That makes no sense.
Why can't you just accept that two individuals can view the same evidence and reach different conclusions?
two individuals can view the same evidence and reach different conclusions?Is the glass half full or half empty......
Of course when each piece of evidence is scrutinized then one of the individuals will prevail .....
If we use just the carcano as a single piece of evidence...... and ask: What evidence supports the contention that it was the murder weapon? And what evidence refutes the contention that it was the murder weapon.?
Of course both persons must be totally candid, and honest ...... Where would two such persons be found? I'd suggest a place where the two people would have no previous information and no interest or agenda...... IOW..... An inhuman and emotionless computer....
Alexa.....Is it possible to fire a rifle accurately if the telescopic site is mounted out of alignment with the barrel?
Alexa:..... No, the scope must be accurately aligned with the bore of the barrel..... Next question please.....