Thank you Richard, and when they had their paper fresh off the roll, they folded and crumpled it and somehow put Oswald's prints on it and instead of holding the bag with the evidence inside they held the evidence with the bag outside? And Ford thinks that is the sensible conclusion, hilarious!
Why is everything with you guys' mutual admiration society hilarious or LOL?
It would matter if perhaps Oswald did some pushups on the paper bag and left a complete set of fingerprints on it but I'll quote---
...the FBI Laboratory developed a latent palmprint and latent fingerprint on the bag. (See app. X, p. 565.) Sebastian F. Latona, supervisor of the FBI's Latent Fingerprint Section, identified these prints as the left index fingerprint and right palmprint of Lee Harvey Oswald.181 The portion of the palm which was identified was the heel of the right palm, i.e., the area near the wrist, on the little finger side.182 These prints were examined independently by Ronald G. Wittmus of the FBI,183 and by Arthur Mandella, a fingerprint expert with the New York City Police Department. 184 Both concluded that the prints were the right palm and left index finger of Lee Oswald. No other identifiable prints were found on the bag.185
Oswald's palmprint on the bottom of the paper bag indicated, of course, that he had handled the bag. Furthermore, it was consistent with the bag having contained a heavy or bulky object when he handled it since a light object is usually held by the fingers.186 The palmprint was found on the closed end of the bag. It was from Oswald's right hand, in which he carried the long package as he walked from Frazier's car to the building.
If the bag was handled by the fingers...where are the rest of the prints? If the bag was created by Oswald in the first place...where is the abundance of those prints? Why only a left pinkie? Now that is what is hilarious
If the bag was carried like a suitcase..then why did as Frazier described if someone were carrying some magazines or a couple of phonograph records or heavens...a couple of curtain rods tucked under the arm?
Mr Latona testified that he examined the fingerprints the very next day after the assassination. Wasn't that expeditious? His rather verbose testimony took longer... Mr Wittmus unsworn statement [months later BTW] was fortunately much briefer---
I, Ronald G. Wittmus, have reviewed the testimony of Sebastian Francis Latona before The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy and I agree with the conclusions stated therein.
Yeah...whatever he said

It appears from his testimony that Mr Mandella [any relation to Nelson?] identified these prints from photographs...
Mr. EISENBERG. That is Exhibit 659, and that exhibit contains two photographs which I now hand you, which are marked 659-A and 659-B?
Mr. EISENBERG. And did you identify the prints in those photographs?
Mr. MANDELLA. Yes; on photograph No. 1-
And this topic of buses and cabs has drifted far enough huh?