It is a tremendous piece of work.
Is it available anywhere?
In your interview you state that Ferrie ceased his anti-castro activities in 1961 which would be well before Oswald showed up in New Orleans in 1963. I've heard this claim stated before. But there is a suggestion in the "Oswald in New Orleans" document that was released in 2017 or 2018 that Ferrie had some type of office that was worthy of surveillance. Here is the relevant section of that document:

SOURCE: National Archives record number: 157-10014-10120 (Page 34 of the downloaded PDF document)
Its unusual the document refers to it as "Ferries office". Banister was the main individual at the Newman building, not Ferrie. Ferrie was small fry compared to Banister. So its unusual that they would refer to it as "Ferries office". Unless Ferrie had some small seperate office of his own and it is this the above document is referring to.
Does Stephen Roys manuscript make any mention of an office that Ferrie kept himself?