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Author Topic: Why are the CT's so obsessed with disproving the innocent Bus and Cab rides?  (Read 82156 times)

Offline Bill Chapman

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Oswald was in a hurry to get his .38 in case he had to shoot cops..

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Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Oswald was in a hurry to get his .38 in case he had to shoot cops..
Don't forget the extra bullets.

Anyway, lots of people walk around the streets with a loaded revolver and extra bullets. How many of them worked at the building where shots were fired at the president? And who were the only people in the building at the time of the shooting who left afterwards? And who were seen carrying a large package to work that day? And cetera, et cetera.

Let's not talk about those things. Besides all of that is the "official story." Is it true? Doesn't matter. It's the "official story" and must be dismissed.

Online Sean Kneringer

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Normal people don't get into a cab before they leave a bus stuck in traffic.

Working stiffs like Oswald (with a family to feed) stay on the bus and wait for the traffic to lighten.

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Offline Walt Cakebread

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Working stiffs like Oswald (with a family to feed) stay on the bus and wait for the traffic to lighten.

How silly.....  You have no idea what Lee Oswald was doing.   You believe that he was fleeing the scene of the crime because he had committed that crime, but in fact you don't know why he was in a hurry.     The FACT that there were FBI agents in the theater when Lee arrived should cause you to question his motive for hurrying to the theater.

Online Sean Kneringer

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The FACT that there were FBI agents in the theater when Lee arrived should cause you to question his motive for hurrying to the theater.

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Offline John Mytton

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Not according to the Warren Commission.

They put him on a cab that had already left.

Now what?

Whaley didn't use a watch and in fact, he just guessed!

Mr. WHALEY. I thought maybe you might need it. You look down there it says Greyhound, 500 North Beckley, I think it is marked 12:30 to 12:45. Now that could have been 10 minutes off in each direction because I didn't use a watch, I just guess, in other words, all my trips are marked about 15 minutes each.

And even then he didn't write up every ride immediately.

Mr. BALL. Tell me when you make the entries, you make the entries when?
Mr. WHALEY. Sometimes I make them right after I make the trips, sir, and sometimes I make three or four trips before I make the entries.

Welcome to the REAL World!

« Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 03:57:46 AM by John Mytton »

Offline John Mytton

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Don't forget the extra bullets.

Anyway, lots of people walk around the streets with a loaded revolver and extra bullets. How many of them worked at the building where shots were fired at the president? And who were the only people in the building at the time of the shooting who left afterwards? And who were seen carrying a large package to work that day? And cetera, et cetera.

Let's not talk about those things. Besides all of that is the "official story." Is it true? Doesn't matter. It's the "official story" and must be dismissed.

Don't forget the extra bullets.


Oswald left the Rooming House with every bullet he could get his hands on, much like using his last four Carcano bullets in the Kennedy assassination and judging by the Walker note, Oswald was expecting that he was going to have a confrontation, a confrontation which he may not survive, clearly indicating he was prepared to use those bullets in a final showdown. What a Prick!


Offline John Mytton

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You really should have paid attention when I destroyed Chapman.


I'm well aware of the FBI report but when you have the words from the man himself, well, that trumps everything else and you really should have paid attention when I have already destroyed you.

Let me go over the evidence once again, which you have forgotten or in your zeal to prove something/anything have conveniently ignored?

Number 1: Oswald admitted catching a cab and Oswald described to Fritz, a lady who also wanted a cab and she was told that there was another cab  behind.

Mr. BALL. I don't want you to say he admitted the transfer. I want you to tell me what he said about the transfer.
Mr. FRITZ. He told he that was the transfer the busdriver had given him when he caught the bus to go home. But he had told me if you will remember in our previous conversation that he rode the bus or on North Beckley and had walked home but in the meantime, sometime had told me about him riding a cab.
So, when I asked him about a cab ride if he had ridden in a cab he said yes, he had, he told me wrong about the bus, he had rode a cab. He said the reason he changed, that he rode the bus for a short distance, and the crowd was so heavy and traffic was so bad that he got out and caught a cab, and I asked him some other questions about the cab and I asked him what happened there when he caught the cab and he said there was a lady trying to catch a cab and he told the busdriver, the busdriver told him to tell the lady to catch the cab behind him and he said he rode that cab over near his home, he rode home in a cab.
I asked him how much the cabfare was, he said 85 cents.

In Whaley's affidavit he describes a lady who wanted a cab and just as Oswald told Fritz, she was told there was a cab behind, see how independent corroboration destroys you!

Whaley was into bracelets because he made them himself, so obviously he noticed Oswald wearing a Bracelet and what made this Bracelet especially stand out is that it was shiny!

Representative FORD. This is something you clearly noticed while he was riding in the car with you?
Mr. WHALEY. Yes, sir; I noticed it; yes, sir. I always notice watchbands, unusual watchbands, and identification bracelets like these, because I make them myself. I made this one.
Representative FORD. In other words, you have a particular interest in them?
Mr. WHALEY. Yes, I particularly notice things like that.

Mr. BALL. I have here a bracelet which is marked 383. Take a look at it and tell me if you have ever seen it before.
Mr. WHALEY. Yes, sir; as near as I can tell that is the bracelet he was wearing the day I carried him, the shiny bracelet I was talking about.
Mr. BALL. You mentioned the fact that the man who sat in the front seat of your cab, which you drove from the Greyhound Station on Lamar Street over to 500 North Beckley, had an identification bracelet on him.
Mr. WHALEY. Yes, it looked like an identification bracelet. It looks like this one, sir, it was shiny, I couldn't tell exactly whether that was the bracelet or not.
Mr. BALL. But it looks like one of them?
Mr. WHALEY. Yes, sir; it looks like it.

And what do you know, Oswald was wearing a shiny Bracelet.  Thumb1:

In the following photo Oswald wasn't wearing his Bracelet, Marine ring or his brown shirt.

When Oswald was led into the line-up he wasn't wearing his brown shirt or the Marine Ring and throughout the clip I couldn't see the bracelet, so how could Whaley even know that Oswald possessed and was wearing a bracelet? Again this evidence destroys you.

In a line-up you identify a suspect to the Police and Detective Leavelle confirms that Whaley identified Oswald. Guess what, this conclusive evidence also destroys you!

Mr. BALL. Did Whaley say anything to you personally?
Mr. LEAVELLE. To me personally?
Mr. BALL. Yes.
Mr. LEAVELLE. Well, of course, I asked him if he---if the man that he remembered or saw there, whatever he was identifying him for there was up there and he said "Yes, the man in the T-shirt." Whether he was doing all the talking or not wouldn't make any difference, he still knew him.

Whaley as a cab driver could literally go anywhere in Dallas but at the right time and don't forget Whaley testified to not using a watch, fits Whaley's margin of error and at this time he took a passenger from the right location and delivered his customer to the right location, just beyond Oswald's rooming house. The chances that another random passenger went from the right location to the same area where Oswald lived at the right time is astronomical.

Btw have you worked out yet how Oswald got to the Rooming House by about 1pm and can you provide a plausible alternative and can you explain why you are so obsessed with disproving a journey which gets you no closer to disproving Oswald's guilt? Maybe Oswald was transported Star Trek style, Beam me up Scotty?! Hehehe!

« Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 12:05:26 PM by John Mytton »

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