Depends on what exactly you mean by "Oswald's cab ride" and "fake".
The "official" narrative has Oswald leaving the TSBD after the assassination, getting on a bus, abandoning the bus in heavy traffic then getting in a cab which took him to North Beckley. This last part, the cab ride that took Oswald to North Beckley, is what I am clearly referring to as "Oswald's cab ride".
Only a moron could not see that.
You don't believe that Oswald took this cab ride, you believe Oswald's cab ride was invented/made-up. Another word that could be used here is "fake".
You believe that Oswald's cab ride is fake because Oswald was not in the cab for the ride to North Beckley.
You believe that someone invented Oswald's fake cab ride but you can't say who or why.
Unclear what "fake" entails, see above.
I posted:
Going back to one of your quotes:
"Once the bus transfer was in evidence there was no way out of Plan A, so they had to throw in Plan B (Whaley) after the bus ride."
So you believe the hoaxers wanted to fake Oswald's cab ride because their first plan, to have Oswald travelling by bus fell through.
You don't understand what "fake" means in this context. Maybe you don't understand that "fake" can be used as a verb - to fake something, as in - she faked her orgasms (I thought I'd choose something you might find familiar)
To fake something means to make something up, to create or invent an untrue reality.
In the quote above you are saying that the hoaxers (who you refer to as "they"), had to come up with a 'Plan B' - Oswald's cab ride. "They" had to create or invent a cab ride involving Oswald that didn't really happen, which means it was fake.

In order to do this they had to find a cab driver who would play along with the hoax.
Irrelevant once it was in evidence.
I asked:
"Was the bus transfer part of the Hoax or was it really found on Oswald?"Of course it's relevant!
If the transfer was part of the Hoax you believe in, it would be ridiculous to introduce it if it undermined the story the Hoaxers were trying to create.
If wasn't part of the Hoax then it is evidence that Oswald was really on the bus.
How is that not relevant??
I'm assuming you believe Oswald's bus ride (do I really need to explain this) was also faked (do I really need to explain this)
If that's the case how do you account for McWatters testimony that it was he who issued the transfer in evidence.
Unless "they" went out and found the real person who the transfer was issued to and took it off him.
Or did "they" get McWatters to lie?
Do you see how your little Hoax is beginning to unravel
It didn't at the time they introduced it.
So, the fake transfer (by which I mean the transfer ticket that was said to be Oswald's) didn't mess up the story the Hoaxers were trying to create, even though it meant they had to abandon the Plan A - escape by bus. You are saying that when the transfer was admitted into evidence Plan A was still on track.
Really? You've not this through have you, because you've never really thought about it before. The boy who cried "Hoax".
So, the Hoaxers have faked (created/invented/forged) a transfer ticket and planted it on Oswald OR, by some highly improbable method, located the real transfer ticket and planted it on Oswald, in order to show what? - that he abandoned the bus.
Have a little think about why they might do this because I'm at a loss to come up with any kind of rational explanation.
Why are they creating evidence that blows apart their Plan A?
Help me out here.
Officially he found them, indirectly, but there are conflicting reports.
Cite the conflicting reports that in some way support your Hoax theory.
How did "they" find the cab driver with the fare that would support their Plan B, Oswald's fake cab ride?
And when did "they" achieve this magnificent feat? Were "they" out all night scouring the city for such a driver?
Unknown, based on the available evidence
So the bottom line is - you don't have a clue how Oswald got to the Texas Theater.
Do you have any sort of a clue about any of Oswald's movements after the assassination?
Any clue at all.