It took 100 pages for Mr.Mytton to suggest an alternative form of transportation might be possible so maybe he’s starting to reconsider that Oswald could have some fellow conspirator “helpers”?
Welcome Mr Mytton to the CT side of the fence! 
Welcome Mr Mytton to the CT side of the fence! 
Sure, if I had some evidence that;
Oswald didn't own the rifle
That the US Army saying Oswald's weapon was accurate was a lie.
That the Kleins coupon was faked
That the Kleins rifle's paper trail was faked
That the Crescent Paper work was faked
That the rifle was planted
That the fibers were planted on the rifle
That Oswald's blanket fibre was planted in the long bag
That the rifle shells were planted
That the rifle shell fragments were planted in the Limo
That Oswald had a reliable alibi
That Oswald's prints weren't on the rifle.
That Fritz's testimony was made up
That the previously folded bus transfer was planted
That Holmes testimony was made up
That Oswald being seen by Brennan and his description immediately after was a mistake
That Oswald didn't tell different stories re the long package contents.
That Oswald's flight from the scene is reasonably explained
That the backyard photo is a genuine fake
That Oswald's Walker photos were planted
That the Walker bullet was swapped
That the Walker note was forged.
That Oswald defected to the enemy because he was and agent
That Oswald's "Historic" diary was forged
That CE399 was planted
That shells from Oswald's revolver were planted
That the auto bullets at the Tippit crime scene were swapped
That half a dozen eyewitnesses who positively identified Oswald in a line-up at or just past the Tippit crime scene were lying.
That Oswald's jacket was planted just beyond the Tippit crime scene.
That the Zapruder/Nix films were faked
That the ingle Bullet Theory was not possible
That the autopsy photos were faked
That the autopsy doctors lied
That the Minolta spy camera belonged to Oswald
That the Mexico trip never happened
That the revolver was planted on Oswald
That Oswald never tried to kill more Police at the Theatre
That the camera that took Oswald's family photo wasn't used by Oswald
That any inconvenient testimony was faked
That a shooter in front of Kennedy made sense
That Johnny Brewer was a part of it
That Julia Postal was a part of it
Etc Etc
Then yes I may be persuaded to believe there was a conspiracy. ;-)