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Author Topic: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?  (Read 82211 times)

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #288 on: September 16, 2021, 08:30:52 PM »
"alternative" - - ROFL

Nice try.

As if you have anythig but hogwash.

I see your parents have given you some computer time.
Have you been a good boy?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #288 on: September 16, 2021, 08:30:52 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #289 on: September 16, 2021, 08:41:42 PM »
I ask sensible questions like that to flush out the crazies. Did you know that it's completely normal (and not the least bit suspicious) for a man to hop a bus to a movie theater instead of watching the minute by minute news coverage of the assassination? It's true!

Lee had an important meeting to attend at the Theater....   He wasn't simply going to the theater to watch some old war movies...

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #290 on: September 16, 2021, 08:42:35 PM »
John got rid of all the crazies when he asked them to provide an alternative scenario.
The rabid ones with no life experience?
I heard a rifle shot and a few seconds later a second and then a third shot. At the retort [sic] of the first shot, I started running around the corner and Officer Buddy Walthers and I ran across Houston Street and on up the terrace on Elm Street and into the railroad yards. We made a [unintelligible -- search?] through the railroad yards and I returned to Elm Street by the Turnpike sign at which time Officer Walthers told me that a bullet had struck the curb on the south side of Elm Street. I crossed to Elm with Deputy C. L. Lummie Lewis [sic] to search for a spot where a shell might have hit. About this time I heard a shrill whistle and I turned around and saw a white male running down the hill from the direction of the Texas School Book Depository building and I saw what I think was a light colored Rambler Station [sic] wagon with [a] luggage rack on top pull over to the curb and the subject who had come running down the hill got into the car. The man driving this station wagon was a dark complected white male. I tried to get across the street to stop the car and talk with subjects, but the traffic was so heavy, I could not make it. I reported this incident at once to a secret service [sic] officer whose name I do not know, then I left this area and went at once to the building and assisted in the search of the building.

Later that afternoon, I heard that the City had a suspect in custody and I called and reported the information about the suspect running down the hill and getting into a car to Captain Fritz and was requested to come at once to City Hall. I went to the City Hall and identified the suspect they had in custody as being the same person I saw running down this hill and get into the station wagon and leave the scene.  Affidavit on Nov 23 1963
Mr. BELIN - All right. Then, what did Captain Fritz say and what did you say and what did the suspect say?
Mr. CRAIG - Captain Fritz then asked him about the---uh---he said, "What about this station wagon?"
And the suspect interrupted him and said, "That station wagon belongs to Mrs. Paine"---I believe is what he said. "Don't try to tie her into this. She had nothing to do with it."
And--uh--Captain Fritz then told him, as close as I can remember, that, "All we're trying to do is find out what happened, and this man saw you leave from the scene."
And the suspect again interrupted Captain Fritz and said, "I told you people I did." And--uh--yeah--then, he said--then he continued and he said, "Everybody will know who I am now."
And he was leaning over the desk. At this time, he had risen partially out of the chair and leaning over the desk, looking directly at Captain Fritz.
The alternative? There was no bus ride...there was no cab ride. Oswald was taken to Oak Cliff in this car. You want got it it.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #290 on: September 16, 2021, 08:42:35 PM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #291 on: September 16, 2021, 09:06:16 PM »
I have my own.

Can you get anything right, Danny?

Getting owned by Walt RE the jacket must have hurt, wow!



Get a grip.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #292 on: September 16, 2021, 11:02:24 PM »


Get a grip.

Mr. WHALEY. Yes, sir. I didn’t pay much attention to it right then. But it
     all came back when I really found out who I had. He was dressed in just
     ordinary work clothes. It wasn’t khaki pants but they were khaki material,
     blue faded blue color, like a blue uniform made in khaki. Then he had on a
     brown shirt with a little silverlike stripe on it and he had on some kind
     of jacket, I didn’t notice very close but I think it was a work jacket that
     almost matched the pants.

 It wasn’t khaki (COLORED ) pants but they were khaki material,
     blue faded blue color, like a blue uniform made in khaki.

What is so damned difficult about understanding that Whaley said the man wearing a BLUE UNIFORM.

The trousers were blue and the jacket was blue Like a uniform made from khaki material

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #292 on: September 16, 2021, 11:02:24 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #293 on: September 16, 2021, 11:49:03 PM »

Mr. WHALEY. Yes, sir. I didn’t pay much attention to it right then. But it
     all came back when I really found out who I had. He was dressed in just
     ordinary work clothes. It wasn’t khaki pants but they were khaki material,
     blue faded blue color, like a blue uniform made in khaki. Then he had on a
     brown shirt with a little silverlike stripe on it and he had on some kind
     of jacket, I didn’t notice very close but I think it was a work jacket that
     almost matched the pants.

Maybe Whaley was a 5th grade flunkie ---
Khaki is a color, a light shade of brown with a yellowish tinge.   It has been used as a color name in English since 1848 when it was first introduced as a military uniform.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #294 on: September 17, 2021, 12:55:58 AM »
Maybe Whaley was a 5th grade flunkie ---

Khaki is a color, a light shade of brown with a yellowish tinge.   It has been used as a color name in English since 1848 when it was first introduced as a military uniform.

I wish I didn't have to disagree with you, Jerry....Because I agree with your statement up to about 95%....

Generally the word khaki refers to a yellowish tan color....However some folks refer to a cotton twill fabric  as Khaki.   Just as some folks refer to bolt action high powered rifles as mausers.   So Whaley was apparently one of those who referred to a cotton twill fabric as "khaki".  In the early days of the automobile some folks referred to all autos as "Fords" Whaley would probably have been one of those people.

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #295 on: September 17, 2021, 01:10:37 AM »
If Oswald was innocent he would have no accomplices, no car and no way of getting home other than public transport.

Not necessarily------- somebody helpful might have given him a lift

He left the TSBD on an impulse and didn't have time to organise anything.
Why would he lie about taking public transport? Why would he suggest he had help?

Because maybe somebody did give him a lift

If he got public transport, as he admitted he did,

 ::) Whether the interrogation reports are telling the truth on this score is precisely what is at issue in this discussion, Mr O'Meara. Do try to keep up........

why do the investigating authorities have to rush out immediately and invent a cab ride.
You're not making any sense.
As far as the irrelevant detail regarding how Oswald got to his rooming house is concerned, there is no difference between "the lone nut narrative" and an innocent Oswald getting home.
No need for fake cab rides etc.

That depends on e.g. timeline considerations for the Tippit murder

"Why would even a guilty Mr Oswald have wished to hide the fact that he had gotten a cab?"

A guilty Oswald wouldn't want authorities to know he went back to his rooming house (to collect his gun)
A cab ride can be traced, as can the driver, who can identify Oswald.
A guilty Oswald would try to give the impression he went straight to the Texas Theater as an attempted alibi for the shooting of Tippit.

Huh? The first official interrogation report (Bookhout-Hosty) has Mr Oswald-------the day before he supposedly changes his story and 'admits' to having taken a cab ride--------already telling Captain Fritz he went back to his rooming house. For heaven's sake, Mr O'Meara, think before you post!


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?
« Reply #295 on: September 17, 2021, 01:10:37 AM »