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Author Topic: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?  (Read 82030 times)

Offline John Mytton

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Two decades (thanks for the correction) of accumulated desperation -- LOL

Are you now suggesting that the two FBI agents did not have their information from "the man himself", Whaley?

Can't wait for the details!

I knew you couldn't refute even one of my pieces of evidence, any one of which alone conclusively proves that Oswald was in Whaley's cab! Thanks for your participation.


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Offline Walt Cakebread

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Oswald left the Rooming House with every bullet he could get his hands on, much like using his last four Carcano bullets in the Kennedy assassination and judging by the Walker note, Oswald was expecting that he was going to have a confrontation, a confrontation which he may not survive, clearly indicating he was prepared to use those bullets in a final showdown. What a Prick!


like using his last four Carcano bullets in the Kennedy assassination and judging by the Walker note, Oswald was expecting that he was going to have a confrontation, a confrontation which he may not survive, clearly indicating he was prepared to use those bullets in a final showdown. What a Prick!

Oswald left the Rooming House with every bullet he could get his hands on, much like using his last four Carcano bullets in the Kennedy assassination

Mr Mytoe you really should take some time and learn the basics....   Originally there were only THREE carcano cartridges.  Two spent shells and a live round.    All of the evidence and investigators notes and photos  for Friday 11-22-63 refer to  TWO spent shells and one live round.    Can you count to three Mr Mytoe?
« Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 04:55:33 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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I knew you couldn't refute even one of my pieces of evidence, any one of which alone conclusively proves that Oswald was in Whaley's cab! Thanks for your participation.


Very Well, Mr Mytoe....  It is a recorded FACT that Whaley said that the man whom he transported to Oakcliff was wearing a BLUE JACKET and BLUE trousers that matched the BLUE Jacket.

Lee went to his room at 1:00pm at the rooming house and changed his clothes Those items of clothing were found in the dresser where Lee told the interrogators he had placed them.   Detective Potts recorded the items that they found in Lee's room ..... Potts recorded that the shirt was a REDDISH BROWN, long sleeve shirt, with a BUTTON DOWN COLLAR.   There was NO  BLUE clothing found in Lee's room...And there was NO JACKET ....

Clearly , Whaley's passenger was NOT Lee Oswald.   
« Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 05:08:57 PM by Walt Cakebread »

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Online Richard Smith

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Don't forget the extra bullets.

Anyway, lots of people walk around the streets with a loaded revolver and extra bullets. How many of them worked at the building where shots were fired at the president? And who were the only people in the building at the time of the shooting who left afterwards? And who were seen carrying a large package to work that day? And cetera, et cetera.

Let's not talk about those things. Besides all of that is the "official story." Is it true? Doesn't matter. It's the "official story" and must be dismissed.

And who just happened to pass in the vicinity of the first shooting of a DPD officer in a several year span.  And looked exactly like the shooter.  And acted so suspiciously that he draws the attention of bystanders on his way to the movies to such an extent that they call the police when he enters without buying a ticket.  And who, instead of asking the police what is going on when approached, instead draws his pistol and engages in a struggle with police....

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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And who just happened to pass in the vicinity of the first shooting of a DPD officer in a several year span.  And looked exactly like the shooter.  And acted so suspiciously that he draws the attention of bystanders on his way to the movies to such an extent that they call the police when he enters without buying a ticket.  And who, instead of asking the police what is going on when approached, instead draws his pistol and engages in a struggle with police....
It's a long list. One can dismiss some of this but all of it?

But if one is wedded to the "That's the official story" belief - and everything in the "official" story is corrupt -  then I guess you're pretty much locked into dismissing it all. Thus the absurd lengths that have to be done to do just that. Even though much of this was found before or independent from the WC investigation.

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Offline Walt Cakebread

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I knew you couldn't refute even one of my pieces of evidence, any one of which alone conclusively proves that Oswald was in Whaley's cab! Thanks for your participation.


Which piece of evidence--- "conclusively proves that Oswald was in Whaley's cab"?

Offline John Mytton

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Which piece of evidence--- "conclusively proves that Oswald was in Whaley's cab"?

Firstly in Whaley's affidavit on the day after the assassination Whaley describes an encounter where a lady who wanted a cab was told there was a cab behind, this exact same encounter was described by Oswald to Fritz.

Secondly when Oswald was in the line-up he wasn't wearing his "shiny bracelet" yet Whaley describes seeing Oswald wearing a "shiny bracelet".

Thirdly Whaley's job as a cab driver took him all over Dallas and allowing for Whaley's admitted margin of error he takes a passenger at the right time to the right location, what are the odds that another random customer would fit that precise same criteria?

Fourthly Whaley positively identified Oswald as riding in his cab. Case Closed.

Now that I answered your questions, how about instead of running you finally address the reason why we're here and answer the thread's title and explain how Oswald got from Dealey Plaza to his Rooming House in less than half an hour and then tell us how some sort of alternate conveyance explains Oswald's innocence?


Offline John Mytton

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Very Well, Mr Mytoe....  It is a recorded FACT that Whaley said that the man whom he transported to Oakcliff was wearing a BLUE JACKET and BLUE trousers that matched the BLUE Jacket.

You must have missed my earlier post, let me repost it here.

The line of argument that we can just dismiss an eyewitness because of a clothing discrepancy is absurd, from the time we are babies we first learn to recognise faces, like our mothers and fathers and as we continue to age when we first see someone we look at their face to gauge, attractiveness, emotion, etc, as they say, you make a good first impression by smiling and what a person is wearing comes a distant second, our fashion choices don't define who we are.

For example I went shopping at the local corner shop yesterday and I definitely know who served me and if I had to, I could say without reservation that that person was the one who packaged my bread and milk but if I had to recall their clothes then I simply couldn't because I had no reason to remember, much like Whaley who only remembered Oswald's bracelet because he made similar jewellery and seeing Oswald's shiny bracelet was of interest, but otherwise Oswald was just another customer.

In the following image is shown the man wearing BLACK who in and around Port Arthur killed 35 people and many eyewitnesses were face to face with this mass murderer and positively identified him and later this same man admitted to the crime.

These eyewitnesses all positively identified the same man and understandably have differing memories on the clothing colour but if we use the same criteria of throwing out eyewitnesses because of a silly colour discrepancy then we'd still have a mass murderer on the loose. And this highlights the problem with rabid JFKA CT's, outside this single case, they have no real life experience!

Name of Witness: DUTTON Christian Names: James David       brown jacket
Name of Witness: KINGSTON Christian Names: Ian Gregory     green jacket
Name of Witness: BEEKMAN Christian Names: Michael Dean     ski type jacket, blue, orange and a few other colours on it
Name of Witness: WILLIAMS Christian Names: Colin Sydney    3/4 length jacket, dark in appearance
Name of Witness: WILLIAMS Christian Names: Iris Emelia     He had on a jacket of some description.
Name of Witness: SARGENT Christian Names: Michael Robert   blue jacket
Name of Witness: RIVIERE Christian Names: John Michael     “High length’ black jacket
Name of Witness: OLSON Christian Names: MARY LEE           I think was green
Name of Witness: LEVER Cristian Names: Coralee Helen       dark jacket
Name of Witness: NASH Christian Names: Carolyn Louise      khaki green jacket or parker type jacket
Name of Witness: BALASKO Christian Names: James            black jacket
Name of Witness: McKENNA Christian Names: Rebecca Kate     ski type jacket which was zipped all the way up. it was either navy, blue or grey.


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