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Author Topic: Question: What are the two biggest lies the Kremlin wants us to believe?  (Read 3127 times)

Offline Joe Elliott

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Question: What are the two biggest lies the Kremlin wants us to believe, during the last 60 years?

Or, perhaps, I should rephrase this, since many on this forum believe one or even both of these ‘theories’: What at the two biggest theories the Kremlin wants us to believe, during the last 60 years?

The overall goal of the Kremlin, or any enemy of democracy, is to convince people within a democracy, that they don’t really live in a democracy. This is the most effective attack. It is not effective at all to argue that you people are not smart enough to choose your own leaders, so you would be better off trust us and have a dictatorship run things for you. This argument goes nowhere. But what does work is to say:
What? You guys think you live in a real democracy? How can you be so naïve? Don’t you realize that your vote doesn’t count? Or, in an extreme version, don’t you realize that there is a ‘Deep State’ that is really in control?

How do those who support dictatorships justify lying? That is justify to themselves? I think their thinking is democracy is weak and fragile. It may be good, but it can never last. Tyranny is strong and much more enduring. The long human history is a record of the triumph of tyranny. Weather through kings, emperors or dictatorships, tyranny is the natural order of things. Democracy has only been going for a century or two. Maybe it is doomed. What would happen if the Kremlin left democracy alone? Inevitably, someone else, someone possibly worse, like the Nazis, would attack and eventually bring down democracies. So, perhaps it is best for the Kremlin to do the work themselves. I think their thinking is somewhere along those lines.

The two biggest Kremlin lies, or Kremlin theories, directed at the American people, during the last 60 years, are:

1.   JFK was assassinated by a conspiracy, covered up by, and likely directly by, the U. S. government.
2.   The 2020 Election was a fraud.

Now, admittedly, the second lie, the Kremlin didn’t have to get started. Trump did that all on its own. But it is surely a lie they fully support.

The first lie, the Kremlin supported pretty early on. The Kremlin had a pretty significant impact on the conspiracy theories. It was the Kremlin, hearing early reports of Jim Garrison’s ‘investigation’ that caused them to have an Italian tabloid, ‘Paese Sera’, print an article that amazingly enough got Garrison on the trail of Clay Shaw, who up until then was a minor suspect. After early involvement, and some ‘off-hand’ comments by Khrushchev about the assassination, the Kremlin has let the JFK conspiracy theories run on their own.

The second lie, I don’t know if the Kremlin has done anything to support. They don’t need to. We have a President who tells us what the Kremlin wants us to believe. That our elections are corrupt. That there was a Large-Secret-Enduring conspiracy that successfully flipped the 2020 election. I remember that immediately after the January 6 riot, a Kremlin spokesman could not contain his exuberance and declared ‘Merry Christmas’. It was two weeks since Christmas but it still seemed like Christmas to him. Trump is a gift that just keeps on giving.

The 2020 Election fraud belief was not one that I saw coming. And, to be honest, if I thought there would be tens of millions of Americans who would come to believe our democracy was corrupt, it would not have been from the group that fell for this lie. Shows how much I know. But now, for the first time, tens of millions of Americans are starting to get it. Our democracy is corrupt. Our elections are secretly rigged. Thousands of programmers and election volunteers and even Republican politicians who support Trump like governors and Secretaries of States for various state governments are in on it or at least supporting this conspiracy.

Now, if I am wrong:


What are the two ‘theories’ that the Kremlin would most like the American people to believe, during the last 60 years?

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Jon Banks

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Question: What are the two biggest lies the Kremlin wants us to believe, during the last 60 years?

Or, perhaps, I should rephrase this, since many on this forum believe one or even both of these ‘theories’: What at the two biggest theories the Kremlin wants us to believe, during the last 60 years?

The overall goal of the Kremlin, or any enemy of democracy, is to convince people within a democracy, that they don’t really live in a democracy.

Your conclusion is based on what specifically?

The US and Russia have a long history of meddling in each other's politics but I've seen no evidence that Russians care if we're a democracy or not.

In the 90s, the Clinton administration bragged about rigging Russia's elections.


In 2016, President Putin got his payback for that and the US intervention in Ukraine. Beyond his personal vendetta against the Clintons and Obama, I don't believe Putin or Russia care very much about our political or economic system. Why would they? It makes no difference to them. 

The USSR and 21st century Russia are completely different yet some Baby Boomers act as if nothing has changed since the 90s.

The Soviet Union indeed did try to spread their ideology to other countries. Modern day Russia doesn't act in the same way.

This is the most effective attack. It is not effective at all to argue that you people are not smart enough to choose your own leaders, so you would be better off trust us and have a dictatorship run things for you. This argument goes nowhere. But what does work is to say:
What? You guys think you live in a real democracy? How can you be so naïve? Don’t you realize that your vote doesn’t count? Or, in an extreme version, don’t you realize that there is a ‘Deep State’ that is really in control?

So the Russians are to blame for Americans believing that we don't have a real democracy?

I think the Koch brothers, George Soros, and others are more responsible for that.

Money and greed have corrupted our politics to the point where no one trusts that politicians won't ever sell out their constituents for a quick buck. 

The two biggest Kremlin lies, or Kremlin theories, directed at the American people, during the last 60 years, are:

1.   JFK was assassinated by a conspiracy, covered up by, and likely directly by, the U. S. government.
2.   The 2020 Election was a fraud.

Now, admittedly, the second lie, the Kremlin didn’t have to get started. Trump did that all on its own. But it is surely a lie they fully support.

Conspiracy theories about JFK's assassination began immediately after Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby.

The only suspect in the murder of a US President got killed while in police custody and you blame Russia for Americans suspecting there was a conspiracy?

Even if you've researched the case for years and concluded that there was no conspiracy, you should at least be forgiving to people who look at the the Kennedy assassination and think there was a conspiracy simply based on the Ruby killing Oswald event alone. It stinks to high heaven.

The publishing of the Zapruder film gave more life to conspiracy theories about Kennedy's assassination.

While it's true that the Soviets spread propaganda about JFK's murder, I'm 100% certain that they were not responsible for Americans suspecting a conspiracy. 

The 2020 election fraud thing was manufactured by Trump and his political allies like Roger Stone.

They even tried the "Stop The Steal" thing in 2018.


The 2020 Election fraud belief was not one that I saw coming.

As someone who is very engaged on social media, I did see it coming following what Roger Stone and his accomplices did in 2018. And they will do it again...

Offline Robert Reeves

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To call USA a democracy is an absolute effing joke. Any honest person that followed the political clown show that has taken place in the land of the free for the last 8 years knows this.

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