You are the one who said "the day before" now it is weeks before? And Oswald kept it under the bed? [Housekeeping would never find it there
] Then why all the brewhaha about Oswald needing to ride out that Thursday evening with Frazier [to supposedly get the rifle]?
Again, Richard Smith has chased his tail into a corner.
We know Oswald did keep a gun at the boardinghouse. His pistol. If he keeps his rifle in blanket, as he did in the Paine's garage, then it would go unnoticed. But you are taking this down the usual CTer rabbit hole. I'm not arguing that Oswald did keep his rifle at the boardinghouse or that he took it to the TSBD on some day prior to the 11.22. I'm simply pointing out that the authorities did not need a witness to confirm how Oswald got the rifle into the building. There were plausible ways he could have gotten the rifle there unnoticed. In fact, it is CTers that argue that someone somehow smuggled the MC rifle into the building unnoticed. The "brewhaha" about Oswald needing a ride on Thursday is because that is actually the way he obtained the rifle to bring into the TSBD the next day. Can you understand the distinction between rebutting the claim that the conspirators
needed a witness to lie to explain how the rifle got to the building and the evidence that lends itself to the conclusion that Oswald did bring the rifle to work that morning?