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Author Topic: The Soviet Union's Intense and Prolonged Propaganda Campaign after Killing JFK  (Read 3973 times)

Offline Anthony Frank

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    • The CIA’s Quest to Control the Government
Pursuant to the KGB’s two-pronged assassination plan, the Soviet Union used an array of Communist propaganda organs to put forth that “racists” were behind President Kennedy’s assassination while blatantly accusing Barry Goldwater and his supporters of being complicit in the assassination.

The prolonged and intense propaganda campaign was designed to make sure everyone saw racism not only as the reason for President Kennedy’s assassination, but also as the reason for President Johnson’s scheduled assassination three days before the 1964 election, an assassination that was supposed to result in the now segregationist Barry Goldwater being elected to the Presidency.

Goldwater’s newfound support for segregation was well established by 1964. Recall that the New York Times reported on a Goldwater rally at Madison Square Garden in May 1964, stating, “The Negro choir that had been hired to sing The Battle Hymn of the Republic had to overcome a rebellion in its ranks.” One singer stated, “I can’t help feeling strange here tonight because I know how Senator Goldwater stands on civil rights.”

Another singer, who “had to sing baritone” because of “desertions,” complained, “It’s like singing for the Ku Klux Klan.”

The Soviet’s propaganda onslaught, geared toward exploiting Goldwater’s pro-segregation statements, was launched within minutes of President Kennedy’s assassination.

The KGB officers envisioned that after President Johnson’s assassination and Goldwater’s subsequent election to the Presidency, they would use the long tentacles of the CIA to push the idea that “President-elect Goldwater” was a racist “madman” who conspired with his supporters to kill two U.S. Presidents in less than a year. They envisioned that the entire nation would soon be launched into violent partisan and racial turmoil with people revolting against the pro-segregation “President Barry Goldwater” and the conspiracy to seize power.

David Murphy, Chief of the CIA’s Soviet Russia Division, was immediately suspicious of the propaganda.

On November 23, 1963, one day after President Kennedy’s assassination, Murphy sent a cable “via closed channel” to CIA Counterintelligence Chief James Angleton on the subject of “Possible KGB Role in Kennedy Slaying.”

Murphy’s cable states: “Within minutes of the first news, Moscow radio statements as heard in London attributed the assassination to ‘right-wing elements.’ Only as the true identity of the believed assassin became known did Moscow begin to complain that U.S. reactionaries were using Oswald as a pawn.

“Was Oswald, unwittingly or wittingly, part of a plot to murder President Kennedy in Dallas as an attempt to further exacerbate sectional strife and render the U.S. Government less capable of dealing with Soviet initiatives over the next year?”

Murphy also stated, “We can expect major Soviet pressures over the next several months, for which the Soviets have made careful, long-range preparations.”

Official documents clearly confirm Murphy’s suspicions.

“Twelve minutes” after it was announced that President Kennedy was dead, Moscow radio carried “the first TASS bulletin on his death,” stating that he “had fallen victim to rightwing extremists,”  and on the following day, as a veritable deluge of propaganda got under way, Moscow radio reported, “Kennedy was a victim of racist fanatics.”

In another Moscow radio broadcast on November 23, Soviet propagandist Valentin Zorin stated, “It is quite obvious” that the assassination is “a political crime, carefully prepared and planned.”

Zorin noted that the assassination “took place in the southern state of Texas, which is commonly known as the stronghold of American racists . . . . It is here that Senator Goldwater, an aspirant to the Presidency and the idol of the American rightists, enjoys support.”

Goldwater’s name came up again the next day when the official Soviet newspaper Izvestiya described the “political atmosphere” when President Kennedy was assassinated “as one in which ‘wild men,’ such as Senator Goldwater, come out violently against coexistence with the Soviet Union,” and a Communist radio broadcast stated that “the American racists” were responsible for “eliminating Kennedy.”

On November 25, Soviet propagandist Valentin Zorin stated that President Kennedy’s policies “aroused violent criticism and fierce resistance from an influential group of die-hard politicians known as the ‘madmen.’” Zorin noted Goldwater’s “unbridled attacks on the policy of the late President,” adding, “For many months, Goldwater maliciously attacked Kennedy and his policy, demanding its radical revision.”

And while Valentin Zorin was implicating Goldwater in the assassination, an article in the Soviet newspaper Pravda was titled, “How the ‘Wild Men’ Prepared the Crime in Dallas,” and the CIA stated that Pravda was adamant about “blaming the Kennedy assassination on ‘right extremists.’”

A United States Information Agency report revealed that “Soviet propagandists” specifically accused the “Goldwater group” of being “reactionaries” who “abetted” President Kennedy’s assassination. The report also stated that “the main thrust of Soviet and East European comment and analysis” was a claim that “President John F. Kennedy was a victim of right-wing terrorists who hope to establish an ‘ultra-conservative dictatorship’ in America.”

The CIA’s Daily Summary of November 25 stated that Che Guevara, who came to power with Fidel Castro in the 1959 Cuban Revolution, gave a speech in which he proclaimed, “Everything indicates that in the next months and years, world peace will be threatened by the most unscrupulous, ferocious, and warlike monopolistic oligarchy, with the most murderous potential that the history of humanity has ever known.”

The next day, four short days after the assassination, Soviet propaganda correlated President Kennedy’s assassination to the 1964 Presidential election. The official government newspaper Izvestiya boldly proclaimed that an “intensified struggle” would determine “the course of the election campaign which is now developing,” and it warned, “Madmen ready to play a hazardous game with the destinies of the American people, ‘wild men,’ Fascist racists – these are the ones who were up in arms against Kennedy. Is it not they who directed the killer’s bullet into the head of the President?”

A CIA report of November 26 states that Moscow warned of “rightwing ‘wild men’” who would “test President Johnson’s resolve to pursue present policy lines . . . . ‘Rightwing ultras’ are consistently blamed for the assassination . . . . Soviet media see Oswald’s murder as an effort to silence him -- proof that rightwing fanatics were behind the assassination,” and the Soviet Bloc countries of Eastern Europe maintained that President Kennedy was killed because of his “championing of Negro rights.”

On the same day, Moscow’s International Service reported, “Without a doubt, direct responsibility for the Dallas tragedy should be borne by the Ku Klux Klan and the ultra reactionary forces in the United States.”

Communist propaganda brought up “the unhealthy climate of right-wing extremism,” and the CIA stated that “Soviet propagandists portray a sick American society beset by the cancerous growth of right-wing political extremism.”

As noted earlier, David Murphy, the CIA’s Soviet Russia Chief, wrote that the Soviets had made “careful, long-range preparations” for the “pressures” they would exert after the assassination.

A CIA memorandum of December 13, 1963 corroborates Murphy’s view, stating that “for over a year,” the intention of Soviet propaganda was to portray the United States as being “in the grips of a deep social and moral crisis, with a massive rightist plot moving toward power.”

The Communist Party in the United States blamed the assassination on “pro-Fascists, ultra-right forces, Dixiecrats, and racists” who will “stop at nothing to undermine the democratic institutions of the country and to threaten international peace.”

The official Soviet news agency TASS forebodingly warned, “Kennedy’s death raises a number of other questions, not the least of which is who will be elected President in 1964. Until yesterday, most felt that Kennedy was ensured re-election. Will Johnson be the Democratic candidate in 1964? Are the chances of the Republicans enhanced? There is no answer yet to these questions, although the pre-election balance is apparently changing.”

President Johnson’s assassination would clearly change the “pre-election balance” and significantly enhance the “chances” of KGB asset Barry Goldwater. Soviet KGB officers had every intention of making sure Johnson would not be “the Democratic candidate” on election day.

Radio Moscow brought up Goldwater again on November 28, stating, “A bloody crime has been committed in the United States . . . . Who is responsible for this crime? The press throughout the world has been paying much attention to ultra rightwing groups in the United States . . . . The influential Senator Barry Goldwater is known as one of the leaders of the ultra rightwing in the United States.”

A CIA memorandum states that TASS filed a dispatch for Radio Moscow’s “international program” on December 4, 1963, stating, “Racists and extremists killed the President.” The CIA described the TASS dispatch as part of “a standard propaganda attack on ‘Southern racists’” and “the Republican Party.”

A United States Information Agency report on December 6, 1963, stated that Cuban leaders were “fearful” that President Johnson “would become the victim of ‘dark and sinister’ ultra-rightist forces.” The report also stated that “Goldwater” is one of the names that “crop up” when Soviet media “repeatedly recall extremist opposition” to President Kennedy’s “civil rights stand.”

“Communist propaganda organs in Eastern Europe” maintained that “the rightists, in their impotence to reverse President Kennedy’s liberal policies, have now resorted to ‘political terror’ to gain their ends.”

Cuban Premier Fidel Castro gave a two-hour speech on November 23, the day after the assassination, “devoted entirely to the assassination . . . . Castro pictures the United States as beset by a struggle between ‘moderates and ultra-reactionaries’ and forecasts a stronger hand for the latter. The ultra-reactionaries, as defined by Castro, are those demanding a stronger policy against Cuba and those who opposed the test ban treaty and civil rights legislation.”

It was Goldwater who demanded “a stronger policy against Cuba” and who “opposed the test ban treaty,” and Goldwater was clearly opposed to President Kennedy’s “civil rights legislation.” Fidel Castro, with knowledge of the KGB’s plan to assassinate President Johnson and catapult Goldwater into the Presidency, was forecasting a “stronger hand” for Goldwater.

Castro “devoted considerable time to an attempt to throw doubt on the guilt of the accused assassin and to insinuate that Oswald, whether guilty or innocent, was actually a tool of the extreme rightists,” and he “declared that the assassination can only benefit ‘those ultra-rightist and ultra-reactionary sectors, among which President Kennedy could not be counted.’ These ‘most reactionary forces are now breaking loose within the United States.’”

Castro gave another speech on November 27 stating he is “determined to ‘prove’ the late President died at the instigation, if not by the hand of, ultra-reactionaries in the United States.”

With hopes that Goldwater’s election to the Presidency would result in a Civil War in the United States, Radio Moscow’s first “commentary” on the assassination noted President Kennedy’s handling of “racial discrimination” and stated, “100 years ago rabid reactionaries killed another great American President, Abraham Lincoln.”

The “commentary” was broadcast “sixty times to audiences worldwide.”

On November 26, the CIA’s Daily Report stated, “Soviet Commentators uniformly place the responsibility for President Kennedy’s assassination on ‘ultra rightwing’ circles.”

The CIA also reported, “President Kennedy’s attempts, within the limits imposed by internal opposition, to meet the demands of the Negroes and to secure legislation giving them equal rights are also recalled by the East European radios.” Commentaries in Yugoslavia “hail the late President . . . . and his anti-racist domestic policies.”

“Havana has also broadcast to North America a speech by the extremist American Negro expatriate Robert Williams referring, in typically vituperative language, to the dangers ahead ‘with racist Lyndon B. Johnson in the White House.’”

Robert Williams’ exact words in his speech to North America were: “With racist Lyndon B. Johnson in the White House, it becomes more expedient than ever that Afro-Americans mount an all-out drive for freedom now.”

The Mexican Communist Party, as quoted on Cuban Radio, stated, “The responsibility for the murder of President Kennedy falls on the shoulders of those who attacked his policies from ultra-rightist positions.”

On November 30, 1963, Poland’s “Director General in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” Jerzy Michalowski, wrote an article in which he brought up the last U.S. President to die in office, President Franklin Roosevelt, whose 1945 death catapulted Vice President Harry Truman into the Presidency to fill the remaining three years and nine months of Roosevelt’s term, after which Truman was elected to a four-year term in 1948.

Michalowski pointed out that a Presidential election would take place “in eleven months,” and he stated that President Johnson will “play the role adopted by Truman” in filling the remainder of President Kennedy’s term.

Michalowski then stated, “But perhaps his successor will be somebody else,” meaning “somebody else” would be elected to a four-year term in 1964.

Michalowski asked if the “hot line between the White House and the Kremlin” would “remain the center of a peaceful dialogue,” and he brought up “the bill on civil rights” and “three years of activity concerning laws about Negroes.” Michalowski noted that Kennedy “fought boldly the racist elements in the Southern States.”

Michalowski continued, “The Democrats of the South supported backwardness, racism, and violence . . . . The bullet which pierced the President’s head was intended to maintain the States in medieval racial barbarism. Will it be successful?”

The “Democrats of the South” to whom Michalowski was referring were vehemently opposed to civil rights. They mounted a lengthy but unsuccessful filibuster to block the 1964 civil rights legislation, and the entirety of Michalowski’s December 5, 1963 article was a clear warning that a segregationist-oriented rightwing faction would seize power in the 1964 election.

In addition to Michalowski’s article, “Numerous articles are appearing in the press on the ‘unanswered questions’ regarding the assassination and on the activities and organization of extreme right wing elements in the United States.”

A United States Information Agency report on December 6, 1963 stated, “The alleged plots now are seen everywhere as racist and rightist,”  and on the same day, “The Soviet Union charged today that President Kennedy was ‘eliminated’ by rightwing extremists to change the balance of political forces in the United States.”

On December 9, “Moscow TASS International Services in English” stated that there is an “atmosphere of hatred, violence, and lawlessness reigning in the Southern States of America.”

The TASS broadcast pointedly stated, “The circumstances of the murder show that the late President fell victim to racists and rightwing extremists,” and “many Republicans” are “sympathetic toward the Southern racists . . . . These Republicans are striving to relieve the racists and rightwing extremists of responsibility for the death of President Kennedy.” (Five Southern Democratic States that supported segregation went to Republican Barry Goldwater in the 1964 election, the only five states that Goldwater won besides his home state of Arizona.)

A CIA report on December 11, 1963, stated that a “Soviet official” voiced “widely held views” that “the only ones who could profit by this act are the extreme reactionary forces,” and the official added, “We are prepared for a status quo in the international situation, at least until after the Presidential election in the US.”

With the objective of assassinating President Johnson three days before the election to get ultra conservative, pro-segregation Barry Goldwater elected to the Presidency, the Soviets and their allies could not help but bring up the 1964 Presidential election and correlate it to “racists and rightwing extremists” killing President Kennedy.

Soviet news organizations proclaimed that “racists” were “accomplices in Kennedy’s murder” and that they hoped to “do away with the Constitution and democracy and replace them with a ‘dictatorship of strongmen.’”

They also reported that President Kennedy’s “stand on civil rights” was of “particular concern to the reactionary groups,” and it “infuriated the diehards.”

A CIA report on February 13, 1964, almost three months after the assassination, stated that the Soviets “maintained firmly” that there was “a large scale right-extremist plot.”

The U.S. Embassy in Moscow sent a telegram to Secretary of State Dean Rusk on March 18, 1964, four months after the assassination, stating, “Soviet press has consistently used every means in an attempt to demonstrate that Kennedy assassination perpetrated by rightwing plot . . . . Embassy believes Soviets will continue to play up ‘plot’ theory.”

One week later, on March 25, 1964, CIA Deputy Director for Plans Richard Helms wrote: “The most widely circulated rumor about Oswald holds that he was in some way enmeshed in an assassination plot engineered by right-wing extremists in the United States . . . . It is now clear that the Soviet Union played a major role in fostering the rumor and in deliberately keeping it alive . . . . Communism’s propagandists have kept up a drum fire of allegations that the assassination was the work of the extreme right-wing in this country.”

The Soviet Union could not have been more blatant in their four-month campaign of accusing Barry Goldwater, racists, and the extreme right-wing of assassinating President Kennedy, and the United States Embassy in Moscow clearly stated that the Soviets “will continue to play up ‘plot’ theory.”

The CIA reported that Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev engaged in a “45-minute conversation” with a journalist on May 24, 1964, six months after the assassination, in which Khrushchev put forth that there was “some kind of conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy.” Khrushchev also put forth “some dark thoughts about the American Right Wing being behind this conspiracy.”

On September 23, 1964, one day before the Warren Commission released its report, Moscow’s New Times stated that the Warren Report “will adhere to the FBI-police version that Kennedy was murdered by a lone operator, Lee Oswald, for no rational reason . . . . Most Europeans and many politically oriented Americans believe otherwise. They suspect Kennedy was the victim of a rightist political plot.”

Thirty-eight days after Moscow’s New Times claimed that President Kennedy had fallen prey to “a rightist political plot,” the same KGB officers behind President Kennedy’s assassination were planning to make President Johnson “the victim” of another supposedly “rightist political plot.”
Exactly five weeks before the 1964 election, an article in the Soviet Bloc country of Czechoslovakia on September 29 stated that “the lawyer” that the Warren Commission appointed to represent Oswald is “a leader of the Goldwater movement” and had “attended only one hearing of the Commission . . . . Two members of the Commission are Southern racists who support Goldwater.”

Senator Richard Russell of Georgia and Congressman Hale Boggs of Louisiana, both of whom were on the Warren Commission, were Southern Democrats from segregationist states that went to Goldwater in 1964, and Russell was clearly anti-Kennedy and pro-Goldwater.

On August 11, 1963, Senator Russell stated that “if a Presidential election between President Kennedy and Senator Barry Goldwater were held now,” Barry Goldwater “would win in Georgia.”

“Russell said that while he is willing to ‘wait and see,’ as matters now stand it will be ‘very difficult’ for him to ‘actively support’ President Kennedy in next year’s election. He added that he has ‘no intention’ of ‘knocking myself out’ in taking the stump for the President.”

Democrat Richard Russell also led the “Southern Bloc” of Senators that filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act,  stating on March 30, 1964, “We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our states.”

On October 2, Bulgarian commentators proclaimed, “The madmen in the U.S. are making an open bid for power.”

On October 8, as the countdown continued twenty-three days before President Johnson’s scheduled assassination, the United States Embassy in Warsaw, Poland sent information to the U.S. State Department about an “anti-U.S. propaganda theme” that was “heard in many countries in Europe and elsewhere” in which the propaganda harped on the question, “Who killed President Kennedy?”

The Embassy also sent articles from several Communist news agencies, one of which stated, “It is known what circles in the U.S. hated Kennedy due to his realistic foreign policy as well as his internal policy, above all with regard to civil rights for the Negroes.”

What the article was really saying is: “Everyone knows that Senator Barry Goldwater, the Republican who has strong support among the segregationist Southern Democrats, hated President Kennedy’s foreign policy as well as his internal policy, ‘above all with regard to civil rights for the Negroes.’”

The KGB capped off their propaganda campaign with another reminder of the Civil War. An October 1964 article stated that when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, it was “on the orders of the then reactionaries from the Southern States who were against the liberation of the Negroes.”

If the KGB officers had succeeded in killing President Johnson to catapult Goldwater into the Presidency, the KGB’s “covert propaganda campaigns” would have shifted into overdrive with a renewed and intensified campaign that would forcefully tell the American public that “President Goldwater” is a die-hard racist “madman” who conspired with his supporters to assassinate two American Presidents in less than a year.

In Fidel Castro’s speech on November 23, 1963, he asked, “What is behind all this? What sinister maneuver are they hatching behind all this? Who can be responsible for the assassination of President Kennedy? And who benefits from the assassination?”

The CIA’s Office of Current Intelligence stated, “Castro warned that it is not possible at this point to answer these questions.”

But Castro would have “answers” when President Johnson was assassinated and Barry Goldwater was elected to the Presidency. The purported fear of Cuban leaders that Johnson “would become the victim of ‘dark and sinister’ ultra-rightist forces” would seemingly be realized, and Castro would seemingly have his “proof” that Presidents Kennedy and Johnson “died at the instigation, if not by the hand of, ultra-reactionaries in the United States.”

Soviet propagandists would proclaim that Goldwater and his supporters have again “resorted to ‘political terror’ to gain their ends,” and they would remind the American people that President Kennedy “was a victim of right-wing terrorists who hope to establish an ‘ultra-conservative dictatorship’ in America.”

A worldwide propaganda campaign to discredit the United States with the same message would have succeeded, and “the alleged plots” would once again be “seen everywhere as racist and rightist.”

But the KGB’s plan to use a Goldwater Presidency to discredit the United States and incite the masses came to a screeching halt when they failed to assassinate President Johnson.

The Suffolk County Police, as noted in Chapter 2, foiled President Johnson’s assassination when they discovered the KGB’s intended patsy, Robert Babcock, sitting along President Johnson’s motorcade route with a telescopic rifle on the seat beside him and a loaded shotgun in the trunk.

With plans to assassinate President Johnson and plans for a Goldwater Presidency having gone awry, Republican Barry Goldwater ended up winning the segregationist Southern Democratic states of Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Georgia with an average 65 percent of the vote. By contrast, Goldwater barely won his home state of Arizona with 50 percent of the vote to President Johnson’s 49 percent.

As noted earlier, David Murphy, Chief of the CIA’s Soviet Russia Division, stated in his cable on November 23, 1963 that President Kennedy’s assassination could be “an attempt to further exacerbate sectional strife.”

The “sectional strife” would have been cataclysmic in the wake of President Johnson’s assassination and Barry Goldwater’s election to the Presidency.

On the day President Kennedy was assassinated, the CIA intercepted a phone call to the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City, and in the call, it is evident that an “unidentified man” and a Cuban intelligence officer named Luisa Calderon knew about plans to assassinate President Kennedy. It is also evident that the “unidentified man” knew about the long-term objective of promoting racial conflict in the United States.

In discussing the assassination and the subsequent arrest of Oswald, the unidentified man told Luisa Calderon, “The reason, let’s say it may be that they are trying to find out something about that fellow because . . . .”

Whereupon he was interrupted by Calderon, who stated, “Wait a minute. Can you tell me?”

The unidentified man replied, “We thought it had been, or if by chance looked like to the public, that it was a segregationist or in opposition to integration that had assassinated Kennedy, then let’s say there might even be a Civil War in the United States. Let’s say that given time, and more contradictions, the critical situation that has happened in that country, than we were talking here . . . . They will find a resolution to that fellow, no?”

When Luisa Calderon interrupted the unidentified man and asked, “Can you tell me,” she was clearly aware that he knew something that she did not know. And his reply is evidence he knew, “Given time . . . there might even be a Civil War in the United States.”

The unidentified man may or may not have known about the plans to assassinate President Johnson right before the 1964 election, but he obviously knew about the hope that if it “looked like to the public” that someone “in opposition to integration” was behind President Kennedy’s assassination, it could lead to a “Civil War in the United States.”

Oswald being a left-winger was apparently one of the “contradictions” to which the unidentified man was referring, as it would make no sense that Oswald, a supposed Communist sympathizer, would assassinate a liberal President so that Vice President Lyndon Johnson, a Southern conservative from Texas, would become President. On November 22, 1963, the unidentified man was expecting that “given time,” there would be “more contradictions.”

Even more important, the CIA transcript of the conversation shows that both Luisa Calderon and the unidentified man had definitive foreknowledge of President Kennedy’s assassination. The transcript states that when the conversation began, the unidentified man “calls Luisa” and “asks if she knows the latest news.”

Calderon responds by saying, “Yes, of course. I knew about it before Kennedy.”

The unidentified man then “laughs and comments that that is very bad.”

In 1975, the CIA claimed that Luisa Calderon did not say that she “knew about it before Kennedy.” The CIA alleged that a correct translation of her words would be, “I heard about the shooting of Kennedy almost at the time the event took place.”

But if Luisa Calderon actually said that she “heard about the shooting of Kennedy almost at the time the event took place,” it would make no sense that the unidentified man would then “laugh and comment that that is very bad.”

What’s more, Calderon interrupted the “unidentified man” to ask if he could tell her the reason for President Kennedy’s assassination, not to mention that CIA translators most certainly knew how to translate Spanish into English in 1963.

The CIA’s 1975 claim that Luisa Calderon’s words were mistranslated is obviously a cover story, and as this book makes clear, “cover stories” are standard operating procedure in the CIA.

Most interesting, Cuban Premier Fidel Castro was interviewed at the Brazilian Embassy in Cuba on September 7, 1963, two and a half months before President Kennedy was assassinated, and Castro declared, “United States leaders should think that if they are aiding terrorist plans to eliminate Cuban leaders, they themselves will not be safe.”  (The CIA supported Cuban exiles in their plans to overthrow Castro in 1963.)

The reporter who conducted the interview was Daniel Harker, and his article was headlined, “Goldwater ‘Toughness’ Challenged By Castro.”

Harker wrote that in addition to threatening the safety of U.S. leaders, Castro said, “We have heard that Goldwater is tough . . . . Well, if he is elected let him try his tough policies on Cuba. We know how to defend ourselves and we will not be afraid to face him.”

Harker then wrote, “At this point, Mr. Castro ended his discussion of the Presidential election, saying he was not interested in getting involved in United States politics.”

Two and a half months before President Kennedy’s assassination, Cuban Premier Fidel Castro clearly warned that current U.S. leaders “will not be safe,” and in referring to Barry Goldwater, Castro used the words “if he is elected.”

The dichotomy in Castro’s words is astounding. He never said anything about Goldwater not being safe “if he is elected.” Castro warned only that current U.S. leaders “will not be safe,” even though Goldwater’s anti-Castro rhetoric went well beyond that of President Kennedy.

Castro likewise never said anything about knowing “how to defend ourselves” in the face of current “tough policies on Cuba” or about being “afraid to face” current U.S. leaders. He flat out said that current U.S. leaders “will not be safe” and that Cuba will not be “afraid to face” Goldwater.

As for Castro’s statement that he “was not interested in getting involved in United States politics,” the CIA documented that Soviet diplomats and “numerous Soviet Bloc diplomats” were definitely interested in getting involved in U.S. politics.

When Goldwater announced his candidacy in January 1964, Soviet Bloc diplomats characterized Goldwater as a “fascist,” and one of the diplomats stated there was a “secret army of the right in the United States with ramifications into the Pentagon that would seize power someday.”

In 1984, Senator Barry Goldwater testified before a closed-door session of the entire U.S. House of Representatives that he was in the CIA and that he was well acquainted with CIA officers who had been exposed as KGB officers. Three specific KGB officers with whom he was well acquainted were John McCone, Director of the CIA from 1961 to 1965; Tony Chavez, the head of domestic operations for a number of years until the KGB infiltration was exposed in 1984; and Vincent Puritano, head of the CIA’s domestic operations in the early 1960s.

At another point in 1984, Goldwater again testified under oath while the only people in the room were his trusted CIA colleagues and me. In an extremely defiant and bellicose tone, Goldwater stated that the CIA officers who were ultimately exposed as KGB officers let him know that plans were in the works to assassinate President Kennedy. He stated that after the assassination, they not only made him aware that they were behind it, but also informed him of their intention to assassinate President Johnson right before the election to bring about a Goldwater victory in 1964.

Goldwater stated that he was expecting President Johnson to be assassinated on SaPersonay, October 31, 1964 as part of the plan to get him elected to the Presidency on Tuesday, November 3.

Never expecting his statements to see the light of day and obviously thinking no one would ever believe he said these things, Goldwater boldly admitted that the KGB officers let him know they had plans to kill Congressman Henderson Lanham in 1957. Goldwater testified that he knew beforehand of definitive plans to kill each of the other twelve Members of Congress who died at the hands of the KGB, just like he knew beforehand of definitive plans to assassinate President Johnson.

He also testified that he knew beforehand of plans to assassinate Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Reagan.

In analyzing Goldwater’s words, it seemed like a pep talk for his corrupt CIA colleagues, who were bent on carrying on with the objective of controlling the government. As cited in Chapter 1, Goldwater said the CIA should be allowed to keep “domestic subversives” in the United States under surveillance.  Goldwater’s hypocrisy in that statement is unfathomable.

A railroad employee who worked in a tower near the Texas School Book Depository when President Kennedy was assassinated submitted a sworn affidavit to the Dallas Police Department stating that, at about 11:55 a.m. on November 22, 1963, he observed a car that “had a Goldwater for ‘64’ sticker in the rear window” coming down a street that dead ends in the railroad yard. The car “just drove around slowly and left the area,” after which another car came into the area at about 12:15 p.m. and the man in the car “appeared to have a mike or telephone.”

A few minutes after the second car left, another car with a “Goldwater for ‘64’ sticker” pulled into the area and stayed “longer than the others.” It left at about 12:25 p.m. and a few minutes later, the railroad employee “heard at least three shots very close together,” which was obviously the sound of President Kennedy being assassinated.

It’s all in my book. Click the link.

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Gerry Down

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Scrolling all the way to the end of your opening post made me dizzy. You should try to make your points shorter, otherwise alot of people won't have the time to read the point you are making.

JFK Assassination Forum