The way I see it Earlene Roberts' statement that Oswald arrived at his rooming house at 1pm and left soon after would surely have been enough to prove that Lee's claim of getting a direct bus to the Theatre from Elm and Lamar was complete bullspombleprofglidnoctobuns.
Why go to all the bother of creating a fake taxi ride? And if you are going to go to all the bother, why not at least write down the correct times of the alleged fake taxi fare in the taxi driver's journal?
Or even better, bearing in mind there were no recordings and barely any witnesses to Oswald's statement, why not just completely ignore it and not report it all and then there wouldn't be any need to eliminate Oswald's statement in the first place.
I know these questions have been asked several times before on this thread, but as usual, nobody has answered them and have preferred to go off on a tangent about something else like the ins and outs of 'innocent until proven guilty' because they think it scores them petty points in an argument without addressing the actual question.
Why go to all the bother of creating a fake taxi ride? And if you are going to go to all the bother, why not at least write down the correct times of the alleged fake taxi fare in the taxi driver's journal?
Or even better, bearing in mind there were no recordings and barely any witnesses to Oswald's statement, why not just completely ignore it and not report it all and then there wouldn't be any need to eliminate Oswald's statement in the first place.These are good legitimate questions and ..... they are not easy to answer because of the sketchy and misleading records available.
Fritz and the conspirators were bent on hiding the fact that Lee took a bus to the theater. Therefore they wanted something that proved that Lee Had "lied" about how he had traveled from the TSBD to the theater. Originally in an over simplification he had said that he had traveled from the TSBD to the theater by bus. ( This wasn't an intentional malicious lie it was simply a simplification that Lee didn't realize contained a crucial piece of evidence that Fritz and the conspirators need desperately.
They need to eliminate the bus ride from the Rooming house to the theater, because it was evidence that Lee had not shot JD Tippit.
From Thomas Kelley's report on page 626 of WR--- Quote---
"In response to questions put by Captain Fritz , Oswald said that immediately after having left the building where he worked, HE WENT BY BUS TO THE THEATER where he was arrested" unquote
That's what Thomas Kelley reported, that Lee Oswald told Captain Fritz.....
On page 604 of WR Captain Fritz recorded that he asked Lee during a session on 11-23-63 at 10:25 am, that ---
Quote "
During this interview I talked to Oswald about his leaving the building, and he told me he left by bus and rode to a stop near home and walked to his house. At the time of Oswald's arrest he had a bus transfer in his pocket. He admitted this was given to him by the bus driver when he rode the bus after leaving the building" unquote
Notice the difference between Kelley's record which was written on 11-23-63 and Fritz's report that was written several weeks later.
"In response to questions put by Captain Fritz , Oswald said that immediately after having left the building where he worked, HE WENT BY BUS TO THE THEATER where he was arrested" unquote
Further down in the same paragraph Kelley recorded that; quote---
"Fritz asked him if he had ridden in a taxi that day and Oswald then changed his story and said that when he got on the bus he found that it was going too slow and after two blocks he got off the bus and took a cab to his home; that he passed the time with the cab driver and that the cab driver had told him that the president was shot. He paid a cab fare of 85 cents " unquote
In Fritz's report, Fritz said that quote---
"one of his officers had told him that a cab driver, William Wayne Whaley , THOUGHT that he had recognized Oswald's picture as the man who had gotten in his cab near the bus station and rode to Beckley Avenue. I asked Oswald if he had ridden in a cab on that day and he said "yes, I did ride in the cab." unquote
Contrast Fritz's report with Kelley's report.... quote---
"Fritz asked him if he had ridden in a taxi that day and Oswald then changed his story and said that when he got on the bus he found that it was going too slow and after two blocks he got off the bus and took a cab to his home; that he passed the time with the cab driver and that the cab driver had told him that the president was shot. He paid a cab fare of 85 cents. In response to questions, he stated that this was the first time he had ever ridden in a cab since a bus was always available . He said that he went home, changed his TROUSERS AND SHIRT and put his shirt in a drawer. This was a red shirt, and he put it with his dirty clothes. He described the shirt as having a BUTTON DOWN COLLAR, and of a reddish color. The trousers were grey colored." unquote