Interesting, Mr Freeman, thank you 
I seriously have to wonder did Mr Frazier give Mr Oswald a ride after the shooting? It would help explain
-the horrors he was put through at City Hall that night
-the unconvincing/inconsistent account he has given over the years of his own post-assassination movements.
-his very late telling of a story of having seen Mr Oswald disappear from sight several minutes after the shooting
Is anyone on the record as having seen or spoken to Mr Frazier on the first floor of the Depository after the shooting? Surely, if Mr Oswald had been noticed absent, Mr Frazier (his closest buddy there and the man who gave him a ride to and from work) would have been the obvious person to check in with.................
Just a thought------------and, by the way, one that assumes no necessarily nefarious intentions or activities on Mr Frazier's part
In an interview earlier this year---------------
---------------Mr Frazier says that after leaving the Depository he drove to the hospital where his stepfather was a patient. Within minutes of arriving in his stepfather's room, he was arrested. Time:
approx 2pmMr Frazier was not in fact picked up at the hospital until around
It's kinda hard to believe that Mr Frazier spent 4+ hours by his stepfather's side and subsequently remembered these 4+ hours as a matter of minutes!
Something VERY off here...........