complaint detailed to the FCC commissioner, in the 2019 comments sections of two articles reporting on the collaboration of Stone and DiEugenio, but the comments sections were later removed.